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User ID: 335



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User ID: 335

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One of the things I was pretty interested in when visiting various less developed nations is that there was a surprising lack of visible homelessness. Example: Thailand. There were no homeless on the streets outside of extremely and visibly disabled people (missing arms/legs/eyes, severe mental disabilities, etc). I suppose it's easy to stay off the streets if you can just go buy some coconuts and sell the juice on the street without a gaggle of PMCs following you around issuing fines. The barrier to entry for commerce seemed to be minimal at the actual worst.

Now I look at the US with many of its large cities overrun with homeless encampments, hear about bullshit like some jurisdictions enforcing a "flower arrangement license" and it really makes me disgusted at the evil we have wrought.

It's a good point.

It was really clarifying to me to be able to codify concepts that I intuitively knew. Which then made it easier to quickly "get" logical arguments and follow lines of argument, identify flaws quicker, etc. These were things my 20 year old self I was fine with before, but learning the formal rules, abstracting arguments into variables, and doing tons of proofs changed the way I engaged with arguments.

One of the most valuable courses I took in college was formal logic. I took two of these classes in community college before transferring to a university and to this day remain the most impactful. Basically Modus Tollens and such.

It fundamentally transformed the way I think more than anything, up until getting into software engineering, which I view as an extension of formal logic.

It would be so great if more people had exposure to such topics. But I don't have any faith that it would make a difference. Most of the people in my classes lamented it, viewed it as incredibly boring and hard, and did the absolute bare minimum to not fail the class.

I fully support the idea of a poll test. Too many of our countrymen are just downright idiots. They should not have a say in what we do as a nation.

If one truly believes that it's a human rights violation, then following it through to jailing those who practice it seems like a reasonable conclusion regardless of what cultural practice is hung up on doing it.

Human sacrifice was a much more common religious practice at some point in history too. Eventually practitioners were jailed or exiled enough to greatly reduce its prevalence. I'm sure there were people asking, "do you really think the Aztecs are committing human rights violations by sacrificing to the sun god?"

The only way to answer it is with the chad yes.

Personally, I know several people who work at an FQHC who have suddenly been cut off from their funds and are in a state of disarray at this time. Although too soon to tell, if this continues for long, the network of dozens of clinics in the area will have to shut down. They provide medical and psychiatric care for many people in the area. This definitely would be a negative ramification.

Why would the religion of the perpetrator make a difference in the poster's moral proclamation?

To add onto this, my understanding is that there is some percentage of the population for whom oral vitamin D supplementation does nothing unless you also supplement vitamin K. I took D3 for a year every day consistently and it had no effect on serum levels. Once I started taking a D3/K2 supplement, it rose to normal levels and I feel great.

Once again, the whole of society must reorient so that parents aren't mildly annoyed with their toddler.

Anecdotally, getting a water flosser device has greatly improved how my mouth and gums feel. I’ve never been a big flosser, have never had a cavity either. But that water pick thing is really nice.

Trying to figure out how I can hack together a media device that meets the following requirements:

  1. Plugs into a TV via usb or hdmi without any additional power cable
  2. Automatically starts playing a video file that's stored on the device

Best I can figure is a fire stick or equivalent loaded with an app I found that will auto play video files, but those seem to require a power cable plugged into it. I thought about just using a USB stick with the file(s), but that would make the user navigate the file system and play it through the TV's media player - a bit more friction for the user than I'd like. An hdmi port doesn't supply enough power to run a raspberry pi so that idea went out.

Is this even possible?

It seems far less likely to me for an animal in captivity to be infected with rabies, whether squirrel or raccoon, than one living in the wild.

squirrels almost never have rabies and literally have never transferred it to humans


Exposure to rodents and lagomorphs has never been implicated as the cause of infection for a case of rabies in humans in the United States, nor are these animals considered natural reservoirs of the disease.

They'll still take local housing and compete with local businesses. My point is only stopping employers from hiring them isn't enough.

You'd have to criminalize renting to illegals, both residential and commercial. And selling property to them too. Setting up a business entity/LLC. They can and do just set up entire mini economies in some areas of cities. You'd have to criminalize so many different things to make moving here unappealing. And I'm sure even then there'd be a way for them to enjoy their lives here more than in whatever country they came from.

Do you think you're on reddit or something?

Probably some nationalistic pride in the face of a growing pushback against their presence in the host country.

Democrats believe Trump explicitly wants to put his political opponents in jail and that he has no respect for the law

I just find it all so tiresome. Trump had the opportunity to jail his political opponents and didn't even try. Meanwhile, the democratic machine is going to extreme efforts to strain legal precedent in order to put their opponents in jail, and have had varying degrees of success. I have to believe that this is purely projection.

Asking someone out potentially will benefit both parties and neither risks very much, so it isn't strange to me for either sex to do this. Marriage, however, is generally one-sided in terms of which party stands to gain and which stands to lose, so it is off-putting for women to be doing the proposing. I only really think this because of who is typically the breadwinner. If a young broke guy were with a wealthy woman, I'd also find it off-putting if the broke guy were pushing for marriage.


I had a similar thought and looked at a new dodge due to its appealing price compared to other vehicles in its segment. I was shocked at the plainly apparent inferior quality, down to the door handles being super bendy and shitty feeling. So in a sense it confirmed that Dodge/Chrysler products are still shit.

On the other hand I have recently rented two different Kias and my partner owns one as well. I have consistently been pleasantly surprised at how good the quality is on those cars, from the physical product to the software and electronics. So in my mind, Kias have definitely redeemed themselves.

I think a big factor is that people just don’t encounter all that many cars regularly enough to get a sense for their quality and longevity.

I’ve owned a number of different brands of cars and the best for me was an old mid-90s Chevy half ton. Reliable as hell and cheap to fix when something wears out. The worst was my Audi, which was actually my favorite by far up until it grenaded in the middle of the desert and left me in a pretty sticky situation. That experience has put me off from the brand basically forever.

Interviewing for a new job, in the final steps. The recruiter has stated that the team lead wants to chat before they extend an offer as a get-to-know-you type of thing.

They have provided the team lead's linked in profile, and they're very clearly a "gender-goblin": purple hair with side shave, dressed as if they're at a renn-faire, pronouns galore, lots of posts about promoting DEI and complaints about white men.

Being a straight-white-male, what's the best way to approach this interview and potentially disarm this person's anti-straight-white-male prejudices? Do I ask about the company's DEI efforts and policies (even though I don't give a shit)? Do I attempt to come off as gay as possible (not too hard, I have gay-ish hobbies and I can fake a lisp)?

I really want this job, it would result in a 40% salary bump and my current job is sliding into a shit show. It would really suck to have it tanked by some progressive golem at the last mile.

My big thing with voting machines is why the hell is their firmware/software NOT open source? That shit is what fuels the conspiracy theorist in my head. At this point, I want to be dying peoples thumbs blue or whatever the fuck they do in Africa, because there are just too many inconsistencies for me to be comfortable.

Nutritional points aside, I don't get why vegans never seem to actually grapple with the morality of the fact that industrial agriculture kills millions of rodents, birds, and other animals all the time in the course of harvesting their crops. Unless you're getting all your vegetables from backyard farms, you're going to be killing animals in the course of harvesting your kale. This isn't a meme argument, if you have qualms about killing animals, why do you vegan?

Underrated post. I've kind of had this notion in my mind for a while but seeing it written out really put words to something that was just a feeling before. This sentiment comes up for me most often when I hear about indigenous land acknowledgements before speeches or whatever. It makes me cringe. Why? Because the conflict is over. They were conquered. There will not be a successful independence movement in any of our lifetimes. Let's move forward.