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joined 2022 November 25 07:01:50 UTC


User ID: 1927



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 November 25 07:01:50 UTC


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User ID: 1927

This fails right away because modern AI is inherently unexplainable in any meaningful sense. You can explain the models, but once they're trained, you can't explain exactly what causes it to do one thing over another most of the time.

According to the linked site:

"While the US finally turned on the public domain spigot in 2019, after a 20-year drought, Canada’s government has now decided to turn its spigot off. On December 30, 2022, Canada is freezing its public domain for the next 20 years with its C-19 copyright law."

Injecting bleach is actually a valid treatment. I’ve had it done to me it works. For specifically a viral infection in my eye.

I, and I think many other people want more information about this.

Drake's equation has so many sub-factors built in. I hate when people take it seriously.

Why wouldn't tech and entertainment industries be donating overwhelming Dem? They're clustered in urban, cultural centers. They need prestige and financing. Can you imagine how difficult it is to arrange a shoot in downtown LA, involving an exploding car?

With union workers? With police acting as security? Buses re-rerouted?

This shit takes permits and political approval.

The elites will say anything it takes, so let's not take everything they say seriously.