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User ID: 680



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User ID: 680

The community notes on his posts are hilarious. The take I saw recently is the Elon wants to be "King of the Nerd", and with his eggshell-thin ego he really can't take being called out by people nerdier or smarter than him.

Do you have a good book recommendation on understanding Jungian Archetypes?

It's forgettable, I've put maybe 50 hours into it. The game loops are pretty simple. Definitely not better than Civ/CK/Victoria et al.

I read it in the same blog you just linked, The US Supreme Court seperated the cases and remanded the UNC portion of the case back to the lower courts.


If you click the "Judgment" link in that article it takes you to this document.


Correct but you sent this link in the post before: https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/062722zor_b97d.pdf

When you click judgement, you get: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/20-1199_hgdj.pdf

The URLs are literally different.

Furthermore, if you scroll down in the judgement, you get:

While you might not believe the NYT there are 3 other articles there. They all agree with the facts that UNC was decided against.

Semantics or not, the truth remains

I am now 100% sure you are trolling in bad faith, since you have considered no other evidence and just ignore anything that proves you wrong.


Interesting, well here's an a bunch of posts that seems to say the decision was as I said it was. I don't particularly care if they separated it or not, feels like semantics. The reality is that UNC attempted to discriminate against Asians and White people on the basis of race and was found to have done so in violation of the 14th amendment. Aka being woke.

https://www.oyez.org/cases/2022/21-707 https://abc11.com/unc-admissions-supreme-court-affirmative-action-ruling-scotus/13440517/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/29/us/politics/supreme-court-admissions-affirmative-action-harvard-unc.html https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-affirmative-action-programs-in-college-admissions/

I read it in the same blog you just linked, The US Supreme Court separated the cases and remanded the UNC portion of the case back to the lower courts.

Also this link does not contain the actual case you said it does. I'm pretty sure you are trolling at this point.

I'm not sure what you read but the court ruled against UNC. They found they were discriminating against people in violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

There's not many SE-Asians in NC but there are a ton in the Triangle: Chapel Hill (Location of UNC)-Raleigh-Durham. I live here and the area is a medium sized tech hub with the associated demographics that one would expect in a tech hub.

I'm not sure why you think UNC was conservative to begin with except that it's a flagship school in the south. Yes, it has a ton of Preppy Southerners but having met them, most are pretty much Neo-libs, and at least superficially onboard with wokeness.

UNC is pretty woke, they were one of the colleges that got sue for DEI-flavored affirmative action along with Harvard.


Thank you and both FCfromSSC and Maiq. This gives me some reading and thinking to do over the weekend.

that Liberalism though a fruitful doctrine, is founded on clear lies, and his series of posts on those myths is enlightening to who wants to construct a new kind of freedom ideology that doesn't have the flaws of Liberalism but doesn't have to fall to, say, Fascism.

As someone who considers themselves an open-minded classical liberal can you actually express what these foundational lies actually are? This is the first time I've ever heard of any of this and I'm quite curious.

Why does all of this sound like weird terminally online drama between Z-list internet celebs?

I was introduced to the term "titalitarian"

Fun, and barely relevant anecdote, I was born very premature, like so premature that it was unlikely I was going to survive. I'm told I also cried nonstop for milk but never could latch on. The La Leche consultant (Activist) was absolutely nasty to my mother about allowing me to be bottle fed. It didn't matter if I died to her as long as I was breast-fed. Sufficed to say she reduced my mother to tears and a breakdown and my father almost got arrested throwing the activist out. I can totally imagine these people as the sort of crusaders that then get infected with woke-beliefs, but this is very much leopard-eating-my-face for them.

I never said otherwise, I don't agree with the above guy about it "summoning". Its more that it might not really be historically accurate. I've also heard whispers that the vaunted Valknut doesn't really mean "fallen in battle" that interpretation was popularized by neo-pagans and passed off as historically meaningful in much the same way lots of druid/wiccan stuff is.

The honestly more interesting thing is how these symbols always seem to make it to the stage where they get tattooed onto military-esque people as sort of a mysticism/act of belonging/deeper symbolism. Must be a symptom of people's craving for deeper meaning.

The Aegishjalmur, sort of a neo-pagan symbol based on archeological evidence of similar symbols in pre-Christian Scandinavia.

My variation of this is that it was essentially suicide by USSS. Reports say the kid was bullied and ostracized. Sounds like a school shooter MO. Except he went after a politician/future president because while most suicidal shooters want swing a sledge hammer at the society that outcast them, this one got the opportunity.

I scanned through his history but couldn't find it. The native web-app system isn't very conducive. but here's a link to the arxiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.10866

I'm not being sarcastic, you made a post here about the Hyena Hierarchy, oh 6 months ago. That was completely out of left field but an informative read, I enjoy reading your posts. LLM stuff is less of my specific interest, but I like to keep up to date on it. Particularly without all the doom/gloom/AI-Armageddon chatter. Thank you for putting together the effort to write about it.

