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BANNED USER: low effort rageposting




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joined 2024 June 04 00:52:34 UTC


User ID: 3090

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: low effort rageposting



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 June 04 00:52:34 UTC


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User ID: 3090

Banned by: @Amadan

I have no confirmation that they would even know wtf I'm talking about. I don't even know whether it's been a thing in the local social media. And because I don't want to alienate them, I haven't said anything like that, but how do I stop wanting to?

How do I interact with women like coworkers and family members without struggling not to reply to everything with: maybe you should go to the bear with that?

Easier to try to build civilization in the skeleton remains of a better one than to have to figure out how shit works on your own.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a black woman twerking on the ruins of a nuclear reactor, forever.

Leopold wants to accelerate AI progress in the name of Western dominance

I don't think that people such as him collectively have spent even one second total to consider what it means to those who are outside while not belonging to their preferred groups like from the mosquito-net-receiving demographics.

As a noun, or as a widely known word it might be new, but I'm sure that "woke" existed already as pejorative appropriated from the congratulatory self-identification around the period of GamerGate to Trump's campaign.

How welcome are manospherian talking points here now, compared to trad or egalitarian ones?

I'll refer to "most people except the zealots" as normies. What would normies have done, what could normies have done, what would normies have wanted to do if they had precognition twenty years ago? My answer to each question is nothing.

How much do modern urban people profit from cats and dogs? I'm fond of my balls, but I can imagine worse fates than living as pets.

I got here through Scott's articles Radicalizing The Romanceless and Untitled. Quick question: would anybody here in the present year appreciate people from that path? Or would they shun them as stinky incels?

Do you think this outcome was not predetermined 20 years ago? Everything was set up decades ago.