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BANNED USER: doubled down in modmail




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joined 2024 May 20 18:06:43 UTC


User ID: 3061

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: doubled down in modmail



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 May 20 18:06:43 UTC


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User ID: 3061

Banned by: @Amadan

Trump is an idiot, and the shark thing is just more idiocy, but he’s cogent and amicable. Which wins him zero points with people that think he’s Satan incarnate, but makes him a fun underdog to root for by his black pilled conservative online base. Biden seems like he’s tired and waiting for his afternoon nap most days. He has the charisma of an old slug.

So yeah, I guess the tl;dr is that left-wing media still doesn't get Trump because they only look on the surface, and when they do a deeper dive, they aren't charitable.

I could very well use this sentiment to describe the right’s dismissal of Obama in 2008 as “surface level” and “uncharitable.” Many a conservative radio personality enjoyed making fun of the “tingle down the leg” of Obama’s adoring media fan base. It doesn’t help that Obamamania was best represented as a “feeling” by his supporters, with excited yips for “change we can believe in” coming from his young, weirdly obsessed fans. Trump supporters similarly seem to be saturated with “feelings” that Trump is the answer to decades of corruption, that he’s going to clean up the swamp and make America great again.

Same shit, different tribe. Real governance is much less fun than leg tingles and shark stories.

So you just recently learned that you share a country with people who hate you and everything you stand for? Really?

There’s a reason the Founding Fathers were skeptical of democracy: they knew people like this exist.

Didn’t ask; don’t care.

  • -18

You’re objectively wrong that I’m waging anything - it matters not one iota to me what women like.

But engaging the people that moderate this exiled and largely deteriorated Reddit thread is beyond pointless, so enjoy feeling like you policed the discussion effectively and to everyone’s benefit, I guess.

Dating is fun


I was accused of “mansplaining” by a young woman multiple times for talking to her the same way I talk to my male friend in his late 40s. Women just do not like being “explained” things the way men do. They HATE the implication that they don’t know something. They view it as condescending, while men are less cynical, and often seem to enjoy hearing how things work from others, or sharing knowledge in explanatory ways.

With women, it’s always about feelings. Making sure everyone in the conversation is “heard.” Lots of prefacing about how “maybe” it’s this way, or “I feel like” it’s that way. The corrosive, brain-melting end result of female socialization is that you can never just have a good argument without someone crying.

Women hate men. Always have, always will. Male animals in the wild chase female animals down and mount them against their will. Or the females are so unreceptive that estrus is required before they’ll let a male anywhere near them. Humans are only slightly more sophisticated, and if it weren’t for legal systems and social structures that incentivize women to become mothers, with the benefits of early retirement and zero economic obligations at the cost of having to bear children, marriage would be nonexistent.

Now, as an increasing number of women would rather be dog moms dating 2-3 men at a time, searching for increasingly high-earning and sexually desirable partners, being an average guy in 2024 is…hard. Or can be, if you aren’t blessed with a pretty face or a huge cock. And God help any man who wants to point out that the status quo is kind of fucked, lest he be accused of being a losing participant in said status quo (or, God forbid, an incel).

Amusing anecdote: I remember a few years ago when some dime-a-dozen voter advocacy group did an AMA on Reddit. In light of the recent controversy over election fraud, a Redditor asked about what steps are taken to ensure the sanctity of elections. The advocacy group gave a boilerplate response about how elections are super duper secure, and that even if, hypothetically, election fraud did occur, it occurs in small enough numbers so as not to impact elections.

To which a glib Redditor responded, “kind of like how my single vote is too small a number to impact elections?”

The mic drop was deafening. He did not get a response.

Youth turnout spiked in 2020 because Trump was president, compared to in 2016 when Obama was still president, or now. So memories are stale, compared to being fresh in 2020.

Indeed. It’s hard to put into words how deeply unpopular Donald Trump is with young 20-something college students and recent graduates. Biden was just about the worst democratic candidate for president in my lifetime, and he still won because he was against the left’s Antichrist.

Our military budgets are the lowest they’ve been in almost 40 years. About half of what we budget for federal spending on social security programs. While it’s obvious that the left hates Biden, mostly because he’s an old, doddering fool and not one of the cool, handsome presidents they’re accustomed to voting for, this seems like a strange angle of attack. Especially when Biden’s signature foreign affairs achievement is withdrawing from Afghanistan.

When I watch videos children victimizing others, be that students or teachers, I feel no need to "feign" outrage.

Ah, so you’re consuming outrage porn on Twitter and 4chan. Say no more.

The pearl clutching is a bit on the nose after your feigned moral outrage over “browns” curb stomping your white children, even for a troll. If these privately educated adults are “well liked and sociable everywhere they go,” then why would they fear the ire of uppity “browns”? Seems there’s a hole in your logic.

This is a counter point to what? Homeschooling works great, sex segregated schools work great. Highly homogenous schools work great.

And the best schools on Earth, as well as the ones most people choose to attend, are none of those things. So I suppose desegregated schools also work great, and your objection to them is rooted less in reason than you seem to think.

I suppose you can bend the rules to say that children raised in bubbles grow up to be well-liked and sociable in their bubbles. But that presumes life in a bubble is man’s greatest aspiration.

Where are you getting the impression kids from these backgrounds are growing up to be social outcasts?

