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joined 2024 October 02 13:59:42 UTC


User ID: 3277



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User ID: 3277

I don't know, maybe what I'm seeking with this post is more understanding about my frustration than actual guidance. It's very hard for me to want to be invested in politics when it seems like all everyone wants to do is yell and scream at each other.

I know you didn't ask for guidance but how you're feeling is clearly a function of how plugged in you are. Do you use social media? Watch news daily? How much and for how long? I ask because...

it seems like all everyone wants to do is yell and scream at each other

all the personal attacks and inflammatory rhetoric and lack of mutual respect

...this is not unprecedented in American politics. The best (and frankly the funniest) examples are Jefferson v. Adams (1800) and Jackson vs. Adams (1828). That's not to say I condone it, but rather that it's not unique to this election, or even to American politics and history. For all our technological and scientific progress we're still human.