investments: META/FBL, TSLA, TQQQ, TECL, MSFT ...
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yeah but many of these people who are fired/quit are going to find other wasteful jobs , and also the severance $ by your same argument adds up to billions of dollars over a lifetime compounded compared to putting the $ in an index fund or something. DOGE will not put a dent in the national debt, but it does not need to. it's an effective rhetorical tool. Trump's successor in 2028 can cite all the cuts under DOGE as progress even if the national debt is still much higher.
If a waiter or delivery I give something
Ai models cannot pick up up the subtle but important details that distinguish it from human writing, like internal consistency. Imagine in 2010 writing that you like in "X" . Unless you moved, it must be remembered that you still live there. So it must store all this information and take it into account in a contextual sense.
AI-generated writing tends to overuse the passive voice. This gives it away
The irony of renting with a bad credit score, which is that you need to prove you have to means to not have to rent but choose to rent anyway.
A common observation by economists is that America's budget is not analogous to personal finances. Credit scores, credit ratings, and deficits do not mean the same thing on a national level as they do on a personal level. Credit worthiness means much more for smaller economics than it does for the US. The US is in a privileged position of creating debt with near impunity.
I think so. Tariffs are not going to put much of a debt in America's liabilities. America spends too much on domestic programs, not that it imports too much
It's already done. happened 2 hours ago
There is enormous individual variably of metabolism, about as much as IQ, controlling for height,.
Early Rockefeller was a very good steward of his fortune, and a very good spender of it. For example, he essentially cured hookworm in the U.S.
that is amazing. perfect example of low hanging fruit. small spending that can lead to huge gains
Zuckerburg did a few things right, all more than a decade ago:
That is all you need to become super -successful. A good idea the execute near-perfectly on it, which he had from 2005-2015 or so.
Bought WhatsApp for $19 billion and promised to never advertise on the platform. Even though he has broken the promise, it's unclear how they will ever recoup this
He already has. Same for other purchases. The Metaverse is still a loss, but Wall St. has moved on.
All that other stuff works at boosting ad impressions and engagement. Evidently it semes to be working.
Bill Gates folllowed that model. Maybe Zuckerberg thinks the same way. But it's unlikely that anything he can do with his billions can undo the damage his social networks have done, and continue to do to the social fabric. The irony is that if he had just focused on making Facebook the best version of itself, he would probably be even richer today, and beloved for making the iconic product of the age.
At least Rockefeller's wealth and other Gilded Era wealth was fleeting, which quickly dwindled as the money was frittered away on dubious low-ROI philanthropy or wasteful spending. Today's tech-rich are much better at preserving their wealth and their industries less vulnerable to economic obsolescence or competition, unlike oil, ferries, cars, mining, or railroads.
Be charitable. You know what I meant. Appetite goes up, metabolic rate goes down, and then yes, people either eat more food and regain the weight, or their metabolism slows down so much that it doesn't make a difference how little they eat, they still regain the weight.
Yup. And where this plateau occurs controlling for height and sex is determined by genes. Some ppl have such crappy metabolism genes they are still fat cutting to 1500kcal/day and cannot lose more. many such cases. ironically, being a bigger glutton makes wight loss and leanness easier. A guy who maintains at 250 lbs eating 5kcal/day will find weight loss easier than the same guy at same height and weight who eats 3kcal/day.
what would that be? A fitness model? A lot of those ppl either have superior genetics, take stims and steroids, or do tons of cardio. it's the same 'cut calories' advice seen everywhere else
Bryan Johnson's food guide/protocol?
it is found here:
He says he's a vegan. There is some truth to this as an effective weight loss diet. Cultures and societies that primarily subsist on starches tend to be thin. Plant based foods have lower calorie density, save for nuts. When I lost weight, I found myself adhering to mostly a non-meat diet. Animal products limited to fish and some chicken.
It is an acquired taste, I guess, or most people skim rather than read his posts. Judging by his huge huge subscriber count and fame, evidently, this style worked for him.
Yeah this is why dieting is hard, why most people who diet regain it, etc.
too bad no one can invent a zero calorie solid food non-vegetable . low calorie energy drinks work for me ymmv
hmm i don't think you're that good of a candidate. you seem to have things under control already
I've dropped 6kg in 3 weeks, but I expect that rate to slow down.
probably lot of this is water
Does anyone have keto tips or tweaks that managed to break periods of stagnation or otherwise make good progress?
fewer calories. there is nothing really else that works . even cardio will be offset due to metabolic adaption effects. Or up protein due to higher thermic effects
The economic case for a Bitcoin reserve is weak and stands to benefit a small minority of donors, more than improve general economic welfare. This is probably why Trump is dragging his feet on it or a low priority compared to other things.
both. obviously it would be good for the price
It is absurd that Chris Rufo, who has done great work showing how DEI stacks the deck against whites, is now telling whites to get jobs in companies that have been biased against them for years. Mr. Rufo is married to an Asian.
For what it's worth I always found him and others to be more like opportunists who capitalized on a movement for personal gain/branding. Anti-DEI does not mean pro-white. I guess better to learn this later than never.
All this begs the question: what exactly does Johnson propose should be done, and why do those things require white identity politics?
looking to politicians or gurus is the problem. Better to focus on building personal wealth, starting families, and so on. No one ifs gonna throw you a lifeline . As far as the GOP is concerned, losing some White evangelicals is a worthwhile tradeoff if it means getting more votes elsewhere.
It's funny to hear Trump reading out this stuff in a complete monotone, like he's bored or sleepy. 500 billion dollar investment... meh, who cares? He does seem to like Altman though, thinks he's the biggest expert in AI. I suspect Altman has used his maxxed out corporate charisma on Trump as well:
He could not sound less enthusiastic. Maybe he is tired or something given everything going on now.
Amazing how as recently as 2008 the $750 billion bank bailout was unpresented, and now $500 billion is an afterthought. goes to show how much bigger the economy is and how these fears of debt are mostly hot air or unacted on. The people who have predicted debt collapse for the past 20+ years keep being wrong.
How is this possible? Twitter specifically does not allow offline viewing anymore or archiving since Elon's buyout. changing the username and deleting the posts should have made the posts permanently and instantly inaccessible. AFIK there is no way to read a deleted tweet.
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