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joined 2022 September 05 04:08:25 UTC


User ID: 432



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 04:08:25 UTC


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User ID: 432

An AGI should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for AlphaFold.

What, some coalition of black people, Hispanics and Asians decides to oppress white people?

They could call it the Democratic party. I think it could work!

As a lurker since long before the offsite from reddit, this describes my evolution as well. This forum is pointless now. Discussion is pointless now. It's war.

if you really hate Jews I presume you'd consider the Holocaust a great achievement

It's very possible to be a racist without also supporting mass murder. Maybe someone doesn't want to live around a certain race, or believes races in general should have their own nations, but isn't an insane mass murderer.

This is exactly the reason Elon did the nazi salute, and I'm amazed no one else is picking up on that.

You're telling me a fictional movie made by Hollywood elites made you think poor white communities hate you? Damn I wonder how that could have happened.

Damaging people's social trust in Reddit would be doing them a huge favor.

What is your theory on why that LLM is not working at OpenAI and creating a better version of itself? Can that only be done by the 173rd best coder on Earth?

I think brain-draining the entire world to our advantage is monstrously immoral, so I'm as opposed to this as any other immigration scheme. I should think any morally consistent nationalist would feel the same.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the relationship between morality and game theory. Who/what should I read to get a handle on this?

It takes too much typing to compare things to I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, which would be nearly as accurate.

This is a very narrow view that ignores second order effects. If I know this is how the system works, I'm not even going to consider representing positions that will attract no donations, because the donators have no interest in advancing those positions. I can't just campaign with no money, because the function of the money is to make people aware that I'm running and get me in their mind in the first place.

I feel like someone like Steven Levitt is probably a smart person, who has surely thought of this very obvious dynamic, and it really makes me question his sincerity on anything else he has to say.

It's not that they aren't conscious. It's that the purpose of words is different for them. If you're honest with yourself, not everything you say has the simple purpose of "conveying information I believe to be true" either. For some people this is never the purpose of words.

the enemies of the West and free civilization

The West and free civilization seem to have led inexorably to everything you now decry. Are you sure this makes sense?

Sure, but the alternative logic is so much worse.

Lex Fridman. Yuval Noah Harari. And let's be honest : Big Yud.

I would bet almost anything that Israel's few nukes are targeted at the capital cities of their allies.

I feel like this is the memetics equivalent of great-man historical theories, this idea that ideas just pop into the zeitgeist via random recombination, and if we could just prevent the bad ones we'd all be doing great. I think it's more likely that ideas like wokeness are inevitable outgrowths of previous conditions like any other historical force or event; you might kill every wokie, but if society and its infosphere are primed for wokeness, it'll just pop right back out.

The squared-circle is the most common example, but then I am sort of thinking about it already and if I turn mad I might worship it.

This is my impression of how the trinity doctrines came about.

Adding onto this, I will be interested in AI art on the day that it becomes like-something to be an AI, and those AIs create art to express what that's like to us. I'm looking forward to that very much, but I don't expect to see it in my lifetime.

Art isn't for communicating information, it's for communicating viewpoints, "what-it's-like-to-be"s. If I write a song true enough, I can make you feel for a minute what it was like to be me losing my wife. (I can't actually do that, but some people can.) The only purpose of art is to make us feel less alone, which is why AI art is a contradiction and is fake and gay.

me too thanks

people in the profession both benefit from complexity and personally enjoy adding it

This is an accurate description of software development for the past 10 years.

I find Lae'zel to be the most attractive woman in the history of videogames, but that may be down to personality.

I play a lot of Warhammer: Darktide, and it's a running joke in the playerbase that it's impossible to make an attractive female avatar.