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This doesn’t seem to hold republicans back too much, so it’s probably not that.
In an actual blue collar environment, this kind of accusation would merit a 'so what?' and the opportunist advocating for A would wind up with egg on his face. But grad students upset they don't make as much as a panda express manager are different.
A quick google says Israel's overall TFR is 2.89 and the Israeli overall Jewish TFR is 3.03. Both of those are higher than any neighbors except Palestine and Iraq(which is stretching the definition of 'neighbor').
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are not true believers. But they don’t push back against the true believers running the party.
Like republicans may not be politically correct about race but they’re visibly uncomfortable with racism. Governors and senators do not retweet the 14 words and happily condemn neoNazis(yes, I’m sure you can dig up state legislators, but my point is that among democrats extremism on trans and immigration is not limited to state legislators).
In my state, Gilberto Hinojosa was ousted as state party chair not when he proved incompetent but when he opined that the party should take a chill pill on trans, purely for electoral reasons.
This isn’t 2005. Islamic fertility isn’t sub-Saharan Africa level. Israel’s TFR is generally higher than it’s neighbors.
Monkey grade arms are extremely common in the international defense trade and the F-35 doesn’t really have competitors. Typhoons, Rafaels, grippens, etc are not stealth and Russian stealth jets are probably even worse.
The Atlantic is very willing to publish cultural conservatives- they have an Atlanticist literati bias, and it so happens that most of those kinds of writers who meet their quality standards are libs, but they carry op Eds from socon intellectuals regularly.
Our descendants in 100 years seem unlikely to be more longevity maxing or scientifically minded than we are.
Uh, working class women are not good at moving heavy objects, and are generally worse at it than wealthier women. That fat is covering up less muscle, not more, than the yoga girl or the runner.
They care because trans, not because sports.
Minorities tend to live in bubbles, though, where their own kind are overrepresented.
Conservative republicans know they live in a bubble and that proportions of various minorities are higher elsewhere, but usually don’t understand how the proportions shake out. Conservatives in the south usually don’t grasp that blacks are overrepresented in their surrounds but gays are underrepresented, they think gay numbers must be similar to black numbers from the way the media keeps talking about it.
Lots of people who don’t mathematically understand scale can manage their finances well enough- they’re used to buying x amount of groceries and y amount of gas. It’s really not difficult.
I believe that individuals deported still have the right to go wherever will accept them from the country they are deported to, yes?
And it’s worth noting that the ‘adults in the room’ in the DNC seem to know what they need to do to be electorally competitive. They just can’t get the party to moderate on trans and immigration.
Mhhmm. Institutions which think adolescent fertility is the worst thing in the universe, damn the long term effects, certainly rhyme.
The tooth to tail ratio is a bitch, but it’s not that much of a bitch. Woke activism really is aimed at producing more of the alphabet soup type of trans. The social media influencers, the public school lessons, the puberty blockers- they’re all part of the direct ecosystem in a way that supremely stupid academic papers are not.
[citation needed]
Particularly with the UAE having a nuke- I have no doubt that the UAE, Saudi, etc could buy a paki nuke for money, but the likelihood they would do so to use against some goat herders is low. Israel, likewise, had no reason to care about the Houthis until recently. And while the USA sold Saudi weapons, we weren’t involved in the war.
Yeah, I think it was intended to reach the euro literati.
The ADL is backing Netanyahu now? Israel does have a left, you know.
Bombing Yemen is unlikely to be a great long term strategy but the U.S. government which makes peace with the Houthis is one which does not care about oil. This seems unlikely.
The US oil and global trade interests are going to keep us involved in the region and they’re going to do so in a way that angers the most terrorist-y Muslims. That can’t actually be stopped.
Relatedly, Texas A&M had its chancellor replaced with a partisan republican, very plausibly over drag queensz
Every other domesticated species gets fixed to make it easier to handle, why not humans?
I’m barely joking. Trans kids make excellent institutional pets. You’ll notice that working dogs are not castrated, and that pets usually are timed to prevent puberty. This is a natural part of hajnali Europeans separating themselves into different landraces.
The thought is horrifying but why wouldn’t domesticating ourselves have the same effects it has on everything else?
Ned Ludd led weavers to smash looms. It didn’t save the weaver’s jobs, but their great-granddaughters were far wealthier.
Just based on history, large productivity increases will raise wages. I’m looking into a cushy union sinecure that will never be automated but AI is a minor factor compared to the money. Yes, some fintech roles will be curtailed(and the remainder will be more client-and-customer heavy), but meh. These people’s high salaries is not fundamental to our social model.
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