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joined 2024 June 02 04:58:53 UTC


User ID: 3087



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User ID: 3087

When marijuana was first legalized where I lived, it was a massive PITA to get it and there weren't that many dispensaries. The illegal trade still retained a huge portion of the market share. At a certain point, legal vs. illegal isn't what people are choosing based off. It also becomes convenient vs. inconvenient. If the above rules were put into place, you'd find no shortage of "beer guys" within the month.

Marrying and having children with a citizen seems like it would give someone sufficient attachment to the nation.


Congratulations and good luck my man!

To clarify: I only did the whole logs and report thing for 7 days. It's a bit cumbersome to do and the format breaks down when I'm leaving the house for long periods of time. Also did not want to ask too much of my friend.

Just found out I have covid and am isolating now. This plus the general energy drain has me concerned. I was really happy huffing the "pink clouds". Really only needed to get off 50% of my bullshit for that effect. Going to need to find inside stuff to do to keep the torch lit here.

Thinking about how I'm feeling then narrating it. "There's a soft, fuzzy, buzzing sensation behind my eyeballs. It is pleasant. My lungs hurt a little from breathing hard. That is satisfying. The buzzing sensation has spread to around the top of my forehead. My head feels warm in a good way. I am pleased with myself feeling good through exercise. My thighs feel heavy but not very sore."

Make observations like above for ~10 minutes. Preferably while somewhere comfy. Additionally let yourself linger on or sink into positive feelings.

I never had any luck on apps, but lately I've had more success talking to chicks at bars. I think a crucial ingredient here is I'm going with 1-3 other guys who are trying the same thing. That and talking to everyone, not just pretty chicks.

If you hustle a lot to get involved with research and get good internships every year, you can get pretty good prospects. Don't get too obsessed with leetcode though, it's not super necessary and makes you insufferable.

I’ve recently done a self improvement thing that was so ridiculously effective it’s going to sound like I’m selling a self help course. I’m not. Over the course of 6 days I went from borderline depressed and listless to being full of will, oozing charisma, and generally vibing. On day 7 I picked up a chick I just met and broke a year and a half long dry spell. First time I did anything like that.

The process is simple. Write down every thing you do and how you’ve feeling with time stamps. Send that shit to a trusted but physically distant friend once per day. I would write down everything I ate, every time I worked, every time I fucked around on the web, when I went to bed, when I went outside etc. In addition to showing it to my friend, I would read over the previous entries every morning. When I would consider doing something not great for me, I would remember I had to tell my friend. If I did it anyway, I would be reflecting more on it because I would be writing it down.

The silver bullet this clued me in on was going for runs, then focusing really intently on how my own head and body feel afterwards. I’m not sure if this is some form of grounding/embodiment or gratitude meditation. Normally a run is like a +2 to my mental state, the focus afterwards boosts it to a +6.

I made a few other small but extremely impactful routine changes. I’m not sure whether to call it charisma, force of personality, vibe, or just plain power level, but something about me is more now. People seem more drawn to me and often go out of their way to do me favors or give me things. I’m working much harder and to a higher standard at my day job. When I’m just fucking around and enjoying myself, I enjoy it more.

So any advice as to how to further increase this power level? This sounds like it’s getting towards New Age territory, so if possibly I’d like to minimize the woo.

For some of us it's a matter of work hard play hard. Hedonism and ambition can be made compatible.

Christ. I heard about that case back when I lived in Seattle. There are better cities and metros out there. My life got way better when I got a place at the same rent on the other coast.

Man, I don't even know. Everyone seems to have a different definition of what is or isn't a "hard drug". Cocaine always struck me as harder than amphetamine, and that can be pretty hard on the mind and body.

Supposedly people do try heroin in "social" settings without going through the opiate cursus honorum. That's completely alien to my way of thinking, but so is carjacking.

Hard agree. Taking out a member of leadership will create organizational chaos. There will be a lot of balls dropped before their successor gets up to speed.

I agree with your point but I'm irked by the inclusion of hard drugs in what normal people don't want. It's perfectly legible to want to do coke or molly to have a great time at a party.

FWIW my theory is that they changed something in his drug cocktail the night of the debate. This was intended to improve his performance, but backfired severely.

I don't think Israel is guilty of genocide, but casual disregard for human life seems to fit the bill. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/

Yeah IDK man, I can tell pretty quick whether the LLM code works or not. Either the UI starts looking right, the data starts getting transformed how I need it, or it doesn't. For anything not dead simple to validate I use my own brain. That's still automating a huge part of my work.

Speak for yourself. They're great for doing entry level tasks in languages/tech you're not familiar with. Once you get a good sense for what they do and don't hallucinate, you can really cruise through. It's made me significantly faster.

Your link appears to be broken for me, goes to an unlisted video of "youtube is not supported on this device".

That would be absolute political chaos

It looks like a woman in the audience died, caught one to the head.

Do you think the drug reduces your general factor pleasure/reward feelings? Or is it just only "bad" things? Any effect on sexual pleasure?

I agree with your "[willpower]>[forces against]" framing. Two things I want to add to that. First, you can modify both ends of the equation. Using your willpower makes it stronger. You can modify your situation to remove forces against. Second, I think there's a fuzzy split between willpower and what I'm going to tentatively call agency. Willpower seems like actively resisting or continuing: Keeping up a run or powering through the last set. Agency is more like starting in the first place from inactivity. Calling up someone to be a gym buddy, or getting off the couch. I think we have more of a crisis of agency than of willpower.

Fundamentally it comes down to agency. Exercising, getting off drugs, and doing other rewarding but """hard""" things is all agency. I don't really believe in morality, but agency is a personal trait just as much as beauty or strength. Right or wrong, people have little patience for low agency.

an extreme deficit in willpower as it relates to physical exertion which requires a dedicated program

You can train up your will power. Do a little of the hard thing at first. Get into the gym at least once in the week. Drink less for one night. I guess you could say this a chicken and egg problem, invest willpower into developing your will power. You gotta bootstrap from somewhere. If you're unable or unwilling to do this... Isn't that definitionally a personal failing?

Expand on what you mean by it being "cured in an instant".