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BANNED USER: /comment/214577




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joined 2024 April 20 12:30:18 UTC


User ID: 3011

Banned by: @naraburns

BANNED USER: /comment/214577



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User ID: 3011

Banned by: @naraburns

I am a hlynkian right-wing progressive, and I don't recognize any of you as such.

Politically, my preferred outcome would be to exalt White bisexual antitheistic males above all others and make this identity the pass to being treated as aristocracy. I don't want meritocracy, equality of opportunity, judging the content of someone's character. I certainly don't want any retvrn. All I want is progressive stack with me at the top, laughing as I kick those below.

Aesthetically, I subscribe to everything my enemies love. Promiscuous girls with tattoos and one side of their head shaved make me go crazy. Some of my favorite sci-fi series are Ninefox Gambit and Gideon the Ninth (the same number in the title is not a coincidence, because nothing is ever a coincidence — the author of that reference is hardly a tradcath himself). I adore skyscrapers and strive to spend as little time in nature as humanly possible.

Does this describe anybody else here? And if it doesn't, you are not progressives with a palette swap, as alleged. And does this describe anyone anywhere at all?

  • -57

This is needs help or else trolling: https://archive.is/w0mfi

I was merely drunk. I thought that removes responsibility for our choices in current year? Or is it only for female sexual choices?

It will be worth knowing only to civilizations five millennia in the future, if there are those, of course.

It is not a good goal, but it is an egoistic goal, and I'm quite fine with being egoistic at an exclusion of everything else. I'm just timing the peak intolerability of the world.

Judging by four years ago, the hysteria will ramp up steeply right about now. He is an obvious rallying point.

No, not at all, absolutely not, my one and only goal in life is to minimize my personal suffering, and for that the only important thing is choosing the exit moment.

He will be dead before the next inauguration.

  • -24

In a century the scientists will wonder why it suddenly jumped to 170 to 1 during the previous few decades, and will conclude that it was because of patriarchy and toxic masculinity.

That being your best example only validates my conclusion that death is the only escape.

  • -14

Hard time?! Can you name even one right-winger not bending over and taking a hard woke tool in his ass?! There is no escape!!!

  • -15

I want to die in my sleep I wanta to die in my sleep I want to deie in my sleep

Why do you care about ink smudges on dead wood? The only thing that matters is who can kill or indefinitely imprison whom without any consequences. There is no tooth fairy, and there is no constitution.

And if I'm too much of a coward to end myself before that point, at least I hope I'll have the presence of mind to see that there is no reason other than they're strong and I'm pathetically weak, and so not bother with this pitiful question.

It was also a 0HPL thread, it was slightly different, and I remember it and not this article linked somewhere in these parts.

Hell I've seen plenty of weirdo looking buck toothed women in a stable.

I think those are usually called mares.

Not what I call it, and you're forgetting the third option, preemptive suicide.

I don't know about that guy, but I'm still salty that I was promised Right Wing Death Squads, and they never materialized.

A related question, who coined the phrase Leviathan-shaped Hock? It's been living in my head since I read it in one of these roundups.

The way he does. I don't think there's anyone in the world who under the right circumstances would not be my enemy. And I'm not talking about thought experiments and fictional scenarios like Hunger Games. Under common everyday circumstances.

Stop your doubting. I swear to you on everything I care about that it is an actual honest belief of mine that females loathe and wish emasculation and grievous harm on every men they're not attracted to, which attraction comprises less than one percent.

With apologies to @Capital_Room (not really) I'm reposting his hypothetical:

Let us consider a hypothetical character named John. Here is what John has to say about some of his coworkers:

Alice at work keeps stealing my parking space; obviously, she wants to murder me so she can have it all to herself.

Bob bumped into me in the hall yesterday; obviously, he’s a threat to my life, since he clearly shows a willingness to inflict violence upon me.

I suggested to Carol that we use a red background on the webpage, but she used a blue one instead. I can only conclude that she wants to kill me so that I stop showing up her lousy ideas with my better ones.

Dave made a comment about the smell of fish in the break-room after I reheated my lunch in the microwave. Obviously he hates my culinary choices, because he hates me, and intends to assassinate me.

Emma in management announced the new work schedule, and the set up for Monday afternoons conflicts with one of my hobbies outside work. She obviously created that whole schedule specifically to attack me personally, because she’s plotting to destroy me.

Frank called me a “paranoid nutjob.” He’s clearly out to get me and wants me dead.

Greta says I’m constantly exaggerating how much people don’t like me to play on people’s sympathy. She’s obviously plotting my death.

Henry made a comment about how I frequently accuse everyone of wanting to kill me, which only goes to prove how much he wants to kill me.

(Cartoonish, yes, but it’s a deliberate excess for purpose of illustration.)

What’s the best explanation for why John is Like This?

John is paranoid — maybe a classmate tried to stab him on the playground as a kid, and now he views everything through the lens of that trauma, or something.

John is cynically engaging in hyperbole to win over others into taking his side — he found out that exaggerating how much hostility he encounters engendered greater sympathy, and he just kept ramping it up in intensity.

John frequently contemplates killing anyone he disagrees with or dislikes — he’s engaging in “typical-minding,” believing that everyone else shares his own murderous hate.

Disregarding that this is a metaphor for the Jews or whatever, it's how I model people. What is the best explanation?

Your mentally ill fringe figures are my mask-off females.

Terminally online on the left side, if you insist.

The people who all share the same name by a coincidence, and that name is 😷✊🏿🇺🇦🇵🇸

The gossip is that the usual suspects are coordinating in the usual channels to vote for Croatia.