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joined 2023 June 05 21:10:34 UTC
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User ID: 2456



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 June 05 21:10:34 UTC


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User ID: 2456

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Are you saying that it's unreasonable to expect 80%+ of women to go through pregnancy and labor?

It's obviously unreasonable to expect 80% of women to be held to the same standards of special military operators or pro athletes, and, if that's not relevant, why did you bring it up?

That sounds very complicated. Many different parts are involved with many different mechanisms, which had to be in place at the right time in many different stages.

The other way around, the fact that it involves many steps makes the whole a lot easier to accomplish. It's like saying jumping over a building is easier than climbing a staircase because the latter involves many steps that must occur in the right place at the right time.