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User ID: 1141
Why are all the participants women? Why are they all White?
I thought the commercial was supposed to be a professional recording of her actual friend group. Is it so shocking that her friends (at least those willing to be on camera for this kind of thing) were exclusively white women?
(I remember seeing that commercial on TV for the first time - had a definite "WTF am I watching?" moment.)
Just saw it myself. Didn't love it but if it hadn't been a musical I would have said it was "good". An amazing piece of art that just wasn't that enjoyable to watch. In contrast I'd put the first movie at "great", no qualifications.
I don't really get the "dunking on incels" critiques. Like who came out of the first movie identifying with Joker?
This ignores how much women's agency has increased over the last 100 years. It might have always looked like a bad idea to bear kids but they didn't have much of a choice.
Your point is more interesting if you use it to extrapolate into the future
- There will be humans in the future
- This means babies are being born
- Natural selection means groups averse to having kids are going going gone
- Does this mean (most of) the remaining women will have had their status downgraded to ancient times (or modern cultures that maintain high birth rates) or we will have invented artificial wombs, or we will have changed the incentive structure sufficiently, or other?
Yup yup yup from one of those "married with children". I also model drug addiction as a contagion and it is clear to me that my own kids are better off if fentanyl is as prevelant as possible up until they reach the age where they might be exposed to it. And this is even moreso thanks to local decriminalization efforts - if you can't get junkies off the street with jail what's left?
Hawaii has the highest average UV index of US states; I propose that this means that they have the purest sun and thus the highest quality vitamin D.
(I can only guess at what this question is asking but I'm sure my answer doesn't help.)
Some posters are so consistently low-value that it is a waste of time to read anything they write (and usually the discussions the provoke). Gotta protect my time!
That being said, blocks on the motte (as far as I can recall) result in very disjointed threads and so I no longer attempt to block anyone here.
I have a cousin who is pretty far down a FtM transition and I regularly feel uneasy over not having made at least a token effort to... I dunno, present alternative solutions to their unhappiness? This is of course predicated on my bias towards assuming a high probability that transitioning will be regretted at some later point in life. And I really don't know if I could have had that discussion without causing massive family drama.
Best of luck to you and your sister!
I don't have answers to any of your questions but, anecdotally, it drives my 17 year old nuts when I use old figures of speech that somehow he has never heard before. "What does that even mean!?" Great conversation starters!
This thread is amazing, many thanks to all who contributed. I am starting to wonder if the Motte is entirely populated by Indians though...
Good post, but I've been waiting for the housing crash for 20 years and have become convinced that it will never happen without massively cutting immigration rates. Enjoy the slightly decreased prices for a season and then hold on for the next run up...
Thanks for responding; sorry I failed to reciprocate in a timely fashion.
pretextual stops by police
There is an analog here in any technical profession; any time you need to investigate a minor problem you take the opportunity to poke around and make sure there isn't something big brewing in the vicinity. Borderline negligent to not do that in fact. "Where there's smoke there's (often) fire."
what I’m supposed to do if I’m the victim of a crime and I’m not able to successfully defend myself in the moment
I get it - I am old enough to have mostly become disabused of my childhood plans to become a Navy Seal. But even if only... one in ten? civilians were capable of lethally defending themselves the pool of in-your-face criminals would still drop fast.
the possibility of genuine “tyranny” in this country as dramatically lower than what you, like my two podcast episode partners, estimate it to be.
I am defintely not an anarchist, but when I look around I see most political parties predicated on oppressing their "enemies". Maybe a better election system than First Past the Post could help soften that... I dunno, only seems marginally better in countries with different systems.
That was a great guest pairing; both positions are comically extreme but balanced in a way that allowed me to think about the space in between without getting my hackles up. Let's see...
The repeated visits to "low murder clearance rates" were not challenged in the way i wanted to hear: If you instituted the death penalty for serious crimes that currently are punished in a way that encourage repeat offenses (theft, regular assault, etc) it won't take all that long for the murder rate to start dropping - gonna accidentally net yourself the murderers eventually!
Dramatically fewer limits on self defense strikes me as a far less morally perilous way (compared to turning the state into an efficient murder factory) to reduce the number of criminals dragging down society.
Both H and K are overly worried about the "feminization" of modern men. We're all descended from thousands of generations of murdering rapists and that capability is just waiting for the opportunity to be deployed again. if anything they should be worried polite society is breeding sociopaths that are capable of hiding these latent abilities/inclinations.
An epiphany! There is a parallel between gun owernership and public defenders - both do small harm to society's interests on a day to day basis, but their existence prevents the government from trying to overreach and abuse (well, more than it does). Seemed interesting as probably those things are supported by opposite sides for the most part?
I concede I was thinking more of this podcast and less of some perfectly-satisfying video when I talked about creation. But I think I'll double down here.
Even if the act of creation is producing something that is essentially crack cocaine in meme form there is still something to trying different things, refining your craft, optimizing your message for your target audience. Whether the end result has cultural etc value is largely irrelevant to the experience of the creator.
Forgot to comment in a timely fashion and now the podcast details are fuzzy... one thing that stuck with me is that you guys didn't consider content consumption and creation as obviously very different things. Maybe consumption and "getting likes" does scratch the same itch but surely the act of invention (and implied interaction with the wider world) should elevate creation out of the gooning category?
RSS forever!
You can still get RSS out of Reddit and The Old Reader pretty much perfectly captures the feel of Google Reader.
Not that this meaningfully reduces my inclination to doomscroll the reddit app...
I enjoyed reading this but... have no idea what it means.
Someone in the episoded noted how they felt that as a young gay they knew they needed to not be open about it, keep things hidden. I found this a little jarring because I felt the same as a straight youth - any expression of sexuality seemed taboo to me. Obviously there are circumstances where being gay makes that that instinct more meaningful but maybe it's not quite the dividing line it was presented as?
Unhelpful to the discussion but your username and tagline crack me up. Ah, fond memories from my younger years.
Ask yourself how this professor would feel about “BIPOC choosing to prioritize relationships with other BIPOC so as not to reenact the trauma of white colonization” or whatever.
That's where the "except in cases where doing so comes at an unreasonably extreme cost to oneself" clause would kick in. That loophole could be creatively used to avoid any application of these principles. "Sorry, my family is racist and would disown me if I had non-black/white/brown friends"
Yup. Agree and amplify is the correct approach here.
"So you're saying I'm morally obligated to be friends with pedophiles?"
I wish I could tell if you are joking...
Took me a while to find this info on the RSS feed. I have two suggestions to improve discoverability
Add a link to the RSS feed on the home page
Add whatever meta tags are required to the home page such that the RSS feed can be auto-discovered by RSS agents
I'm a downvoter in this case; not sure if my motivations are generalizable but here we go.
Why downvote this particular comment?
- It contains a fairly outrageous claim with no evidence, not even bad evidence, presented.
Why downvote any comments?
Comments like this reduce the value of the thread for me; stopping to consider whether it made any sense broke the flow and ultimately I discarded the claims without learning anything. A downvote is a cheap way of giving feedback (to a well intentioned writer at least) that they should consider trying a bit harder.
Readers are going to have varying levels of knowledge on a given topic, and varying levels of patience for reading (and evaluating) rebuttals. A big negative score will at least signal that a claim is controversial.
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I have no idea if this is plausible but it was very fun to read. Well done, you earned those drinks.
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