Have you interacted with homeschooled children turned adults? Or people who went to private school? They are, generally speaking, socially stunted and awkward.

I highly doubt that. Maybe if they're in a very big school, but even then there are a lot of smart cookies in the world.

You highly doubt that someone who graduates valedictorian and places in the top 3 of their class at the SAT will continue to be smarter than most of the people around them? Very smart people still have to employ and work with normal people and idiots.

We’re not talking about historical geniuses here. Just normal working professionals.

What even is this... Like, I don't know where you are coming from but you don't need to go to school with brown people to learn how to interact with people who have lower IQ's than you.

Yes, but it certainly helps. Homeschooled children are weird, unsociable misfits who become predisposed to blindly trusting authority figures and struggle to wake up for work on time. Women who never go to school with men become sexually repressed fetishists who chase cock in their 20s and 30s instead of starting families. To say nothing of the men who grow up to be incels because they never learned heterosocial customs.

Uncharitable generalizations cut both ways.

Become too insulated in a hyper intelligent bubble, and you become the kind of person who genuinely wonders why no one likes your plan to sterilize or segregate vast swathes of the population because a black boy bullied a white boy once.

You’re ignoring the obvious counter point, which is “it is useful for children to learn to interact productively with people that neither look, act, nor think like them, lest they become unemployable social outcasts.”

If your child is the smartest person in their school, then it is likely they will continue to be one of the smartest people wherever they go. Learning to interact with 100 IQ “subhumans” is essential to becoming anything more than a white collar grunt who takes orders for a living.

So yeah, we can pretend that our extreme child-sacrifice based interventions are not actually that by using smiley faces. But I am not going to pretend with you. I will, as politely as I can, point out that you are intentionally throwing children into a chain of causality that has many more bad outcomes than they otherwise would have had. This is evil and you should be punished for it.

You are intentionally throwing children into a chain of causality that has many more bad outcomes than they otherwise would have had by allowing them to attend school at all (homeschooling has, I would assume, close to a 100% record of being bullying-free). This is evil and you should be punished for it.

Should boys be prevented from attending school with girls, since men commit the vast majority of violent crime despite only comprising 50% of the population?

Yes, I’m aware that software isn’t real engineering.

Yes, being a fascist society makes being technologically advanced hard, for all the reasons you stated. A society that requires constant war to flourish eventually runs out of reasons to research and develop a bigger gun.

Nope. A few professors were reviled for being harsh graders, but that’s about it.

Pretty much every engineering related job that doesn't involve direct supervision of construction or experiments can be done remotely.

Fake email-and-excel engineering jobs can be done anywhere your imagination takes you.

I’ll have to take your word for it. I don’t remember a single teacher or professor from my school years fondly, except for the 10th grade English teacher that 15-year-old me badly wanted to fuck. And I attended very highly ranked (albeit public) schools and a historically top tier university program. I certainly didn’t think of these people as high status.

But I’ve read a fair number of sappy “the amazing teacher I’ll never forget” stories from Redditors over the years, so I’ll concede that I’m probably a minority.

In my opinion, the greatest fault of Capitalism, and the real problem that is behind it, is that it is so productive that can share money to unproductive people, creating a new caste of Priestly Propagandist, that exists only because they receive money from society.

This logic seems incomplete, but there’s obviously some merit to it. It’s easy to be an advocate when one is completely removed from the negative consequences of their advocacy. Commies eventually got so triggered by repeatedly being called out on their revealed preferences that they made a webcomic just to snark at it (without actually refuting the original criticism, naturally).

The utopian socialist Star Trek narrative of cornucopia technology making war obsolete is itself born from the luxury of living in a hyper secular capitalist paradise bereft of any real ideology. Every great story of central planning returning man to the Garden of Eden begins by skipping the part where capitalism made a technologically advanced civilization possible. The endless irony of 1984 is the unchallenged assertion that a fascist shithole like Oceania could actually foster and cultivate a scientifically rich inner circle, when Hitler’s relatively kind and gentle Third Reich couldn’t even figure out the atom bomb.

So capitalism continues to pave the way for its enemies to live comfortable lives attacking its excesses in as many novel and uncharitable ways as possible. Easier to try to build civilization in the skeleton remains of a better one than to have to figure out how shit works on your own. And when everyone’s starving and hauling hay as a peasant, they’re too miserable to listen to your screed on inclusion and diversity.

This is why I snort whenever someone insists that teachers are underpaid. Most high school graduates are functionally useless.

Useless mouths still vote and affect culture. Enough useless mouths can theoretically reject automation in increasingly violent ways. Useless mouths can do a lot of damage. There’s a reason the Catholic Church wants you to raw dog your wife endlessly and have 9 children before she gets too old.

"the person everyone is paying attention to" is pretty strongly correlated with status

Children don’t generally hold their teachers in high regard, in my experience. And they pay attention to them all day every day.

The idea of “white culture” is a joke on its face. Is a redneck in a lifted F-350 with a fondness for fishing and drinking cheap beer white culture? Or is an over educated millennial white woman who dyes her hair, loves dogs and hates her parents white culture? If both answers are yes, which one is more white?

Also, from the tribal matriarch’s perspective, white people spend all day sitting in chairs and getting fat. She’s not impressed by your brokerage account or your ability to get to work on time.