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BANNED USER: low effort rageposting




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joined 2024 June 04 00:52:34 UTC


User ID: 3090

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: low effort rageposting



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 June 04 00:52:34 UTC


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User ID: 3090

Banned by: @Amadan

Can somebody explain to me in simple, preferably monosyllabic words: what does the expression One man's modus ponens is another man's modus tollens mean?

Can you tell me which rule I broke, and whether the decision to ban me came before or after identifying that rule?

Physically, middle-aged. But in my mentality towards the opposite sex I fully identify with the male character.

/r/PoliticalCompassMemes of all places tipped me off about an entertaining animated short movie depicting two mercenary groups in realistic urban combat: https://youtube.com/watch?v=OTLGWNruuOE

Very inferior in quality to Astartes, but still quite nailbiting while dialogue-free.

Thanks, I fapped.

But I enjoyed it in other ways too. Though I don't think you have a correct understanding of a flush in poker.

I don't think it's culture, I think it's timidness. The whole developed world could turn into 1984 literally tomorrow with zero problems, if only the upper class wished so. I should be playing coy at this point, saying how this is not something to be mentioned openly, but who the fuck among them reads this forgotten corner of the internet, 2rafa is the closest here.

The utopia is a dystopia if the Devil (cisheterowhitemales) benefits even a single iota from it.

I really can't comprehend to this day why potentially the most covid-hysterical state gave up the powers. I think your politicians are stupid.

Shit, now I remember which demographic marker I had for you in my memory and misremembered. Hahaha.

Oh please forgive me for not being proficient with the article system of my second language. Articles are by far the most retarded part of English, and that's a tough competition. Anyway, I lost interest in this conversation, I only initially replied to you because I had a genuine false memory of you being female yourself.

Everybody who has any reach: media, academics, politicians. The Cathedral, if that term means anything to you.

I don't think OP posted it.

It's in your own link:

Not my image, SD3 with prompt, "a Swedish couple at a waterpark taking a selfie together, shot on iphone, social media post."

I'm willing to bet at very unfavorable odds what the model produced without inclusion of "Swedish" in the prompt.

The count depends on the viewpoint. For example, Ted Bundy wouldn't find my thoughts revolting, and he's the female sex symbol.

Dude, I think it's established that you're a dude, dude, we all measure others by ourselves, I wish my mailman died. Though from how old he looked and how long ago I saw him last, there's a fair chance that the bastard croaked already.

I would swear that you're female because I try to remember those few who mention that incredibly important in my eyes fact in this forum, but your latest comments in this thread suggest otherwise. I don't know what to think, but either way, the catharsis of me expressing how much I'm hostile towards the female half overshadows any infinitesimal effects it might have on the course of the future.

Remember that article on Overcoming Bias a dozen years ago? How women froth at the thought of their husbands enrolling in cryonics? A small, but nonzero chance of the husband not dying is worth a negative amount in their eyes.

I can't express just how penis-shrivelling this type of porn is. I wish the industry didn't cater to the other half of population so I couldn't see it even accidentally.

Why is it a shame? We can't exist in harmony and never could, don't you like that my existence is miserable? I have no power to exact revenge on the sex which I consider a major part of my misery, while you hold all the cards.

I haven't checked this factoid or watched the video, but the guy from the meme porn with a female pool guard in his bathtub apparently became a priest afterward.

I have never felt comfort in four years and four months.

Your story makes me vividly imagine cutting her safety equipment and hearing the snapping sound as she breaks her neck.

I'm not a good man.

  • -20

What is ironic about it? The powers that be have made it perfectly clear that the future will be female (and black, and queer, and...) or it won't be at all.

This lady disliking me because of my ancestors isn't really a big deal.

Until she is in position to direct the FBI to ensure that the settlers get no futurity.

I'm not ashamed of my hostility towards women, but I'm ashamed about several things simultaneously every waking second, and it does nothing, so even if I could or wanted to induce shame about this issue, it wouldn't work.

I'll support your position as soon as the society adopts the same indifferent view of problems and lesser discomforts that women face.