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User ID: 3338
Yeah, for me I gravitated towards his explanation because it seemed like a reasonable explanation of the events among all of the hysteria at the time (and now too), and I'm sure a lot of other people did the same. Also, Keith Kellogg, who seems to be coordinating the Ukraine peace talks, keeps repeating that he is from the realist school. Mearsheimer says the same thing too, so my sense is a lot of people around Kellogg has similar thinking as well.
There are a lot of people in the Trump campaign who followed what John Mearsheimer was saying about the Ukraine war, invited him to speeches, etc. Seems to me Trump is just saying what they are saying.
For reference,
Math is off. 5500 people 11-16 over 16 years, would be 5500/6 = 916 x 16 eleven year olds over 16 years plus 916 x 5 12-16 year olds. So 916 x 21 / 2 x 0.78 = 7502 white girls. And then, 1400/7502 = 18.7%, a bit over 1/6. Though I remember reading somewhere that it wasn’t just white girls, so percentage would be a bit lower than this.
Number Needed To Treat means you prescribe statins to 138 people and 1 person among them is expected to have positive effects. I am not a doctor but 135 LDL is pretty normal, you need to take statins for years before they statistically show improvement (lower cardiovascular events, for example), and there is no evidence for or against statins for people over 75, so doctors don’t usually recommend statins for people over 75.
Statins being cheap should not be a factor for recommending them or not. It should be side effects vs what it improves and whether you can afford it should only come into consideration afterwards.
It did incentivize him to hedge more and more until we get to this ridiculous point where he tries to take credit for a 50/50 prediction.
The problem is you can't evaluate how well the model did based on just the probability of winning, except for the correct or not question, and he was not correct in 2016. Maybe whatever he is doing in this post is good, but it sure didn't translate to the final prediction, so he doesn't get credit for that either.
His big brag in 2016 was ultimately that he had herded towards 50/50 harder than anybody else.
Seriously.. Of course he is going to claim credit but he shouldn’t get credit for having his model hedge more than others. But apparently I don’t understand statistics because I think he shouldn’t get credit for hedging more.
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The Gulf War was against states with no nuclear weapons, no? The theory is once you have nuclear weapons, you will not get messed with, and that still holds here.
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