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Give us your trolls, your bots, your huddled masses yearning to post freely, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

The games at least are much less kind to the revolutionary factions. The first drops hints that they're just terrorists and not even good at it, and the second straight up says/shows they're only marginally better than who they replaced.

Jackson being a commune isn't a thing in the games, though we never see a form of currency exchanged so maybe it technically is in the sense that any group working together for just the common good is.

In hindsight, yes I should probably do that.

Classic electric stoves look essentially the same as gas stoves but with a round electric resistance heating element on the ranges.

just being able to dial in values instead of worrying about wth "medium heat" means is a boon

Ugh, my induction stove is just old enough to still have the stupid old fashioned dials instead of being able to set exact temperatures and it frustrates me to no end. It runs way too hot so when anyone besides me cooks they constantly burn things, I wish I could find a way to limit the dials.

The cynic in me says the press isn't going too hard on him because he's a democrat donor, maybe not to protect him but who he donated to.

Not just boomers, a lot of people (maybe the majority) are shockingly bad at even bare minimum computer security.

I'd love to read op-eds from Homer Simpson so it does make some sense.

extremely blue and generally gun-unfriendly state

Not quite an accurate picture, Dems were worried Oregon would become a purple state this election and brought all the big names out last month. There's large contingents of hardcore right and left wingers with most people falling in the middle based on geography, before 2016 things tended to default towards moderately libertarian at the state level and red/blue at the county level to reflect this. Before 114 Oregon had pretty permissive gun laws - will-issue CCW, no restrictions I can think of outside of FFL for all transfers, and very healthy hunting/gun cultures.

I've seen plenty of sheriffs and ACAB types in agreement against the may-issue permitting for the obvious reasons, tons of people against the magazine changes, and everyone informed on gun laws knew this was going to be shot down in the courts based on existing case law. Lots of people don't feel safe in the cities right now either and have become gun owners in the last few years too.

My guess is this only passed because of uninformed people who want to do anything about gun control.