I think in some cases it’s why the internet has become the hangout of choice.
What follows is speculative but, this feels to me as completely backwards causality. The internet didn't become a hangout because of the decline of 3rd spaces it's the opposite. People go to third spaces for things like
- It's a schelling point for engagement
- To get stimulation
- To get information
The internet is much more efficient at all of these things. Unfortunately, efficient doesn't= better at scale, and there are a bunch of 2nd and 3rd order benefits that have been lost to the point that the system of community is worse off for it in many respects.
But you can't return people to libraries by getting rid of the homeless. You have to get rid of high-speed, wireless internet. The homeless are in these places because communities abandoned them, not the other way around.
We started the Hobbit, but my son got kind of scared when we got to the goblins (he's 6).
We've been working through the Chronicles of Narnia now. Treasure Island is in the queue.
So probably 2 hrs/day Am I ...Underestimating people's daily time commitments?
I have four kids, all very young so yeah. 2 hours a day to hobbies is not realistic for me. Although, if you're willing to count childrens books I read several hundred last year. I read with my kids almost every night. The olderones get chapter books and the younger ones Dr. Seuss and such.
What happened is kind of a sad story. Kulak, you see, unsuccessfully attempted the hock… and the rest is as it is.
To this point the two kulak posts I most rememeber from the Reddit days are one where he had a foaming diatribe against sales as evil and soul sucking, but a humorous unawareness that sales as a field was more than cold calling. He had worked one soul sucking sales jobs and blindly extrapolated a nonsensical point out of his narrow angst.
The other was an incoherent unworkable point of view about living on boats. Something like a suggestion that everyone should.
Either way, the guy has always been extremely narrow in his point of view and very bad at scaling or extrapolation, which is why the default to fed posting is his sweet spot
I think this is far too much credit to maga base and how plugged in they are. From my interactions with my most trumpy relatives it will be a combination of being completely uninformed and disconnected on the h1-b debate, agreeing with whatever trumps stance is anyway, and denying whatever of trumps positions that contradicts their own convictions are true.
But to your credit, yes trump has taken a side pretty clearly here:
Still I am quicker to believe that MAGA will just finish their transformation into yankee centrists and give up on opposing immigration before they will abandon trump. I don’t understand why, but this is what any other historic issue has been as well (with the exception of the jab which they just #3 above and deny the dissonance)
The original Land Before Time film (all the sequels are direct to vhs garbage).
Not only is it beautifully animated and extremely well crafted, the message of the movie is an extraordinarily powerful lesson in servant leadership and duty.
Littlefoot, cast into tragedy, wants to feel sorry for himself and wallow in self pity, but is forced into a reluctant leadership position where he becomes responsible for the lives of others, and must learn a lot of hard truths about being a leader
I think both are dystopian and we should recognize that a society has two reproductive mechanisms: genetics and memetic.
I also think it depends on the ontology underlying ideatopias culture. As a Catholic I am completely willing to accept ideatopia as far better if it’s a Catholic country and it’s exported Catholicism to places like bloodtopia. Less so if it’s just a moral framework, but almost none at all If the only trace back of cultural lineage is superficiality
As things stand, your kids are already getting home in the dark, so that’s not a good argument to oppose any changes to the DST status quo
It's not an argument as a soldier, it's a stupid mistake of math on my part. Shifting both the time and the school day an hour wouldn't change the fact that my kids don't get home in the dark, you are right.
But the broader point stands: pushing both the school day and the time and my work an hour, undermine the argument for DST all year long. as it effectively negates it. My arguments are:
- DST in the winter means a great deal of the morning happens in the dark (school being the most relevant).
- This is unsatisfactory imo
- A solution which advances the start time of these things, effectively undermines DST all year argument.
- Therefore you are left with no DST year long or a variable schedule at different parts of the year which is just DST in effect.
- Thus the argument needs to either be for standard year round (for which the objections are the 4:30 sunrise) or for everyone negotiating their own schedule shift preferences in the winter, which has it's own drawbacks against centralized coordination.
Personally, I find the idea of standard time year round much more palletable
It’s not just that it’s dark but also how long it stays dark. Where I live sunrise between dec and Jan is somewhere 7:10-7:30.
