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joined 2023 May 04 19:19:04 UTC


User ID: 2379



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User ID: 2379

if you are interested in some defenses of HFT's social value, here it is, from the horse' mouth. and even if you don't buy any of that, realize that it's a very small industry. the number of particle physicists being stolen away is absolutely miniscule.

hedge funds and commodity trading are a quite different thing - efficient price discovery is good, actually.

  • it was on boring procedural grounds. as much as your reddit-esque editorializing would like to portray it as such, i don't think this is a case of woke activist judge vs. based roarkian capitalist
  • the shareholders could have elected to award him the $10B in a new grant instead of trying to retroactively approve the original package. they could have avoided this whole thing, so why didn't they?
  • the delaware supreme court can't decline appeals, so they might overturn it anyway
  • companies incorporate in delware because they are boring and procedural

u missed the point. everyone admitted to hypsm meets some min bar of intel. what im saying is that they don’t have what the zoomers call ‘the rizz’

also, it’s very typical of ghee drinkers to downplay the importance of physical fitness. but it’s important u know

writing the biggest hits in cinema, writing the best selling novels

wordcelry. who’s actually on screen?

making computer games? The biggest twitch streamers and youtubers


i get that this board is a bit of a ‘tism bubble. try and think of what mainstream americans think of as culture

notice that the asians that are cool are not the rubik’s cubecels

jimmy chin isnt applying to harvard. the techlead phenotype is

you're indian, you've never really interacted with black people. they're undeniably much cooler than asians - see their overrepresentation in sports and entertainment, where they absolutely mog asians without any sort of AA boost.

in fact, given that the real filter is vibe cultivation (something that only shaperotatorcels deny the importance of), the ~25% of boring asians with interchangeable personalities that harvard admits are actually beneficiaries of a different sort of AA