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User ID: 110



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User ID: 110

the ceremony is being moved to the White House.

So I presume Capt. Michael Byrd of the US Capitol Police will not be there, packing heat. A sensible precaution.

The propaganda and disinfo was always included in the information stream. See Walter Duranty's Pulitzer-winning reportage from Stalin's USSR.

This was the premise of the 1965 TV comedy Hank.


(This was one of my favorite shows that year.) (Yes, I'm old.)

Or maybe remote viewing is 100% real, but the CIA doesn't have a huge, unanswerable competitive advantage over their enemies because those enemies have their own remote viewing programs.

Then they grow up in a broken home in Flint or Camden, go to a failing public school and end up a common criminal. [...] The ideal intervention seems obvious. Far longer prison sentences but also prisons which are far less cruel.

Based on your post, I'd say two even better interventions would be to encourage intact homes and improve the failing public schools.

No serious medical issue needed, just reach the age for routine colonoscopies and you're there.

Pelosi is not in line for the job.

the case for TPTB to have the ability and will to steal 2020 but not 2024 (or 2016)

My theory on 2016 has long been that Hillary's hubris led her to tell Bill and the party bigwigs that she'd win by 50 points even without cheating, and they said "LOL, okay then, you go, girl!"

You're right of course. I responded to you without viewing the post you responded to.

He feuded with Taft and ran again in 1912.

if you tell them you're going to give them $648,355.27

Or you could just buy some schlock "paintings" from the politician's son at absurd prices.

Is it any wonder that republicans have trouble trusting the integrity of our election systems when fair-minded professionals like Griswold are in charge of it?

it means something like unphased

I think you mean unfazed here.

The impartial, unbiased moderator would immediately declare the debate over. The network would then proceed to the post-debate discussion in which a panel of impartial, unbiased journalists would discuss how Kamala's stunning and brave girlbossity dazzled the Bad Orange Man into a catatonic state.

if it’s perceived as directly being caused by the powers that be.

I doubt it would be so perceived in a Harris/Walz government. I suspect the mainstream media would loudly proclaim that the causes are corporate greed and republican obstructionism in congress.

Hey, they would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling bloggers ...

What if I want a baker to do the picture in icing on a cake ... in Colorado?

Sorry. I read the comment several times. Guess I should have read a few more.

So interest payments account for half the budget, and there are two items that cost even more $?

Is this some new kind of math?

Well, when he let himself get photographed crawling around in that anticontamination suit he took some ridicule, I'll give you that.

But as for the swiftboat vets, I remember them being vehemently denounced by all the unbiased, non-partisan media.

I continue to be near certain she ends up dragging in the polls when the honeymoon period ends

When was the last time a democrat nominee's honeymoon period didn't last until election day? Dukakis in '88?

Why would they have to delve into OP's business and finances? They can just prosecute the picketing campaign itself as "harassment." Or maybe "terrorism."

Probably better than if they'd stuck with Eagleton.

The democrats changed VP nominees post-convention in 1972.

the correct remedy is we can hold these people in jail forever

Not without having them parade through the US Capitol building first.