My children get up for school at 6:45 and we drop off around 7:40 and school starts at 8. It starts getting light somewhere around 1/2 hr before actual sunrise so this basically means that dawn is just cracking or will be soon when they get up in the winter. If we went dst all year, it would mean school started in the dark. ‘Just start school an hour later’ doesn’t really work since it’s timed to start before the workday, also getting out an hour later means getting home in the dark.
If the argument is to push work hours as well, at this point you are making the argument against dst all year long, since you’re effectively countering it with a shifted schedule.
It’s not really about whether the sun cracks through your window and touches your face as you wake up. It’s about coordinating even the slightest amount of social complexity to maximize both winter and summer differences
I have small kids and the switch has never been a problem. The smallest babies have taken maybe 3 nights to work it out, kids over 2 has never been a problem.
The only real difference is being slightly hungrier after morning church one Sunday a year
100%. I audibly scoffed when OP said ‘pretty much everyone likes the idea’
I will also add that Trump likes this because he basically lives in Florida. This is extreme latitudinal prejudice. Ending DSL is less of a big deal the further toward the equator you go.
That’s not really what a Gish gallop is. Nor is a Gish gallop a formal fallacy anyway. Crying Gish gallop against a list of arguments is less than a meaningful response
There are absolutely comparisons that can be made between conservatives and progressives, in the past on this very site, I sometimes said I had more in common with progressive moral epistemology (in structure, not first beliefs) than the average liberal on this board.
But this whole iteration of this exercise is not that critique at all. It's liberals using the same blunt liberal tactic to smear conservatives as racists and white supremacists. This has been ongoing for years. It's not a mirror critique or anythign different, it's a specific iteration of the general liberal and left point of view that any rightist who isn't praising their narrow definition of acceptible multi-culturalism and secular value framework is ackshully a racist.
Beginning any comment with "I mean,..." We know you mean it. Otherwise why are you writing it. Tedious.
I’ve always interpreted this to have subtle but real semantic value. Something to the effect of ‘I accept your point of view, but superficially and believe it misses deeper, more correct interpretation’. This is over descriptive, but I see it as an epistemic palette cleanser rather than a filler word. It draws acknowledged that real or potential disagreement is likely epistemic / interpretive rather than a disagreement of facts.
Almost equivalent to ‘sure, but…’
I don't really mind Biden lying about it, I don't take the word of politicians to be all that sacrosanct. Politicians lie all the time, and I don't just mean in small ways that amount to fodder for a rant on facebook. A reasonable person would have accepted the possibility of Biden lying; and people who earnestly posted pro-Biden No Pardon propaganda made themselves easy marks.
It's not about you minding it. It's the audicity of this specific propoganda. This particular lie carried an incredible amount of water across the media, specifically to discredit Trump by contrast as a subversion of the rule of law, and to counter serious accusations of a politicized justice department
See supercuts like this: https://x.com/mazemoore/status/1863563615858577505
In a world where this wasn't a not just major campaign theme, but an active judicial attack on Trump, no the lying wouldn't have mattered so much. If this was just a test of Biden's trustworthiness or integrity, that's one thing. Its the context of Biden using the lie to provide attack ground and further discredit criticism of his judicial weaponization, that make his lies so bad here.
Anyone else dream of colonizing Mars? In The WHIMS of Mars, anonymous shitposter John Carter outlines what it might look like. ... [snip]...
Does this' anonymous shitposter John Carter' fella, also go by Unshacked sometimes?
Personally I like the pardon power and am glad it exists.
The biggest issue is Biden's blatent lying about it to collect on the facade of justice when expedient and avoid the consequences when not. This is what tears at the credibility the most, not the pardon in itself.
This is probably a much better outcome than the alternative. The example of other nations shows thay prosecuting presidents and their families is much likelier to lead to coups and crises than genuine justice and law.
Moderation in all things. You need a stalemate here, which has been perilously broken on both sides by the left now inside of a year. Yes, escalation in prosecuting the opposition's family leads to bad outcomes. But so does flagrantly demonstrating that overt familial corruption and enrichment are given a blank cheque, as long as one obtains / stays in power. The family in power gets to break laws sell influence and avoid prosecution as a perk, is a bad overt admission.
By both prosecuting Trump on nonsensical charges & by pardoning Hunter who was overtly criminal and corrupt after repeatedly stating letting it play out was the justice-based approach, the left has broken both sides of what should be a schelling point of stability.