I enjoyed this thank you. As an ML/AI engineer who isn't on twitter it's wild to me how much of the shifting currents of research I miss. I appreciate the paper links, so that I can read and update my knowledge accordingly. What is your secret to keeping up to date on all of this?

I need some advice, I know we have some regular rock climbers here. I picked it up about 6 months ago and have been climbing pretty regularly, 2-3 times a week. But I have found myself plateauing on top rope 5.10s, I can do them pretty easily. But am completely unable to do more than a few holds on the 5.11s. Is there a particular technique(s) or muscle(s) that I need to practice to make that dyno?

"I don't want to." "No" is a complete sentence, as they say. Related to the first, many men apparently feel no compulsion to respect that "no." Badgering women into having sex with you after they've said no is apparently fine in some people's minds. So the question, then, is how we create the social conditions so that women feel empowered to give that "no" and men feel compelled to respect it.

This isn't exclusive to men. Many Women don't respect a Man's no either. Both genders don't like it when you turn down their offers of sex. Badgering men into sex by calling them gay, questioning their masculinity, and suggesting impotence are classic Women variations of this playbook. This is anecdotal, but I and many of my close male friends, have experienced it both in serious relationships and casual ones. We realistically need to create social conditions where everyone feels not only empowered to say no but people have empathy for that no and can respect it. Not just in the Women: Good, Man: Bad sense

To borrow a quote on this subject from my boss: "Silicon Valley Brain-rot". I wouldn't go that far but the sentiment exists.

I don't know what it is about the Bay but I can only hypothesize that for some reason when you stick a bunch of uber-nerdy, neurodivergent, high openness and high neuroticism people in an environment. Shake it up a bit, eventually the most neurotic, nerdy, and neurodivergent rise to the top. Big Yud has essentially L. R. Hubbard-ed himself into the leader of a cult that goes catatonic over the wildest sci-fi shit.

My analysis on that tweet is such:

  • Peak Quokka: Altman is a huge follower of Yud and genuinely believes, through a failure to not realize he lives in a bubble, that Yud's AI teaching inspired all the greatest minds of the AI world.
  • Less Quokka: Altman is a genuine follower of Yud and due to his ego, believes He(Altman) will make the biggest contributions to AI, thus since Yud inspired him Yud is a huge impact.
  • Cynic: Altman is a shrewd power player, as evidenced by the whole board fiasco. He knows that if he refences a big name in the Bay Bubble AI Sphere, it will signal boost him at no cost. It acts like a scissor statement to the Pro/Anti doomers, generates lots of clicks and draws talent from both camps to OpenAI.

I'm somewhere between less-quokka and cynic. But take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't live in the bay, I work in defense, and years back I decided I'd rather take the quiet and stable life instead of gunning for a job at OpenAI/Deepmind/FAIR, where I could make the most impact on AI

As an AI engineer. Almost none. No one I know in this space, coworkers, colleagues, friends, and myself ever heard of this guy before running into Rationalists/Lesswrong spaces and that was after we/I decided to pursue a career in ML/AI. The ones besides me that have heard of him, have an overall negative opinion of him. Several consider him a loudmouth idiot.

Thanks, I got the book and I'll check it out.

I think the desire is really to keep his defenders in the group. They are good actors defending their friend, not realizing he's a bad actor. That's admirable. They are good people. There is a fear that if they leave, he'll eventually do the same thing to them, which a lot of the group are worried about. It is altogether a surprisingly empathetic group, that is likely being taken advantage of by a narcissist. I do think this conflict has strengthened my bonds with the others in the group, especially the 7 others with grievances. So I guess that's the silver lining. I'm really just confused on how to effectively deal with manipulative narcissists in general, nipping this in the bud would have probably been far more effective.

Well according to him he's the victim here. He's given some "sorry not-sorry" type apologies prior to being booted. Played a "I'm diagnosed with Autism" card in discussion with the group leader, that only his defenders really believe. He's all together too social and charismatic for most people to believe that one. I think he ran for state senate when he was younger, which doesn't really code as Autistic to me. The motivation is really unknown for why he started bullying different people. The current motivation is obviously not to admit fault and stay in the group or at least drag enough people with him to start his own group. It really does appear as some sort of narcissism.

Edit: it was state house of rep

He's very private with his sexuality but codes as gay or bi to most people. I'm straight. It was a hypothesis I had initially but it just felt too self-centered and his response was too extreme. Plus doing to this to other people makes that angle feel less likely

Like it or not, Europe broke out of those conditions from 1,000 years of Catholic theocracy. Asia modernized by copying them. This is a well-known, historically supported story

Citation needed on this claim that somehow Christianity is the source of the technological advancement required to advance out of mud huts. Particularly when for the most of this time period everyone below a noble and a few wealthy merchants, still lived in mud huts.