My Quality Contributions:
User ID: 240
I got tired of accidentally destroying my laptops and got a renewed Dell Latitude 5414. It's been working pretty well so far.
Alternatively, you may want to buy a used Alphasmart Neo for distraction-free writing.
The second half of Wind Waker is pretty good. Basically, you are given a goal (collect the 8 plot coupons and restore your weapon to full power) and absolutely no direction on how to accomplish it. It's up to you to sail around the 50 islands that make up the game map exploring landmarks and talking to people and doing random quests until you eventually get rewarded with a treasure map revealing the location of a MacGuffin shard or manage to get into the two dungeons you must clear to upgrade your blade.
People hated the exploration phase so much that Wind Waker HD gave you a fast sail and reduced the number of steps needed to complete the game, but I really liked it.
Progressivism is a universalist religion; "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere", "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". They don't want to experiment with letting states ban gay marriage or allow firearms for the same reason Christians don't want to experiment with letting states allow abortion or reinstate slavery; it is wrong, and it is evil, and it must be cleansed from the face of the Earth by fire and steel.
As @Capital_Room put it:
There is a certain kind of person for whom moral disapproval and the drive to intervene are one and the same thing, inseparable. To them, a lack of a burning need to stop a thing is proof that you don't actually disapprove of it. It's the classic stereotype of the D&D Paladin played badly: "see evil, smite evil." They are constitutionally incapable of shrugging and saying "none of my business." And the Blue Tribe is full of them.
Consider every missionary of an evangelizing, expansionist faith who has set out to convert the heathen — by fire and sword if necessary — because it's their duty, it's the right thing to do, and it's for the heathen's own good. If you have the One True Faith, the true set of Universal Human Rights, the Objectively Correct Morality, then you have a duty to spread and enforce it everywhere you can.
Why fight the Red Tribe? Because if you don't, you are complicit in every wrong they do. If you let the Red Tribe keep being transphobic rather than try to stop them, then the blood of every trans kid in a Red Tribe area who commits suicide is on your hands. Like Kendi says, you are either actively anti-racist, or you are racist. It's one or the other. You are either fighting evil, or you are evil.
Why does the Blue Tribe hate the Red Tribe? Because it's in their nature to hate anyone who fails to share their values. Because this need to be a moral busybody, a crusader, a Social Justice Warrior, is a core characteristic of the Tribe, woven into their culture (and probably also a non-trivial amount of genetic predisposition).
Why does the Blue Tribe continually attack the Red Tribe, trying to force them to convert, or otherwise eliminate the "Red culture"? Because they're fundamentally incapable of not doing so. They can't stop themselves, and thus they will never stop.
Money is fungible. If you give a Camden gangbanger $300 in food stamps, that's an extra $300 he has for a Saturday Night Special.
Alan Turing was famously chemically castrated by 1950's UK.
Reminds me of the Charity Centers from "Down And Out In Christania" by AntiDem (and, less optimistically, the terrafoam projects from Manna by Marshall Brain).
Obligatory link to Gwern's outstanding review of McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War:
It’s not well-known, but one of the most consistent long-term sponsors of research into intelligence has been the US military. This is because, contrary to lay wisdom that ‘IQ only measures how well you do on a test’ or book-learning, cognitive ability predicts performance in all occupations down to the simplest manual labor; this might seem surprising, but there are a lot of ways to screw up a simple job and cause losses outside one’s area. For example, aiming and pointing a rifle, or throwing a grenade, might seem like a simple task, but it’s also easy to screw up by pointing at the wrong point, requires fast reflexes (reflexes are one of the most consistent correlations with intelligence), memory for procedures like stripping, the ability to read ammo box labels or orders (as one Marine drill instructor noted), and ‘common sense’ like not indulging in ‘practical jokes’ by tossing grenades at one’s comrades and forgetting to remove the fuse - common sense is not so common, as the saying goes. Such men were not even useful cannon fodder, as they were as much a danger to the men around them as themselves (never mind the enemy), and jammed up the system. (A particularly striking non-Vietnam example is the case of one of the largest non-nuclear explosions ever, the Port Chicago disaster which killed 320 people - any complex disaster like that has many causes, of course, but one of them was simply that the explosives were being handled by the dregs of the Navy - not even bottom decile, but bottom duo-decile (had to look that one up), and other stations kept raiding it for anyone competent.)
