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BANNED USER: doubled down in modmail




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joined 2024 May 20 18:06:43 UTC


User ID: 3061

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: doubled down in modmail



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 May 20 18:06:43 UTC


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User ID: 3061

Banned by: @Amadan

One argument I could entertain is that women are more likely to show up for jury duty in general, due to being more pro-social than men. Many people throw out their jury summons and expect no recourse.

You benefit from an overvalued career that doesn’t require you to walk, shake hands, or do much more than bum around on a laptop all day. Presumably, your wife doesn’t work if you’re considering homeschooling. Your opinion on it being “honestly not that hard” is worth very little to the average person.

And I wouldn’t brag too much about the success of your parenting before your child is a teenager. Homeschooled children usually end up weird and unsociable.

Yes, I’ve heard the “but what about military spending” gotcha plenty. Defense spending is currently the lowest it’s been in over 3 decades by percentages, between 11 and 13%. Socialized medicine and welfare comprise close to 50% of federal spending. And with new proposals to tax unrealized gains gaining momentum, going to war with the federal government over a 2% luxury tax on tea feels quaint by comparison.

The minarchist pipe dream of a government without redistribution is not and never has been on the table.

Aside from when the Republic was founded, you mean. The question of “redistribution” was barely a question until the 20th century and the unionization of massive segments of the working population.

Republicans got the nickname “party of no” for this reason. They’re the only adult in the room when it comes to not spending ourselves into exponentially untenable inflation (aside from a few irrelevant third parties).

Did you pay the porn star to fuck you? Or discover you’re dating a porn star and put aside your dignity?

I’m sure there’s a name for this style of counter argument. I remember something similar when fans of Game of Thrones remarked that they thought it was odd how John Bradley’s character lost no weight despite being forcibly enlisted in the setting’s version of the French Foreign Legion. To which he gave the predictable response of “weLL the sEtTiNg aLsO hAs dRaGoNs wHiCh is uNrEaLiStiC.”

As for Ubisoft, I continue to find it amusing that a company that normally loves to market safe, bland video games accidentally invented the most based video game soundtrack of all time.