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Fuck around once, find out once. Do it again, now it's science.

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joined 2022 September 06 20:44:12 UTC


User ID: 884


Fuck around once, find out once. Do it again, now it's science.

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:44:12 UTC


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User ID: 884

Have you ever once commented upon — or even just read — a notice of proposed rulemaking on Regulations.gov? Probably not, because you don’t actually care about that stuff, and neither does anyone else in the general public.

I didn't even know that existed - my impression has always been that "contact your congressman" was the appropriate action if you liked or disliked some proposed regulation, and that you learned about upcoming regulations by being an insider / hoping the media surfaced something relevant to your interests.

For me at least I left because I didn't find the issues of the day terribly interesting - "woke bad" was not wrong but it was tiresome especially when woke was already on the downswing.

Now that we live in interesting times again, it's interesting to come on here and see how the people who have been cheering for Trump to come drain the swamp, fix our budget problems, and Make America Great Again react to the actual methods he's using in the supposed pursuit of that goal, and whether they think America is on track towards being made great.

If Russia wins a pyrrhic victory, I expect that would make them less likely to do the same thing in the future than if they were actually better off for engaging in a war of conquest.

From a sociopathic perspective, having front row seats the Ukraine war is probably much better value per dollar or per American life than the US military usually gets. At least as long as the US can avoid getting directly involved.

Yeah, I saw and considered the other way but I like this one better.

I'd be surprised if the Nobel people would be willing to give him a peace prize.

Of course the Nobel Committee would give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize! They'd be crazy not to, believe me. Nobody has done more for world peace than Donald Trump, not even close. The Abraham Accords? Beautiful peace deal, totally historic, everyone said it couldn't be done. And North Korea? Trump walked right in there, first president ever, and suddenly no more missile tests! The so-called experts - terrible people, by the way - they've been trying and failing for decades, but Trump got it done with his tremendous negotiating skills.

The fact is, Obama got one for doing absolutely nothing! Zero! Trump actually delivered peace, the best peace maybe ever, while bringing our troops home and building the greatest economy in history. The Nobel Committee, they know it, everybody knows it - Donald Trump deserves that prize more than anyone, and when they give it to him, it'll be the biggest, most-watched ceremony ever. Much bigger ratings than Obama's, that I can tell you!

This is certainly true. He has done many things.

Thank you for your honesty.

I don't think "self-aware Russian asset" is particularly plausible. My impression is that Donald Trump wants to win, to be the greatest, better than anyone has been before, and that his affinity for Putin is because he looks like someone who is winning. That and Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize 9 months into his term in office, so that's the deadline Trump is up against if he wants to be the best president at fostering peace.

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. Your posts make a lot more sense in the context of the RationalWiki -> SneerClub -> Motte path.

Now I'm really curious what did the intermediate parts of the slope looked like for you. The usual parts of the slope contain interminable debates about AI doom, but your question asking what an LLM is isn't compatible with you coming from that part of the slope, which means you must have taken a different and more interesting path.

If you're up for it, I'd like to know which of the following 20 obscure terms you've encountered.

  1. Paperclipping
  2. Shrimp welfare
  3. Dath Ilan
  4. Egregore
  5. Great Filter
  6. TPOT
  7. Moloch
  8. RaDVaC
  9. Futarchy
  10. Vampire castle dynamics
  11. Seeing Like a State
  12. Metamour
  13. Yeerk Ma'ar
  14. Motte and Bailey
  15. Bayesian
  16. Embryo selection
  17. PEPFAR
  18. The crystal sphere surrounding the world
  19. Seasteading
  20. Hyperstition

"Nobody goes there, it's too crowded".

If you don't mind me asking, how did you even find this place? This site is a quarantine site to contain the often toxic political discussions that would otherwise happen elsewhere, and the people who enter the quarantine tend to be those of us who enjoy such things for whatever reason. The site isn't really advertised anywhere, and so usually the only people who come here are the proverbial pissing in the water club.

Coming here and complaining that there are too many bad political takes feels like signing up for a poker strategy forum and complaining that they talk about and glorify gambling an unhealthy amount - arguably not wrong, but how did you even get there?

On the tiny chance this is not bait, LLM stands for "large language model" and is the sort of thing that ChatGPT and Claude are. It's an AI you can ask questions to, like "what is an LLM" or "how would I execute a snippet javascript on a web page". It will often (not always) provide useful and accurate answers, and you can ask follow-up questions.