Gregory’s book collates stories about what happened when the US military was forced to ignore these facts it knew perfectly well in the service of Robert McNamara & Lyndon Johnson’s “Project 100,000” idea to kill two birds with one stone by drafting recruits who were developmentally disabled, unhealthy, evil, or just too dumb to be conscripted previously: it would provide the warm bodies needed for Vietnam, and use the military to educate the least fortunate and give them a leg up as part of the Great Society’s faith in education to eliminate individual differences and refute the idea that intelligence is real.
It did not go well.
Try pitching it to BRAVE Books? They are an explicitly conservative and Christian children's book company.
If you are a single young man who is willing and able to fight, you are probably fine. If you are married with a wife and kids, do you really want them around those people?
Never ask a man his salary, a woman her ago, or a white nationalist his girlfriend's race, as the meme goes.
On the other hand, Asians are honorary Aryans, something I can only aspire to.
Here in South Florida at least a lot of waitresses are illegal immigrants who don't even get paid any wage at all; tips are literally all they get. If you are already violating labor law by hiring someone, you might as well go all the way.
Seriously? Your advice to someone born in Venezuela or in Mexico is to stay and use their skills to fix their countries? Those places are like San Francisco on steroids. The government stops any value from being built or protected, and if against all odds you do manage to build some wealth it will immediately get stolen from you by the government or by criminals.
Just because it is in our best rational interest to stop them from immigrating doesn't mean it isn't in their best rational interest to try escape from those hellholes. Even if, democracy being what it is, a large enough number of them will turn first world countries into more of the same, much like Californians escaping to Texas and Florida vote for the same policies that made them leave.
From "Policy Debates Should Not Appear One-Sided" by Eliezer Yudkowsky:
Saying “People who buy dangerous products deserve to get hurt!” is not tough-minded. It is a way of refusing to live in an unfair universe. Real tough-mindedness is saying, “Yes, sulfuric acid is a horrible painful death, and no, that mother of five children didn’t deserve it, but we’re going to keep the shops open anyway because we did this cost-benefit calculation.” Can you imagine a politician saying that? Neither can I.
There is no line. There is no path to citizenship for random people.
I don't want infinite immigrants, either, but I've always found it disingenuous the way some people act like their only problem with immigrants is that they are coming in illegally and jumping the queue instead of waiting their turn. The implication is that there is some kind of workable immigration process everyone can apply for and that the only reason not to do so is because you are too impatient to wait a few years or too dismissive of law and authority to bother going through the proper channels.
This is totally false. There is no path to immigration for the vast majority of people. If you support enforcing current immigration law, you support denying millions the chance to live and work in the U.S. for no other reason than they were born outside of it, condemning them to a much worse quality of life in countries full of poverty and violence, and you need to own that.
I support it, because allowing unlimited immigration combined with a welfare state, affirmative action, and NIMB zoning is unsustainable, but I'm not missing the proper mood; I feel bad about it, but it has to be done.
(Caplan would chime in with the keyhole solution of denying the immigrants welfare and civil rights, but he's delusional if he thinks that's politically stable)
You are using the terms in a narrower sense than normal. The Pax Romana is traditionally defined from the ascension Augustus in 27 BC to the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD, 206 years. The Pax Britannica from the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 to the start of World War I in 1914, 99 years. And the Pax Americana from the end of World War II in 1945 until the Current Year, 80 years and counting.
Especially good periods seem to last about a decade; the Roaring Twenties can be dated from the end of World War I in 1918 to the start of the Great Depression in 1929, while the 90s range from the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 to September 11, 2001. Not sure how to date the 50s, though.
I'm not sure it would help very much if they could only consume American media; we are not in the times of the Hays Code before the rural purge when media tried to be morally uplifting.
If African immigrants assimilate into ghetto hood culture through rap and hip-hop, or if female immigrants assimilate into the false life plan through romance novels and movies, that's worse than useless.
