@erwgv3g34's banner p

(Except the part about sexual histories. Having to accept that you probably won't be marrying a virgin - yeah, that part is true. Live with it or take the shahada, I guess.)

I have seriously considered doing this, but the fact that Islam is polygamous plus the fact that I would be starting out as a random outsider with no social capital to speak of gives me pause. I would probably just end up as one of those surplus males that are forced to fuck dancing boys for lack of women, which is not what I want.

Rather, I want white sharia.

There is no source I can cite for something like this; all I can do is report what I see with my own eyes.

Except that men's form of promiscuity is different from women's form of promiscuity.

The male form of promiscuity is the harem, where a man has sex with multiple girls at the same time and they don't have sex with anyone else. Even trying to propose this to your girlfriend would get you derided as having a One Penis Policy.

More likely, a man would have to cheat on his girlfriend to practice promiscuity, something which is universally condemned for it's dishonesty. By contrast, a woman can be completely honest about her dealings and still end up promiscuous by simply having those feelings change, and have society back her up. A man can't.

Women now have more sexual partners over the course of a lifetime than they did a hundred years ago; men have bifurcated into incels who have zero sexual partners and Chads who have tons of sexual partners. Focusing on the Chads is classic apex fallacy.

No, it doesn't. Society thinks of relationships like jobs; it is perfectly acceptable to hop around looking for a better deal as long as you give two weeks notice before you actually start. Even marriages work like this now, though the divorce might take a little longer than two weeks.

Doesn't matter how long you were with your old partner and how much you promised to love them forever, you can just wake up one morning and say "I just don't feel that way anymore" and as long as you wait a whole week out of respect for the heartbroken it is totally kosher to start a sexual relationship with someone else.

It is now totally normal for a girl to have a high school boyfriend who she breaks up with when she goes to college, a college boyfriend or two who she breaks up with when she graduates and relocates for work, and another boyfriend or three before she is ready to settle down in her late twenties to early thirties. Toss in a handful of hookups and you are expected to be OK with a woman having half a dozen sexual partners before you marry her.

I hate it.

I'm going to dissent here and say sell it all.

Yes, it would be great to just build upwards and create skyscrapers and parking garages and multiply the number of lanes on every highway, but we are not going to do that. If the only thing we are allowed to build are suburbs, then we need more land.

And yes, some of that land is very pretty, but I don't ever get to visit any of it, because I have to work and only get 2 weeks of vacation per year. America's wild beauty only exists on paper to me. Going on hikes through the Appalachian trail or whatever is only for rich professionals. I'd rather have lower rent.

From Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Chapter 78:

Later, looking backward, Harry would think of how, in his SF and fantasy novels, people always made their big, important choices for big, important reasons. Hari Seldon had created his Foundation to rebuild the ashes of the Galactic Empire, not because he would look more important if he could be in charge of his own research group. Raistlin Majere had severed ties with his brother because he wanted to become a god, not because he was incompetent at personal relationships and unwilling to ask for advice on how to do better. Frodo Baggins had taken the Ring because he was a hero who wanted to save Middle-Earth, not because it would've been too awkward not to. If anyone ever wrote a true history of the world - not that anyone ever could or would - probably 97% of all the key moments of Fate would turn out to be constructed of lies and tissue paper and trivial little thoughts that somebody could've just as easily thought differently.


I've seen Zoe Quinn analogized to Franz Ferdinand.

World War I was always going to happen, because the entangling web of alliances was predisposed to make all the great powers go to war with each other; the assassination of the archduke was simply the spark that lit the waiting powder keg.

Likewise, gaming journalist had already been taken over by SJWs who hated games and hated gamers; some slut fucking five gaming journalists in exchange for giving her shitty game good reviews was simply the point where it went public.

Playing videogames is a coup-complete problem.

