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joined 2022 September 05 15:07:34 UTC


User ID: 605



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 15:07:34 UTC


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User ID: 605

Their IQ is low, sorry

Kanye praised Hitler.

It wasn't an accusation just an example of that type of dishonesty from right wing people.

One rightwing example is people saying they are just stating facts about race and iq that they don't want to oppress anyone and then they post slurs and holocaust denial and blatant racism

I agree with this but this is completely different than claiming that the war on terror and everything else after the 1960s should be interpreted as ethnic conflict (between jews and whites as implied) the people in power in the United States also had their economic interest in the region and the war was supported by many white people.

"Level 3" has absolutely no evidence and makes no sense. The Civil Rights movement and the sexual revolution happened because people didn't like the status quo. You seem to blame jews for things like the war on terrorism started by Bush,a white republican and supported by the majority of whites or the cold war that was about competition for hegemony between empires. Some jews studied psychoanalysis and anthropology so they are jewish plots? You seem to think that women, black people and lgbt people like not having rights and if it wasn't for the nefarious tribal all powerful jews they would not have tried to achieve change and better their condition and that all progressivism is not people having different values than you and campaigning for their ideas or interest but people being puppet of the enemy in a war against whites but how does it make sense? Many progressives are white and feminism helps white women too like lgtb acceptance helps white lgbt people too and white progressives agree with all the changes. The truth is that your ideas are incredibly unpopular and require an incredible amount of oppression and violence and totalitarianism to enforce, when people with your values are in power millions of people die, you don't think the Holocaust happened but it did.