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joined 2022 September 08 00:51:41 UTC


User ID: 960



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 00:51:41 UTC


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User ID: 960

Strongly agree.

America is not more overextended by the Ukraine war than Russia is, and “War against Russian-led forces in Eastern Europe specifically” was the stated design purpose of decades of generations of American equipment development, military organization, and even internal (and external) propaganda.

A hack to get in the ballpark would be a simple comment reply, like: “Love this post. Question: can you make it longer?”

And then analyzing upvotes on your comment vs the original.

It’s a low precision test on average, but would be sensitive to extremes. I know I wouldn’t be able to ignore a highly-upvoted response asking me to go into further detail.