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8 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC


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The Chinese seem to broadly not care for water that isn't boiled and infused with herbs.

Well they did invent tea.

Is this perhaps related to tap water situation, like Mexicans and soda?

But in order to remain relevant, he gradually shifted his blogging output from serious theology and literary criticism to standard-issue midwit Confederate apologia and ultimately to antivax and conspiracy theories

How is this different from transgender blm lockdown posturing taking over previously cogent blogs?

So does this mean Ivermectin was actually great, and all the critics were Ivermectinophobes?

We will never know either way. One side is claiming ivermectin cures cancer and homosexuality and the other is claiming it has a high risk of causing death. Neither is willing to tell the truth.

I can’t speak for farmers, but expressing liberal opinions will make it much harder to get a trades career going.

The way a red triber uses the word ‘academic’ probably implies philosophy or something similarly self-referential, perhaps some vapidity or ivory tower tendencies. A professor of electrical engineering or astrophysics or business or history would probably be referred to as a ‘professor’ or ‘researcher’ or maybe ‘scientist’.

Edit- to address your question more directly, talking to an astrophysicist who uses layman’s terms would be considered very interesting to most red tribers. I don’t think that that necessarily translates into making friends, though.

I’ve heard of red state universities doing this. Specifically I’ve heard rumors about Texas A&M and Ohio state being made to begin doing this.

Kids know what boys and girls are and the concept of boys becoming girls definitely occurs to them.

I go deer hunting with a senior partner at a CPA firm. He plays 70s country, has a masters degree, drives a pickup truck, speaks only English but thinks learning Spanish is generally wise(this is not echoed for eg French, Japanese, etc), wants nothing to do with Europe except maybe a vacation, and watches college football in his free time.

This is red tribe, but very much not working class. Now he probably valued money over self actualization(no one dreams of becoming an accountant, let’s be real) when he was ~20, which is a red tribe value that does go a ways towards explaining the conservative under representation in academia. But it’s tribal identity markers, not class, and there may be class markers involved but they’re tangential at best.

'People who match the culture of white republicans' is a basic paraphrase of Scott's original definition.

What that culture is is of course not monophyletic; there's the country music crowd, the church crowd, the red dirt types(genuine connection to the rural), and that's before getting into the importance of regional and religious differences. But there's an identifiable cluster there, where a Cajun and an eastern Oregon rancher and a UAW worker and a snake-handler all would rather socialize with each of each other rather than a professor of gender studies, despite their vast differences.

I feel like there's a 'gonna die if you don't, gonna die if it doesn't work, not gonna die if it does' unstated exception to that particular tenet of the Nuremberg code.

I believe that functioning people generally like belonging to institutions, even small ones, and churches fit the bill for the red tribe. I also believe that practicing Christianity makes people better, practicing Christians are generally a good influence on each other and this attracts human capital.

The equivalent might be something like 'nearly all high-functioning blue tribers obtain a college degree'.

There is a De Maistre shaped hole on the motte. I'm Hlynkaposting I know.

Conservatism has come full circle- la contrerevolution nest pas la revolution contraire mais le contraire de la revolution. Building something that functions by the old rules until it grows and overtakes is the conservative project and it is the work of generations. Building off of the foundations of the old rules. Building a functional society. The counterrevolution is long but it is utterly predictable.

I mean, Ross Douthat is not a red triber. He seems unlikely to deer hunt or listen to country music. He's clearly quite conservative, but he's a blue tribe conservative.

There are beautiful traditional churches with traditional art being newly built today. Somebody, presumably, is making that art. I don't know where we source it from but it is representational and new.

And Larry Correio, John Ringo, David Weber, Orson Scott Card etc remain extremely successful science fiction writers. Again, the red tribe just cares about things other than status within the academy. I'll wager their fiction is better than black lesbians in outer space or whatever wins the hugos these days. I don't read that much fiction.

Red tribers mostly respect discoveries in eg hard mathematics, chemistry, archeology, etc. But generally not philosophical theorizing, or gender studies, or what have you. So yes it's writing off entire fields but it's because they think the answers are so obvious/already known(there are two genders, you can figure out which one you are by dropping your pants in front of a mirror) that the field in question consists of making yourself stupid to avoid them.

Running these experiments is itself a violation of the ethics of human experimentation because, as detransitioners would be able to tell you, it can't be opted out of.

Well yes, the US Burgher class has been hollowed out by the promise of extremely high salaries in white collar jobs that I am told have a purpose, but which seem to be mostly featherbedding(not that unions manage to avoid this).

That being said, entry into the burgher class is itself not open to the general public; it normally takes connections or years of grinding out experience, and you can't switch over to it at thirty.

You can find red paleontology enthusiasts they’re called creation scientists. You can disagree with them but basically all high-human-capital red tribers are practicing Christians(as elsewhere, secularization is a bottom up thing) and the pressure for talented individuals with nothing else to do(and I suspect the job market for grad degrees in paleontology is not good) to work in YEC apologism or research is high.

I've heard more than one Russian nationalist complain that the Soviet Union was run by a cabal of Jews, Balts, and other minorities to the detriment of the Russian majority, but I digress

Everybody in the former Soviet Union has some variant about ‘other ethnicity running for their own benefit at our expense’ and I suspect this is just a coping mechanism for the reality of shitty societies.

But regardless, every society believes not-science in elite institutions. Some of this not-science gets in the way of social functioning more than others, but there has never been a society running on science.

I recommend the (short but boring)book Compromising Scholarship to read a case for discrimination against conservatives in the academy. Very solid account of academic prejudices against proxies for conservatism.

The red tribe produces plenty of petroleum geologists, clergy are generally quite intelligent, has successfully engineered affirmative action for themselves in the legal profession despite the legal profession trying to do the exact opposite.

What you’ll notice is access to status from non-academic sources(money, religion, conservative activism). This is a consistent pattern- the red tribe does not care about status within the school system for its own sake(which is the main reward for anthropologists).

Artists and journalists aren’t the average Joe. They’re poor members of the upper classes.

Most people have a lot of sympathy for laid off coal miners and factory workers, and one of the terminal values of western regimes is raising the LFPR. The jobs must flow, and flow they shall. There may not be universal six figures for nerds, but that isn’t a necessity.

In any case, AI isn’t taking everyone’s job. There will be fewer software engineers, sure, but we don’t need so many of them. They should learn to fix toilets or dig coal or something. Previous increases in the productivity of white collar work have not led to the elimination of white collar employment.

There have been previous large increases in intellectual productivity due to computers. Job prospects for nerds have gotten better, not worse.

the free market

We don’t live in a free market. We live in a regulated society. Do you think doctors, lawyers, teachers will get replaced by machines just because those machines will do a better job?

I don't see how that was a fiasco. The Ivy League seems pretty undiminished in institutional power to me.

Lol. LMAO even. Top recruiters are shifting away from the ivies, for just one metric.