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joined 2023 September 28 19:13:42 UTC


User ID: 2684



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User ID: 2684

Minimal/no pain when performing that exercise. The pain is on the outside of my thigh, at around 2 o'clock if 12 is oriented straight ahead the way my eyeballs face.

Tried a generic 20 minute beginner routine with Adriene and noticed some immediate relief. I'll try her 30 day course. I have the free time for it, and the health benefits are an effective motivator.

I typically lift ~30 pounds frequently, up to hundreds of times a day, and sometimes at awkward angles. Occasionally lift more than 50 lbs, but always with proper form. It's almost certainly not bad enough to be a slipped disc, but repetitive stress is likely. I'm trying to fix it on my own before I try a doctor, not out of financial concerns but just because I dislike dealing with doctors. If I don't see fairly rapid improvement I'll see a doctor.

Out of curiosity, why do you suggest a doctor? My priors are that they would either recommend what I'm already doing, or recommend a medical intervention that would arguably be worse than what I'm dealing with (like back surgery). Is that inaccurate? It took 15+ years for the pain to get to that point, aggravated by a NEET phase where I was sitting in a slouched chair aggravating back pain for 14 hours a day and in bed the other 10. Working through pain would be better than enforced sloth.

No. I hate stretching. Yoga is easier to do, mentally, because a guided routine makes it feel more like an exercise and less like static stretching.

Huh. This initially felt worse but after about 15 minutes it improved. I typically squirm around, altering my posture every couple minutes, but felt no need to after the initial discomfort passed.

I am 27 and work at a big box grocery store, so I stoop, crouch, and kneel a lot. I've slowly developed a shooting pain that begins in my right lower back and extends to my outer right thigh. There is no obvious activity that aggravates it, but today I woke up and it had graduated from "noticeable" to "annoying", so it's time to do something about it. I plan to start a yoga routine because I suspect it has to do with inflexibility. I also think my crappy desk chair is contributing. Any recommendations for better desk chairs? I typically sit cross legged. Beyond that, does anyone have advice for potential causes, fixes, or preventative measures?