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User ID: 3033



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User ID: 3033

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Downtown Edmonton's Liberal MP has put up posters advertising the GST holiday. Not billboards, posters - right next to ones advertising tattoo parlours, car enthusiast clubs, and metal shows. I've never seen a major party do that before, it strikes me as desperate.

That seems to have fixed it, thanks.

BTW your get_token.py didn't work for me - I think the JSON braces need to be escaped. I modified it to fix that, and to take the username & password on stdin: https://github.com/bct/unshittify.nix/blob/master/scripts/nitter-get-token.py

Thanks for describing this! I've written a nix flake for deploying it - it's incomplete & rough & undocumented, but maybe it will be of use to someone: https://github.com/bct/unshittify.nix

I've added 14 nitter feeds to my instance, but most of them are failing with "Miniflux generated too many requests to this website. Please, try again later or change the application configuration.". I wonder if I need to tweak the Miniflux configuration to avoid polling all the feeds at the same time?

Tangentially, a non-obvious feature of nitter is that you can put a comma separated list of usernames in the URL, e.g. https://nitter.privacydev.net/FromKulak,TraceWoodgrains/rss. I haven't experimented to see if this helps with rate limiting.