Friendship is Magic was HUGE in the 2010s; it's not surprising that there are former bronies around. Hell, some of the best science fiction I have ever read has been MLP fanfiction (Friendship is Optimal, The Moon's Apprentice, Message in a Bottle, The Maretian, etc.).

And, yes, Friendship is Witchcraft kicks ass. Never liked Mentally Advanced Series, though; not enough polish.

Any other good examples of media doing a good job at this?

There's a pretty decent Worm fanfic called The Slippery Slope about Taylor joining Empire Eighty-Eight. Also, not about race, but Princess Luna in "Just an Assistant" gives a surprisingly good defense of slavery.

See "Keep Your Rifle by Your Side" for the modern version.

If Ubisoft didn’t want us to identify with it then they shouldn’tve made it such a banger.

We all hate our jobs. That's why they have to pay us to do them. If we loved our jobs, we would do them for free.

From "Would You Like Another Plate of This?" by Mike Darwin, as quoted on "On the Unpopularity of Cryonics: Life Sucks, but at Least Then You Die" by Gwern Branwen:

Then there are the other people you must necessarily interact with. Several of the people you work with are complete monsters, in fact, they despise you and they go out of their way to make your job and your hours at work more difficult. And the customers! Most are OK, but some are horrible – encounters with them leave you shaking, and sometimes fearful for your job. Speaking of which, there is always some degree of apprehension present that you might lose your job; you might screw up, the economy may take a nosedive… In any event, your survival is critically dependent upon your job. Others whom you work with are better compensated, and those that own the enterprise you work for are getting rich from it, and that rankles. But, beyond these concerns, this isn’t what you really wanted to do with your life and your time. When you were fifteen, you wanted to _______________, to travel, to see the world, and to meet interesting people and do interesting things. Instead, here you are. And every day you are a little older and a little more run-down. The clock is ticking. When you looked in mirror this morning, you had to face it yet again; you aren’t young anymore and you aren’t going to get any younger.


Most people lack autonomy in their daily lives. Next to life itself, freedom is the most precious value; and most people’s lives are functionally devoid of it. Many cryonicists fail to see this, because they are self employed, are in jobs that offer them compensating satisfaction, or that they don’t perceive as “work” (e.g., they are not watching the clock just waiting for the torture to be over for another day).


The vast majority of people over 30 don’t feel well a significant fraction of the time. They have colds, flu, osteoarthritis, and most importantly, they are poorly conditioned as a result of jobs that enforce immobility and make them sedentary. As a result, they are tired and drained from their work and home responsibilities at the end of each day, and worst of all, they spend that part of the day when they feel the best and are most alert, doing what other people tell them to do – not what they want to do.

For that reason, I have always gravitated towards jobs that require as little work as possible and leave me free to use the internet or listen to podcasts: night auditor, security guard, delivery driver, etc. I even tried teaching once for the three months of vacation, but I couldn't control the kids.

The pay is awful, but I get by with the Early Retirement Extreme mindset of spending as little as possible (e.g. I don't have health insurance and go to a community health center if I absolutely must). The status hit is worse; my family is disappointed in me and no Western woman is going to be impressed with my job. C'est la vie.

Now I'm imagining a scenario where you first breed Ashkenazi wordcels with East Asian shape rotators to create the perfect mind, then mate the hybrids to White jocks in order to add the perfect body. The result would be an elite breed of super-genius athletes we should call Spartans.

Literally the Torment Nexus meme.

(let's face it, this place is very, very red tribe-bent)

Is it? It's very, very right-wing, but that's not the same thing. From "I Can Tolerate Anything except the Outgroup" by Scott Alexander:

The Red Tribe is most classically typified by conservative political beliefs, strong evangelical religious beliefs, creationism, opposing gay marriage, owning guns, eating steak, drinking Coca-Cola, driving SUVs, watching lots of TV, enjoying American football, getting conspicuously upset about terrorists and commies, marrying early, divorcing early, shouting “USA IS NUMBER ONE!!!”, and listening to country music.

