@god_from_celegans's banner p




1 follower   follows 1 user  
joined 2023 October 24 08:03:50 UTC


User ID: 2716



1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2023 October 24 08:03:50 UTC


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User ID: 2716


We seek to understand the world, but it's made harder when part of it is hidden from us.

Leaked documents, represent a kind of ground truth, showing how the world really works. Telling us what's for sale, what the real agendas are, how powerful spies are, and how coordinated governments are. They are almost the opposite to conspiracy theories, as they present observations that can prune conspiracy theories.

But there are too many documents to read, so let's compare notes. What surprised you and caused you to update your view of the world?

Feel free to give a low effort reply, it's better than nothing.