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joined 2022 September 07 10:24:24 UTC


User ID: 940



0 followers   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 07 10:24:24 UTC


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User ID: 940

Yeah, I think the hard part would be doing a convincing foreign accent consistently.

Maybe it would easier to go to a different European country, less chance of getting found out if you aren't among Germans. Then go back to Germany a few years later.

The correct solution to climate change is directly controlling the temperature by releasing sulfate aerosols in the upper atmosphere. At a cost of $5-20 billion per year we can hold temperatures in place or reduce them, even as CO2 levels rise. These people want to destroy industrial civilization over a glorified nothingburger.

That won't work forever. Those aerosols don't stay in the air nearly as long as CO2 does. So if we depend on them, we'll likely continue to raise the CO2 to dangerous levels while temporarily covering it up with the aerosols. It'll work for a while, but on historical timescales sooner or later something will happen that will disrupt the flights that deliver the aerosols. It could be a war, natural disaster, oil depletion, or anything that disrupts modern civilization and trade. Then the temperature will shoot up to where it would have been without the aerosols, but it will be worse because it will happen much quicker with no chance for people to adapt, and it will compound with whatever crisis caused the disruption.

If someone wants to make their own site to do that, they can go ahead,

Not easily. If the new site becomes popular or well-known in any way, the woke mob will go after it and try to get it shut down by the advertisers, payment processors, or Cloudflare. (Or the ultimately the government, which doesn't work in the US yet, but they're trying hard to change that.)

I think Elon Musk came to realization that the only way to solve this issue on forums with anonymous users is to gate content creation behind a paywall.

The problem with that is that it won't be "anonymous" once the credit card payment info of all the users is stolen or leaked. Personally I will never give my credit card info to any forum where people talk about sex or politics.

This will also increase the willingness of people to commutte long distances, since people spend most of their time on their phones and laptops anyway.

Personally, I get motion sick if I try to read in a car, so that's useless to me.

Convenience. You can use hundred of forums on one site without having to go through the tedious process of signing up, remembering login info, and clicking on verification emails for each separate forum. And you get a consolidated feed of all the forums, and notifications of replies to your posts.

It worked great in the earlier days before the moderators went absolutely mad.

Put more emphasis on test results and less on subjective grades.

But it isn't actually "free" because the fees charged to merchants are passed on to the consumers. If everyone uses credit cards, everything costs more. (2% perhaps? Too lazy to look it up.) It's just hidden from you. The credit card companies aren't charities.

I could go on about how the agreements that merchants have to charge the same price to cash and credit customers are an abusive monopolistic practice, but not now.

By "know", do you mean you know personally about the UFO story, or just that it's a theory you feel certain is true?

Mine is that modern sexual-harassment activism is secretly funded by dating sites such as Tinder. Think about it: if you can't pursue women in the workplace, the gym, the street, or anywhere else, what's left? Online dating.

Why is Turkey so high? I would think as Muslims they would be conservative and have fewer partners.

Isn't spelling kind of important for a doctor? He could kill people with misspelled prescriptions.

Probably this. There were crowds of protestors celebrating his death.


I've never heard anyone suggest that it was a moral failing. That sounds like a completely made up strawman to victim oneself against.
Where are you getting this moral failing narrative from?

Literally every feminist on Reddit. It's ubiquitous. Guy asks for advice or sympathy about his dating/sex troubles, immediately gets pounced on by everyone saying "actually it's your lack of confidence and your bad attitude that you're entitled to sex." Every time.

And they claim that things like looks have no effect on dating. "I know one guy who's short and bald and gets lots of dates, therefore your lack of dates mean you must be an evil misogynist". Or they'll tell guys to "take a shower" as if every unsuccessful guy is an insane hobo who never bathes.

Ironically, the people who say guys who can't get laid must be evil, are typically the same ones who spout Nice Guy rhetoric that "being nice doesn't entitle you to sex", and they somehow don't see the contradiction.

From Fravor's testimony:

Fravor has admitted to playing pranks with his F-18 to try to make people think they were seeing a UFO. It is beyond me why people would take any of his UFO reports seriously. It's negligent that most news reports don't mention this about him.



I think 18 has become the dominant cultural age of consent in America, even if there are lower legal ages in some places. I think it's partly Hollywood as you say, and partly from the ubiquitousness of porn where 18 is the hard limit.

On Reddit it's so ingrained that in discussions people simply refuse to believe it's ever under 18. They say that those laws only apply to 16-17's sleeping with each other, not adults, and that gets upvoted, while any correct comments get downvoted to oblivion.

There are reports that Reddit is un-deleting comments that people have deleted. You might want to check if that actually worked or not.

I think it was just the convenience of being able to browse many forums on one site and join them with one click, instead of the tedious process of registering a name and password, and responding to a confirmation email, separately for every forum. At least that's what it was for me.

One of the pilots who has claimed to see UFOs is David "Sex" Fravor. (Who, incidentally, was already a bit famous from being in a documentary aboard an aircraft carrier in the 2000's.)

On the Joe Rogan podcast not too long ago, he admitted to pranking people into thinking they had seen UFOs. He said he would spot campers by their campfires, put his fighter jet's engines to idle and glide in quietly and invisibly until he was over top of them. Then he would pull up sharply, kick in the afterburners and climb vertically away from them. So, the campers would see lights appear in the sky out of nowhere and then shoot straight up and disappear. I don't recall if he was able to verify that it worked and people actually reported UFOs or not.

So, he had admitted to deliberately trying to trick people into thinking they had seen aliens, as a joke, but for some reason people still believe him when he tells other UFO stories.

A rear naked choke cuts off blood to the brain, not air.

Would you put on a mask you aren't allowed to take off, a mask that comes with a bunch of hormones you have to pump into your body? Would you do that for an annual raise of $100K? $200K? I sincerely doubt cynical men who are willing to disfigure their bodies and live a life of deception

You don't have to go on hormones or have surgery if you're operating under self-identification policies.

More like Joss Whedon's Dollhouse.


Red Scare podcast?

In public schools, trans minors participate on the sports team of their adoptive sex in non-contact, non-fighting sports. In fighting sports and contact sports, they participate with their natal sex.

That would results in transgenders dominating every non-contact sport. Biological girls would have no chance at ever winning a sprinting or swimming championship. A lot of girls aren't going to be interested in sports if they have no hope of ever winning.