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joined 2023 February 15 19:28:38 UTC


User ID: 2187



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 February 15 19:28:38 UTC


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User ID: 2187

So.... Editing your comment?

ImageMagick is truly great. So nice for converting between PDF and JPG for uploads to various websites.

I haven't been on this site since they moved off Reddit but I used to love these threads every Friday. I'm glad they're still happening.

I've been reading a lot of textbooks. Working through the problems in Gil Strang's Introduction to Applied Mathematics; this is the third textbook of his I've used; none have been for classes. I just love the man and his presentation of mathematics, it feels so relevant, useful, and meaty. I just finished reading Principles of Vibration by Benson Tongue and highly highly recommend it - very conversational style with fun and hilarious problems.

On the non-textbook side, I just started Moon Dust, an account of the Apollo astronauts after they came back from the Moon. I love the writing style.

As an engineering student... defense money is great. Salaries in excess of $200k are common, there's lots of job openings, and I view the whole field as a (morally defunct) money fountain. Of course, this goes hand in hand with the fact that defense spending is a number one source of cost overruns for the government. I don't think that I would want every government agency to be like that.