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joined 2022 September 19 15:59:28 UTC
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User ID: 1261



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 19 15:59:28 UTC


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User ID: 1261

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wont UBI also counter this? if your welfare isnt tied to lying or living in poverty

oh so what was the punchline to the puerto rico joke?

shes a politician not a philosopher, its not her job to seek truth but to win votes and serve the people

you try to make it seem like because shes a woman she is less objective but trying to give voters what they want is the objectively right move in her position

anyone else annoyed by posts that start with some unrelated story like "i was cooking dinner when blah blah", its like reading cooking recipes online

i feel like our esteem for effort posting is why people pad their posts so much, to try to fit in when they dont actually have that much to say

I somehow find this sort of thing even more annoying than pure Trump bashing, because it's showing me that absolutely nothing will be enough for these people. They seem to think they're entitled to a purely leftist president who agrees with them on everything, and anything right of that makes him evil.

IMO people are entitled to their right to vote for someone they agree with, the main reason they cant is the 2 party system which is only shared by America, Australia, and 30 or so 3rd world countries.

What if you were to look at a chinese person calling people annoying for thinking they are entitled to a president from outside the one party. You might think its sad that the chronic lack of democracy has become so normalised they think you're annoying for caring about it, so don't normalise the 2 party system either. Someday you might end up disagreeing with both parties and have no choice but to join the crowd you are so dismissive of today.

the people saying they're not voting for Biden in 2024 were the exact same people

"these are the exact same people that said x" has never been spoken truthfully in my experience, if you want to prove there exists one specific person who is a hypocrite go after them, compile tweets proving hypocrisy and repost it whenever they make a post.

If you go after a group of people made up of roughly half the entire population of america you will obviously see statements that contradict each other.

Imagine being told "you are all the same, you are all hypocrites" from someone outside the group, maybe some people here are hypocrites, but you don't want to be painted with the same brush.

Maybe the people I see making these statements are just virtue signaling "look I'm so progressive, even the Democratic president isn't progressive enough for me". Or maybe not.

Or maybe they are allowed to change their mind, new things happen, they gather more information, they use the bayesian algorithm to generate new opinions. Up until the Israel/Palestine situation the lesser of the 2 evils was an argument about how Biden might be senile and have wishy washy convictions, but at least he is not killing people, now people believe he is killing people, so he is no longer a 'lesser' evil.

i dont claim to find this relevant to modern culture war but bear in mind not every country has a culture war about the same topics.

maybe he is slovakian, i dont know if it is relevant there but i dont just assume it isnt


possibly an attempt by unity devs to paint their critics as terrorists?

Following the ire it provoked, the company has somewhat changed its tune on the plan, confirming it will “only charge for an initial installation.”

i just learned you can change the style of the site in the profile settings

i also found out there is a bug/feature where the lines on the side of the comments, that you can use to collapse the comments, is invisible on every style besides the default

i fixed it by adding this to my custom css

.comment .comment-collapse-bar {
	border-right: solid;
.comment .comment-collapse-bar-click:hover .comment-collapse-bar {
	border-right: solid;

but since i also found out there is custom css, anyone using this feature? id like to check out some user created styles

i have never actually seen communists advocate for everyone to have the exact same standards of living, that always felt to me like a strawman from capitalists pretending to explain what communists believe to other capitalists

A) Men are not born with equal talent and ability. Therefore

B) The choices they make with their capital are not equally wise. Over time...>

C) Men are not born into equal prosperity and circumstance, compounding with the effects of A.

This statement seems trivially true. Everyone knows someone in their lives who makes smart decisions with their money and someone who makes dumb decisions with them. But the very notion that this over time will lead to a hierarchal and oligarchic character of their society is viscerally offensive to many. The reaction to this dilemma is the underlying problem of all modern political ideologies.

you gloss over C, but that is the only problem communists see with capitalism, because "make your money work for you" is a thing in capitalism, where if you inherit enough money it takes no talent to then hire an advisor and let him invest your money, giving you free capital for 0 work or talent

in communism, people have different standards of living as well as authority depending on their credentials, track record etc., it is a real attempt at meritocracy, the only thing they get rid of is the feedback loop of rich getting richer for no reason than that they were already rich to begin with

i edited my comment as i was researching those news, found out he was involved in an alien hoax before, using the body of a child

gonna just assume he used his connections as a journalist or maybe bribery to get a congress hearing

the other thing that sticks out to me is that he said "almost a third of the DNA is of unknown origin" which, if it is an actual fossil, means its at least 2 thirds related to some species we know, probably monkeys, that would just make this a new species of monkey but not an alien

well those look like sculptures to me but the "scientists unveil" really makes me think, who is putting their phd on the line for that?

is this a case of journalists believing literally anything some anon is telling them?

edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan

the guy who is the only source on what scientists say is only a journalist with no background in science


the same guy attempted an alien hoax before that was later revealed to be the body of a child

wow, i really expected them to be more competent than given credit, but i guess they actually made a terrible system

They've actually admitted that they don't have a way to prevent pirate installs from counting, and hitting F5 on a game that's being rendered in a browser also dings the developer for fifteen cents.

where did they admit that?

i checked and the fee doesnt apply to games that arent making at least $200 000 a year or that dont have over 200 000 installs

since you need to be paid for an install in the first place, how is having your income taxed any more controversial than every single other company taxing you for hosting your games on them?

Theres so much speculation about whats the best voting system ranging from "no voting allowed" to "vote with emoji that can have any abstract meaning you want" or "separate vote for each fraction of the post you want to highlight"

But we could go with the archipelago system of just adding every voting system as an option you can select when making a post, and well just see what happens

There might be a different 'best' voting system for each unique combination of topics and audiences.

I know this is going to be the most expensive way of doing this and if theres not enough interest no one will want to program it, just wanted to throw this idea out

Anyone have the archived post about parentheses that the reddit admins removed and that was apparently the wake-up call for making this website? I looked for it but couldn't find it