@mebreakubuckeru's banner p




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joined 2022 September 05 23:27:31 UTC


User ID: 755



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 23:27:31 UTC


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User ID: 755

I was looking at the new movies and albums coming out and realized how "diversity" in America just seems to mean "add more black people and women" If I asked you to name 10 black or white celebs, I'm sure you'd have no problem naming people both old or new.

However, if I asked you to name asian celebs? hispanic celebs? Arab celebs? Would it be as easy? what about politicians, people of power? I bet you could name more black people of power than people of another colored minority.

Black organizations, like BLM, also do little for other races and its most vocal supporters also do little to help other races or even show the same sensitivity they demand for themselves. BLM expects universal support but have heard little from the BLM people about Chilean children kidnappings, Native American denial of benefits, or even Ukraine

There's so much hype and concern about black people being represented but there's nothing being said about other races being represented and it's a shame because until that happens no one can say they're about equality and representation.