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joined 2022 October 07 12:15:22 UTC


User ID: 1515



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User ID: 1515


I don't need to cite a million papers to show that many Chinese people spy for China or take steps to advance China's interests. I don't need the most reliable sources to prove that their sympathies generally lean towards the country they have ethnic ties to. I can't be bothered to do a 20 second search and bring up examples for pedants, I leave that as an exercise to the reader.

It's common sense.

You don't need a million papers, but you do need more than an off-hand reference to a TikTok video. It is most certainly not common sense.

This is like a top 0.1-1% neighbourhood: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BFNzii2e6BT5Vvir5 The houses themselves are so far set back from the street that you can't even see them, but on average they look something like this.

There's still garbage on the street, https://maps.app.goo.gl/kaDQdMq7PXkkycNP9.

There are a few charities like that, e.g. GiveDirectly.

Yes, by "college education" I meant the instruction. Though I should have also mentioned that Caplan's case is mostly about societal waste, and there can still be substantial gains to the individual.

Math didn't go so well. This is fine, since I don't necessarily want to be a Woman in STEM, but also very common among homeschoolers I know, even with engineer fathers. I think math just inherently requires more structure and pushing for a lot of teens than reading and writing do.

From the homeschoolers I've spoken with this seems quite common. Great outcomes in many different domains, but a real lack of mathematical maturity.

It seems very clear that college education effects outcomes such as higher earnings.

This is not so clear. The earning difference between college graduates and non-graduates is clear, but whether it's the college education that's primarily responsible for that difference is questionable.

The increase in autism is largely the result of diagnostic drift and increased awareness.

the average modern western middle class woman spends much more time 1 on 1 with her young children than her predecessors a century or two ago.

From the survey data I've seen comparing the 1960s to today parents' time with their kids has increased, most notably and substantially for fathers, but also somewhat for mothers. (Though, we've only had the American Time Use Survey since 2003, and I don't know how much to trust the previous survey methods.)

Also David Chapman's Vividness website-book-blog-thing at https://vividness.live/ , he's been on my radar for a long time and I've never followed through.

You may also enjoy his writing on metarationality.

Maybe @gattsuru knows, or has written about it already, but what is the deal with Tim Peters and Python situation?

Acquired on all charges in June.


Great stuff! I need to get back into the shop.


(Also early follower of you on the other platform, and it's been great to see your recent growth.)

Yes, very much so. While I'm mostly a lurker, The Motte is unique place that is unmatched by anywhere else on the Internet. I am grateful that it exists.

If the only thing you value in yourself is being useful then you'll develop a knack for finding people who will exploit this mercilessly, and this roommate is merely somewhere between grandfathered in from the past and the worst case of all of them. It has to end, and I am not obligated to let this guy stay at my place until he dies because of whatever went wrong in his life that isn't my fault.

Read your previous posts, you're making the right decision. Good luck.

How is it happening now? Language models do not look like artificial life.


I'm pretty sure the original versions are still out there, and while they might cause you to lose a little faith in human nature, still an excellent read.

Gwern has archived a bunch, e.g. this one.

Which of aardvark2's four premises do you specifically disagree with?

This case from a few months ago is interesting.

A voice analysis conducted by Catalin Grigoras, Director of the National Center for Media Forensics, compared audio recordings of Jezos and talks given by Verdon and found that it was 2,954,870 times more likely that the speaker in one recording of Jezos was Verdon than that it was any other person

Trace, you posted a few days ago about Scott demurring Prophetship. Your recent stuff, vast quality and quantity, is reminding me of 2013-era Scott.

There are plenty of gated communities and upscale neighborhoods.

What are the best examples?

Arthur Herman's Freedom's Forge is excellent.