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joined 2024 June 30 12:54:06 UTC


User ID: 3123



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 June 30 12:54:06 UTC


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User ID: 3123

The difference between “Jack slandered Jill” and “Jack warned the community about Jill” is evidence of Jill’s misdeeds.

The difference between “Don stole the election” and “Don rescued the rigged election” is evidence that the election was rigged.

Claiming the election had been stolen would’ve been reasonable if there’d been compelling evidence for it. Doing so without evidence is the same thing as trying to stealing the election. If Trump had succeeded in overturning the election, it would’ve been stolen. Like if Jack’s convinced everyone that Jill is wicked without evidence, he’s slandered her.

I agree that Biden’s in no shape to be president, but you’re catastrophizing. The “unelected and unaccountable group of people running the country” are the west wing staff, same as always. Staffs are elected and accountable as extensions of their respective candidates. Like in this election it’s looking like voters will boot Biden and his people.