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joined 2025 March 01 06:20:37 UTC


User ID: 3563



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User ID: 3563

I think the biggest problem the Democrats have is that they don't understand their enemies. If you go on reddit, they think that the average conservative is a fan of Andrew Tate. I've actually basically been banned because my karma got so low from pointing out how ridiculous it is that the average conservative would support a black Muslim pimp who pimps out white women. Reddit can be excused a but because they skew young and are extremely online, but I've seen older Democrats in the MSM think the same thing. So they basically have no understanding of why and to whom they actually lost.

Their other big problem is that they don't want to represent what America is but instead what they want it to be. They obviously aren't stupid enough to not see what policy positions they need to take to win, but they still refuse to do it. So clearly, representing the will of the people and giving them the government they want is not their number one goal.

Last thing is DEI sucks. I've seen DEI hires get trusted to do things they clearly aren't capable of doing and mess things up. Then, real hires have to come in and fix the job. Of course, once the DEI hire has ben exposed as incompetent, they never actually get rid of them. So you end up with a bunch of useless people collecting paychecks. Everyone except those whose paycheck depends on the DEI grift continuing can see this, so this is a huge loss for them as well.

There are other issues too like how female-coded the Democrats are, and when you add it all together, the Democrats are incapable of changing. I'm not saying they are purposely losing or are too stupid to change. What I'm saying is as constructed, they are literally incapable of changing enough to do what they need to win. How could they ditch DEI and stop turning off men when they absolutely need blacks and feminists to maintain their coalition? They keep saying they need a left wing Joe Rogan and stuff like that, but how could they possibly have one? This hypothetical person would be too cucked and people would see right through it because he would have to support things men generally hate.

I say all this to say that the people who run the Democrat Party are smart enough know this, and they'd rather keep their power, money, and influence than actually change. They'll pretend they are looking into changing the party, but deep down they know that it's impossible, so they will just keep going back and playing the hits: racism, sexism, etc. And since there are only two parties in America, they will win enough to keep the grift going.

This is like Whiplash. Did he become great because he was abused and pushed to it or did he accomplish it on his own?

I'm a long time lurker, so this is my first attempt at a top level post.

I have recently changed jobs, and this has caused me to work with a bunch of companies that are low level engineering firms. I don't mean they don't have good engineers, but they are small companies with tiny IT budgets. For my personal experience, in college I worked at a help desk and then was a networking engineer until I got my CS degree. My first job out of college was at Cisco, and I have always worked at pretty large companies that had the highest security possible. I wouldn't even consider myself a security expert necessarily, but my experience at Cisco and networking did teach me a lot. We're talking firewalls years out of date, unnecessary equipment plugged in with vulnerabilities, ports open that shouldn't be, default admin passwords, etc.

I am amazed at some of the profits of some of these companies that spend essentially no money on IT or security. Just one look at their server room tells you all I need to know.

There is so much low hanging fruit. My question is this: why are there not more cybersecurity attacks on these blue collar profitable companies? If I was a malicious actor (with my programming and IT experience), there are thousands of profitable companies I could easily snipe if I was so inclined. I have a friend that works for homeland security, and he says there are tons of attacks on government organizations. He says they are basically a MSP for a lot of organizations that have no idea what they are doing such as universities. But the government at least has a standard. So I kind of get that, but from what he tells me they are also vulnerable.

But how are there not more easy attacks? Ransomware would be easy with how some of these companies are. Are there just not enough attackers? Every city and company I have traveled to I could easily have taken over their network if I was so inclined. Are there just not enough attackers to take advantage of everything?

If I was China or an adversary, this would be child's play. Do they just not want to reveal themselves? I just don't get it. Every company I have gone to would be so easy to get admin creds. This makes me think there are two options. Either there aren't enough hackers to take advantage, or they are holding back. Which one is it? Because like I said, it would be trivially easy to hack these companies.