Any love for fanfic? In increasing order of wordcount:
- Time Braid: "Sakura thought she was a capable kunoichi until she died in the Chuunin Exam. Now she's stuck in a loop, dying again and again while she struggles to understand her strange predicament. How hard can it be to pass one stupid test?" [204k words, complete]
- Luna is a Harsh Mistress: "When Celestia banished Nightmare Moon, she didn't go alone, but with her loyal army. Now they're trapped in an alien environment, with tensions high and the air running out. If they don't work together, their princess will soon be alone after all." [230k words, complete]
- Emperor of Zero: "When a former French Emperor is summoned by a pink-haired girl, the history of Helgekinia is forever changed." [275k words, dead]
- Myou've Gotta be Kidding Me: "An aspiring rationalist gets punted into Equestria - and instead of being turned into a cool griffon, or powerful dragon, or even a standard pony... discovers he is now a milk-cow, part of the herd." [283k words, dead]
- The Moon's Apprentice: "Twilight Sparkle failed her entrance exams for Celestia's school. Worse, she is a danger to both herself and others, resulting in her magic being suppressed. Dreams crushed and now one of the weakest unicorns, a nightmare comes to her." [412k words, complete]
- Message in a Bottle: "Humanity's space exploration ultimately took the form of billions of identical probes, capable of building anything (including astronauts themselves) upon arrival at their destinations. One lands in Equestria. Things go downhill from there." [514k words, complete]
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality: "Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell." [662k words, complete]
- Changeling Space Program & The Maretian: "The space race is on, and Chrysalis is determined to win it. With an earth pony test pilot and a hive full of brave-but-dim changelings, can she be the first pony on the moon? / Mark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with him." [797k words, complete]
- Purple Days: "From one day to the other, Joffrey Baratheon wakes up a changed man. Far from the spoiled boy-child known to the court of King's Landing, the Joffrey that comes out of his room three days after the death of John Arryn walks with the stride of a veteran commander and leader of men. A scholar, a sea-captain, a general, a lover. This is the story of how he became that man, and how he came to know his purpose through a cycle of endless death and rebirth that saw him explore both his self and the known world from Braavos to Sothoryios and from Old Town to Yi-Ti... and beyond." [810k words, complete]
- To the Stars: "Kyubey promised that humanity would reach the stars one day. The Incubator tactfully refrained from saying too much about what they would find there." [937k words, ongoing]
Film is the archetypal example of higher budget and better tech ruining an artform. High budgets means you can't afford to take risks, so every theatrical release is now a sequel or a remake of an established IP aimed at the lowest common denominator of American and Chinese teenagers. Better tech allowed the masterful animatronics and practical effects of the past to be replaced with green screens and CGI, with disastrous results.
What was the last truly great American movie? Probably the Lord of the Rings trilogy or The Last Samurai. No Country for Old Men is overrated. And the less said about the MCU and the Star Wars sequels, the better.
Worth the Candle is incredible; best novel I've read in years. Unfortunately, Alexander Wales removed it as part of his Amazon publishing deal. Fortunately, it's still on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Have you tried indie games? They really feel a lot more like 90s games than the latest AAA entry in a well-known IP. Some recommendations:
- The Battle for Wesnoth (2003)
- Cave Story (2004)
- Iji (2008)
- Kingdom Rush (2011)
- Kingdom Rush: Frontiers (2013)
- Kingdom Rush: Origins (2014)
- Axiom Verge (2015)
- Deep Sleep Trilogy (2019)
- Don't Escape Trilogy (2019)
- Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive (2019)
The last 3 are on sale right now for $5.28; unless you hate point-and-click horror, it's a steal.
Does pizza count? By now, most people's image of pizza is the American pepperoni style rather than the original Neapolitan Margherita style.
Nope. I can follow the derivation, but there is no way that would have occurred to me in 30 minutes, or however long his class was. Shota Gauss (who sounds like a great Fate character) is smarter than me.
Huh, I just did it like this:
001 + 002 + 003 + ... + 049 + 50 + 100
+ + + +
099 + 098 + 097 + ... + 051
100 + 100 + 100 + ... + 100 + 50 + 100
100 x 49 + 50 + 100 = 4900 + 150 = 5050
It is truly ridiculous how Hollywood has managed to meme 18 into the one true age of consent around the world despite it being lower in 39 states and most countries you could mention (Japan: 16, Russia: 16, Canada: 16, UK: 16, Spain: 15, France: 15, Germany: 14) just because that's what it happens to be in California.
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Yes, there is a difference between medicine, which takes the natural human form as a baseline and attempts to restore it, and transhumanism, which wants to surpass man and sees his natural bounds as unwanted limitations.
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