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User ID: 3087



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User ID: 3087

I was a huge fan of Cultist Simulator. I like it to the point I have to keep it uninstalled or I'll ruin my sleep. Seems like the parts you don't like are the ones I like. I love occult vibes and obscure plots and mechanics. I love not knowing what the fuck is going on while portentous things are happening around me. Dark Souls is my GOAT for this.

House of many doors felt like a first draft of a game. I liked the world and the characters a lot, but so much of the game just plain old lacked polish. The combat was very rough, and the mechanics barely made sense. The vibes powerful at least, though not as good as Sunless Sea.

The game play is much better in sunless skies, but the writing was way better in sunless sea. Funny enough I think the OG writer, Alexis Kennedy, got pushed out of the company in between games for sleeping around the office.

After the debate disaster, everyone's been talking about how it will affect the election and if he'll drop out. I want to ask something else: How fucked are we if any serious foreign policy crises kick off in the next 6 months? There's much to criticize in our current handling of the situations in Ukraine and Gaza, but at least they're not going totally sideways. Are those going ~neutral because they started before 'Ole Joe finally lost it? Was he already out of it then but the deep state had good plans in advance? Or is his current cabinet effectively making all the decisions as they go?

Do you think four more years of Joe as a figure head will play out roughly how the past 4 did in terms of foreign policy competence? Or do you think his decline is going to make things worse?

Before this debate I thought it'd be more of the same. At this point I wouldn't trust him to have a friendly chat with an allied leader. At this point the ship of state is effectively on auto pilot. Or drifting on momentum. How long it's been like this is an open question.

I think it would be entirely appropriate to remove him with the 25th Amendment at this point. The fact that no normies are talking about that scares me. Is everyone just quietly OK with not having anyone in charge? I think that while it would be best for the Republic, a removal would do even more electoral damage to the Dems than even the chaos of a hotswap. That's why we're not going to see it.

Do you think in the next 6 months it's possible the situation worsens enough that the 25th Amendment actually gets used? I think if there's another public meltdown like this around a crisis, it could get to that point. Call it 5% odds of removal without an international crisis, 20% with.

(First post, feedback appreciated)