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joined 2024 July 09 01:27:26 UTC
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User ID: 3131



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 July 09 01:27:26 UTC


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User ID: 3131

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The whole point of no term limits on supreme judges is so they remove the incentive of selling out to interest groups to maximize their income or social interested during their tenure. Unless there's evidence that long standing judges do in fact profit more than, say, congressmen in the nature of their duration as supreme court judges, #2 is pure culture war and could end up backfiring spectacularly.

That didn't seem to workout in the Thomas case, given all the gifts he received. And, his claims of being underpaid are another reason your statement seems false.

I like that. It sort of inflicts the court with a modern appointment for each term, to give the past (and sometimes far past) less sway.

The giggle is what gets me. It is so distracting and cringy.