The Blue Tribe is most classically typified by liberal political beliefs, vague agnosticism, supporting gay rights, thinking guns are barbaric, eating arugula, drinking fancy bottled water, driving Priuses, reading lots of books, being highly educated, mocking American football, feeling vaguely like they should like soccer but never really being able to get into it, getting conspicuously upset about sexists and bigots, marrying later, constantly pointing out how much more civilized European countries are than America, and listening to “everything except country”.

(There is a partly-formed attempt to spin off a Grey Tribe typified by libertarian political beliefs, Dawkins-style atheism, vague annoyance that the question of gay rights even comes up, eating paleo, drinking Soylent, calling in rides on Uber, reading lots of blogs, calling American football “sportsball”, getting conspicuously upset about the War on Drugs and the NSA, and listening to filk – but for our current purposes this is a distraction and they can safely be considered part of the Blue Tribe most of the time)

From what I can tell, most of us are Grey Tribers who refused to go along with the blatant falsehoods of wokeness and got thrown into the pit with the rest for it. The surveys support this. From the same essay:

On last year’s survey, I found that of American LWers who identify with one of the two major political parties, 80% are Democrat and 20% Republican, which actually sounds pretty balanced compared to some of these other examples.

But it doesn’t last. Pretty much all of those “Republicans” are libertarians who consider the GOP the lesser of two evils. When allowed to choose “libertarian” as an alternative, only 4% of visitors continued to identify as conservative. But that’s still…some. Right?

When I broke the numbers down further, 3 percentage points of those are neoreactionaries, a bizarre local sect that wants to be ruled by a king. Only one percent of LWers were normal everyday God-‘n-guns-but-not-George-III conservatives of the type that seem to make up about half of the United States.

How many "God-'n-guns-but-not-George-III" conservatives do we actually have here? I think the most prominent were @HlynkaCG, who got himself permabanned, and @FarNearEverywhere, who left after a temporary ban. We got a couple of other military vets and Christians who fit the bill, but the bulk of us would be as completely out of place in a USMC boot camp as we would be at Sunday church service or a Super Bowl watch party.

We were able to keep this site going under leftist authoritarianism; who is to say we wouldn't under rightist authoritarianism?

A lot of neoreactionary though is about how authoritarianism is the default state of mankind, and liberalism is an unstable equilibrium that can only ever exist as an ephemeral waystation on the road to the next tyranny. That being the case, all we can decide is whether we would rather live under leftist authoritarianism or rightist authoritarianism. I know what I pick.

Christianity may have silenced Galileo, expelled Percy Shelley, fought against evolution, condemned heavy metal, and ostracized Dungeons and Dragons, but it also created a thriving civilization that stood for almost two thousand years and conquered most of the planet. Communism gave us the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward. Wokeness gave us South Africa and the Great Replacement.

Catholicism demands that you believe nonsense about the Eucharist and the Trinity, while Mormonism demands that you believe nonsense about golden plates and a planet called Kolob i.e. things that have absolutely no relevance to the rest of your life. Conversely, Progressivism demands that you believe nonsense about gender and race, while Communism demands that you believe nonsense about economics and human nature i.e. things you have to deal with every day. Given those choices, you are much better off taking your chances with the Christians than with the nominal Atheists.

The Dreaded Jim famously said:

The fundamental realization of the Dark Enlightenment is that all men are not created equal, not individual men, nor the various groups and categories of men, nor are women equal to men, that these beliefs and others like them are religious beliefs, that society is just as religious as ever it was, with an official state religion of progressivism, but this is a new religion, an evil religion, and, if you are a Christian, a demonic religion.

The Dark Enlightenment does not propose that leftism went wrong four years ago, or ten years ago, but that it was fundamentally and terribly wrong a couple of centuries ago, and we have been heading to hell in a handbasket ever since at a rapidly increasing rate – that the enlightenment was dangerously optimistic about humans, human nature, and the state, that it is another good news religion, telling us what we wish to hear, but about this world instead of the next.