If you build a habit of reflexively asking your LLM of choice to explain anything you don’t understand in plain language (e.g. contracts, legalese, poorly written comments from the internet) I think you will find it's pretty nice for your quality of life.

Seconding grognard in suggesting "leave your comments and just stop reading or posting here".

If you decide that you really do want to delete all your stuff, there is no special tooling for that. That said, LLMshave gotten really good at writing code lately, and if you ask an LLM for a javascript snippet which will press the "delete" button on every comment you wrote, ChatGPT or Claude can probably provide that to you.

That doesn't stop a lot of computer scientists from being true believers and inventing (I don't say corrupting, because that would imply there was a time they were legitimate) whole subfields like "AI safety" which are political.

From what I remember of the early 2000s, the AI safety movement didn't come from academia at all. Am I misremembering?

You need to slow down the deficit and increase growth.

And do you expect the Trump admin to do that?

I don't know if the grant application is public but here's the NSF page on the award, which has more details including the abstract and resulting publications.

Resulting publications look like real science with plausible important implications for medicine, not ideologically captured garbage:

This is exactly the sort of foundational research I want my tax dollars funding - low immediate commercial value but potentially massive positive externalities.

Which line of that grant application says "no white boys allowed in our science club"? Be specific.

Submitting a grant proposal to the effect of "I am going to use this grant to do science and also further the interests of the Democratic party" makes you a political operative

I think you should reconsider your definition of "political operative".

The commerce department published a list of what the $2B in defunded "woke" grants was here. Grabbing a random one in the $1-2M range, we get this one which was funded for $1.6M.

The Neurobiology of Hypoxia Tolerance in the Naked Mole-Rat

This project will contribute to understanding tolerance of hypoxia (low oxygen levels) within the nervous system by studying the African naked mole-rat. This mammal lives in crowded, oxygen-starved burrows, and has evolved the ability to survive extended periods of oxygen deprivation without triggering brain cell death.

This project will test new target genes that may protect brain cells from cell death resulting from exposure to hypoxia, with potential applications in designing new treatments for humans that experience oxygen deprivation during traumatic events like a stroke or heart attack. By studying the genome of the naked mole-rat, the investigators previously discovered changes in the genes of this species that likely reduce cell death from oxygen deprivation.

The goal of the current project is to test each of those genes for its potential role in brain cell protection. The project will support two graduate students each year, who will help mentor a number of undergraduate student researchers recruited from existing programs targeting students from groups underrepresented in science. Information on the naked mole-rat will be shared via outreach to a local zoo and area high schools.

This project will investigate molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms in the brain that underly hypoxia tolerance and will contribute to understanding evolutionary adaptations to environmental challenges in general. The naked mole-rat will be developed as a model system for studying the molecular and genetic basis of hypoxia tolerance in the mammalian brain.

As far as I can tell, this grant was defunded because they said "We will hire two grad students. Those two grad students will teach undergraduate classes. Our university has some already-existing programs to recruit undergrads from underrepresented groups, and so maybe the classes the grad students teach will contain members of underrepresented groups."

That... does not sound like something a political operative would say. That sounds like a PI who wanted to do useful research and was told "you have to say how the program will help minorities" and so grudgingly included a line like "the program will help everyone, and minorities are a part of everyone".

Forgiveness can only follow acknowledgement of error. I have seen none of that.

What error would you like that researcher to acknowledge? Be concrete.

Those with scientific merit will get reapproved and those whithout merit will get to spend even more time complaining about "right-wing anti-intellectualism" than they already do.

That sounds like a concrete prediction. Care to make it concrete enough to bet on?

Yeah, it's sadly plausible to me that "shut the program down in an orderly fashion" is a fabricated option.

To GP's point, "we are cutting funding at the end of 2025, figure it out" would have still been a better way to do this then an immediate stop work order (at least if it could be made to stick, which is perhaps not something the Trump administration could actually do).

Previously, for example, Harvard grants on average charged 69% above the cost of doing research for institutional overhead. (I think we can all imagine where that ends up). NIH just capped that tax at 15%. This will save $4 billion per year. That's $53 for every one of the 75 million Americans who paid federal income tax last year.

If you follow the incentives off a cliff (as happened with health insurance), that means that if they want to retain their $4B cut, that means the new cost of doing research needs to be such that 15% of it is $4B.

On inspection it looks like the "strip disallowed html tags and attributes" step happens after all the sketchy regex stuff so it's probably fine.