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joined 2024 July 12 13:13:09 UTC


User ID: 3137



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 July 12 13:13:09 UTC


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User ID: 3137

Yeah I'm feeling gaslit by the way that we all turned to saying 15% was standard. My father taught me it was 10% and any more was for excellent service.

Not really. The linker and a bunch of other transformations are going to happen before any of your instructions run. Dumping and loading bytes of a structure straight out of memory has long been considered a lazy and dangerous thing to do; no one is surprised that this sort of bug arose from it.

Strong agreement. We in the U.S. should be willing to practically sell citizenships for a substantial sum... perhaps $50,000? Given a clean record and lack other risk factors, of course. We let a lot of money to into lawyers pockets when we could get roughly the same outcome but pocket the cash ourselves.

The rhetoric around human rights has just become silly. We clapped ourselves in the manacles of human rights and now we're confused why we are hamstrung. Everything ever described as a "human right" is a luxury designed for a rich, strong, and healthy society to indulge in in order to feel good. We don't live in that world anymore. We live in a sick, weak, and struggling country which desperately needs to strengthen itself or be torn apart. This homeless problem and our inability to handle it is a symptom of that.