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User ID: 2193



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User ID: 2193

Those people wouldn't say they would vote for Haley to a polster either, so that's already included in the equation.

Trump needs everyone's money just to pay his legal bills.

Haley seems bought and paid for, but I don't think DeSantis necessarily is.

Left lost a lot of credibility in the Trump saga, but so did the Right: birtherism, Q, "Trust the plan", J6, forming a personality cult around him, Laura Loomer being one of his top spokespeople etc.

No, I just think that this talk about DeSantis' donors is a cope from Trump supporters and they never applied that standard to Trump.

Desantis and Haley have donors which the Trump base find intolerable

Last time around top Trump's donor was Adelson, who really wanted a war with Iran. Trump and Kushner do a ton of buisness with Saudis. You don't apply the same standards to Trump, otherwise you wouldn't support him.

This is also why Desantis and Nikki Haley were immediately rejected by the base - they're just more representatives of Conservative Inc who want to return things to business as usual, and business as usual has gotten utterly intolerable for a lot of the people supporting Trump.

DeSantis attacked Trump from the right, Trump attacked DeSantis from the left. Trump endorsed the supposed Con. Inc. - Ronna McDaniel, speaker McCarthy, etc.

He doesn't have the greatest odds of beating Biden (that would be Nikki Haley according to the polls), and he's worse than DeSantis on just about anything where they differ.

Whites managed to get screwed both coming and going, when some other group is underrepresented it's "systemic racism", when overrepresented it's all meritocratic, "get good, scrub".

If that's the case, why is Israel's GDP per capita way lower than USA's?

Plenty of republicans support funding Ukraine war. 13% said of republican leaning it's not funded enough, 20% that funding level is about right.


Congressman Crenshaw and Linsey Graham, iirc, were selling it specifically as paying for killing Russian soldiers.

It's not fighting an existential war, it's fighting a proxy war on behalf of western powers.

I don't think it's even really known what went wrong with those damn rats, so generalising those results to mankind could be a dubious proposition.

Don't worry, thinking that there's anything wrong with black culture is "racist" too. That's why all those expectations like timelyness (or maybe even not to get randomly socked in the mouth) are "rooted in white supremacy".

Dems certainly hate white people, but it's more like they went so far anti-racist it looped back around. Boomercons can't deal with nuance or color outside of the lines, so they just repeat these gotcha nonsense takes.

Yes. And I'm not seeing you deny that you don't.

Claims to the contrary are lies sold to you by your jewish marxist poli-sci professor.

I never had a "jewish marxist poli-sci professor", nor do I need one to think through the obvious implications.

You don't have a coherent worldview

2020s dems are a logical conclusion of taking egalitarian lies seriously. If differences are only skin deep, then disparities must be due to "systemic racism holding blacks down". You don't have a coherent worldview, you're clinging to outdated virtuesignaling.

You are still doing "dems are the real racists" bit, huh.

Declining population is bad for a society.

Are you a misanthrope? An antinatalist?

As in the sense of using demographic data, it doesn’t appear so

Blacks are a lot more likely to shoplift and commit crimes in general.

What countries wouldn't you consider as welfare states? For me, maybe China, I'm not 100% sure. US and European countries redistribute a fuckton of money for sure.

Some people have kleptomania. Winona Ryder was caught shoplifting, I don't think she would do armed robbery or carjacking.

And most developed countries now are below replacement fertility, great success!