If authority required me to believe in Leprechauns, and to get along with people that it was important to get along with required me to believe in Leprechauns, I would probably believe in leprechauns, though not in the way that I believe in rabbits, but I can see people not being equal, whereas I cannot see leprechauns not existing.


If we only count religions that officially admit to being supernatural, pretty obviously religion is declining. If, however, we define religion more broadly, then religion is increasing by leaps and bounds.

If authority assures you that leprechauns exist and that authority can see them, it does not take much faith to believe, since you cannot see leprechauns not existing. If, however, authority assures you that all humans are equal, or that all groups and categories of human are equal, it takes outstanding and extraordinary faith, since every day you see individuals, groups, and categories being strikingly and obviously unequal, for reasons cultural, genetic, and hormonal.

Further, belief in the flying spaghetti monster not only does no harm, but is apt to inculcate the accumulated wisdom of the ages, inculcating prudent and virtuous behavior, whereas belief in equality tends to inculcate bad behavior, as illustrated by the inability of “Occupy” to operate an urban campsite.

Okay, fine; there is no answer that involves making the current population smarter. If you want to help future generations, you can do eugenics or genetic engineering. And if you don't want to make life worse for your current population you can avoid importing low-IQ foreigners and giving them voting power.

(If this was a hundred years ago I would also mention iodine deficiency and lead poisoning, but we already fixed those.)

Accelerationism has a bad track record.

"Surely if we heighten the contradictions by taking stupid ideas to their logical conclusion and making things as bad as possible for everyone people will realize that the stupid ideas are, in fact, stupid and destroy the whole system!"

They really, really won't.

I have never before seen something that I more wished the general population was better at. Can you imagine a world in where significantly more people had the reading comprehension and understanding of arguments to answer these accurately? It feels like 90% of what's annoying about politics and political discussion would just disappear---all the obnoxious bad-faith argumentative games wouldn't work anymore because everyone would see through them, we'll actually be able to have national discussions about substance instead of the nonsense that happens now, etc. Why is studying LSAT-style questions not part of the mandatory school curriculum? Wouldn't pushing for this be one of the best ways to "raise the sanity waterline"?

I mean, this is literally just "wouldn't the world be a better place if the entire population had much higher verbal intelligence?" Which, yes, of course it would be great (and the same goes for quantitative reasoning, too), but schools are completely useless for this.

At best, they teach elementary skills like reading and writing and sort the people who were born with higher verbal intelligence from the people who were born with lower verbal intelligence by giving them well-designed tests and handing them the appropriate credentials.

Increasingly, they fail to even do this; teachers embrace stupid fads like whole language instead of using proven methods like phonics and run into the usual political problems with honestly assessing students' abilities. So you end up with a situation where 90% of adults graduate high school but only 80% of adults can read, making the high school diploma a useless signal.

MOAR EDUCASHUN is not the answer. There is no answer. IQ is genetic.

Or, you know, we could just get rid of occupational licensing.

What are they going to do if you ignore that and bring a book in your pocket? Fire you?

One thing I've noticed since I entered the workforce is that you can get away with simply ignoring your boss's stupidest orders surprisingly often as long as you don't confront them about it and pretend you made a mistake if you get caught. They don't notice, or they forget, or they give up on enforcement.

Millennial here. I just write my name down in cursive. For a while when I was a teenager I tried to half-ass a real signature by adding come curves on top, but I gave up on that years ago.

Signatures, like wax seals, are an obsolete relic of an age before instant telecommunications and cryptographic security. The idea was to have unique glyph that was easy for the owner to recreate and easy for other people to read and compare with other examples of the same glyph but hard for other people to forge.

These days it basically works on the honor system; I have never seen anybody compare signatures against an example on file before authenticating a transaction.

...hispanics do not hate whites. Where did you get that idea?