Good for him. This was the virtuous thing to do.
By the treatment of Hunter's own daughter, this is not some demonstration of higher code to one's family. I understand you want to make Nietchian strong-man arguments, but exercising one's power to meet their ideosyncratic preferences is not virtue, it's tautology of will to power, even when your preference is for your family to prosper. Loyalty to smallest possible tribe, at thee xpense of other duties to one's station, natuion, and culture. is not the ur-virtue by almost any standard. It's just mob behavior. It's the definition of corruption.
I am supposed to appauld someone for taking advantage of power to enrich their personal loyalties as virtue?
Finally, Biden is a professed Catholic, and there's nothing in Catholic morality that upholds loyalty to flesh as virtuous (quite the opposite, tfh). If we want to appaud Biden's virtue, he should start by renouncing the all the other duities and affiliations that this virtue undermines. Or is it also virtuous to exercise raw familial enrichment through deception and expressions of false standards of morality?
Would TheMotte really be here condemning Trump if he pardoned Don Jr. in a tax fraud case? Be honest now.
I would, of course. Corruption and personal loyalty over loyalty to either the American people, or the principles he was elected on are among the biggest criticisms of Trump. Why would I bury my head if Trump further legitimized those criticisms?
This is a long shot. It it. Old be a little bit of a test (likely unconscious) of commitment / leadership / low expectations.
Have you told her confidently and not whiney that you want to make it work. Or even asked her to stay (explicitly for the relationship)
If you really think she could be the person you end up with, at least give it that shot. ‘Hey, I really like what we have. I want to give this a real shot. Let’s make this work.’
Cut out the casual stuff either way. It’s all in or all out dude. Everything else is a waste of time. And if she’s willing to be a time waster and your not willing to be a leader, it’s bad for both of you
No see this is the issue. If conservatives have been ‘pearl clutching’ about sexual morality for this long maybe it’s not performative… and further why are you surprised?
Your entire reaction (if not performative) thus rests on the conclusion that conservatives don’t earnestly find anything wrong with soliciting teenage prostitutes.
If you don’t find anything wrong with it, again- ok. But to assume anyone who does is pearl clutching is an extremely warped worldview
I get that mores change and republicans have abandoned even the pretense of moral majority, but like 17 year old prostitution is not suprisingly scandalous. It’s not some made up woke shit. It’s what the whole Epstein island implication was… yesterday.
If one personally doesn’t find this scandalous, ok. But the performative surprise that others might is disingenuous
Tulsi is not particularly MAGA. Her warm reception is mostly just about owning the libs or more charitably the tendency of conservatives to welcome agreement wherever it’s found. It’s the same way Bill Maher is praised by the right whenever he’s slightly critical of the far left.
Meanwhile Tulsi is not particularly establishment GOP. She’s a non woke democrat.
A tulsi presidential bid from the left would mean the left was moderating on progressivism. From the right it just means the right continues to move left.
Maybe wokism gets worse. It's definately a possibility. But I am not convinced. The woke policies under Biden never really moderated. They just leaned on the messaging less hard. I don't see any reason to believe they wouldn't have ramped right back up once they secured a victory. Just like Biden running on a 'moderate' veneer.
At the end of the day, Kamala was the final boss of woke ideology - an unaccomplished diversity hire who rose to the the highest level possible, unelected, annointed all through intersectionality, surrounded by true believers. Her winning would have been a confirmation of everything woke, not a repudiation.
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It’s fair to call out that the media and the left have poisoned the well of useful conversation and nuance with their hysterics. But at the same time, I’m fucking tired of this fully generalizable hand wave.
This is not even a response, it relies on a series of logical leap that are entirely lazy deflections.
first it requires jumping from the truism that political corruption is inevitable on the whole, to the unfounded conclusion thus any given circumstance its therefore inevitable.
It’s no different than identity politics that jumps from a tenable claim that racism exists, to the ridiculous conclusion that any given scenario must have racism hiding in it, thus justifying any reaction.
It also requires treating all corruption as binary, then voila with a side of what aboutism,
Suddenly any concern about blatent corruption becomes dismissed as aesthetics, nativity, or even argued as actually virtuous since it above the board and therefore some kind of subversive transparency.
At the end of the day this schtick is played out. It’s just the opposite side of the coin as TDS, and just as brain rotted and empty rhetoric
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