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User ID: 1395
Lastly, who really believes that Trump will not tire of Musk in four years?
I do wonder what becomes of their alliance once the honeymoon phase of this term cools down. Imagine trump eventually does something that musk doesn't love being associated with, does musk have the ability to grin and bear it, or would he be tempted to resign from his thankless government job to be a humble private sector executive again?
While i do appreciate that mcdonalds uses real beef patties in their staple burgers, they also peddle a lot of weird stuff that kindof pretends to be something else. If you look at their website that describes a hamburger you may notice that the line where they say they dont use fillers/preservatives etc has an asterisk next to it. The asterisk is because this claim only applies to their nationally available permanent hamburger menu items. Chicken nuggets for instance do not adhere to a strict chicken and breading philosophy.
I agree that the hippyish mindset of mcdonalds being made of dead pig anuses is a fantasy, but i dont think the mc rib is what i would consider "honest" food. Their french fries contain Hydrolyzed Wheat, so a usually gluten free food is not gluten free at mcdonalds.
I guess my point is that while i dont hate mcdonalds i would be wary of lionizing them with the word "honest"
Imean, I know two individuals who each basically tanked their careers to be full time rock climbers, should i view rock climbing as a vice? The world essentially lost a talented engineer and a medical professional because these people wanted to climb on rocks more than they wanted to grind, and neither use drugs or alcohol. You can't criminalize apathy for productive work whether its in the "fuck it just dont care" form or the "i want to enrich my soul by hiking across europe for a decade" form
i dont care if the guy takes whatever steps he sees fit to protect his anonymity, but if you want to seriouspost about how the fundamental fabric of society is crumbling around you it becomes really easy to just make shit up if you are talking about a vague area that may or may not be in north america.
For all i know i live in the same exact town as that guy and the way i see it he's being a big baby about non-problems. Of course i'm not calling him a sky-is-falling chicken little, because i don't know whether i'm his neighbor or not.
unblockable ads will be a firehose level revenue surge either way, imagine being in sales for google adsense and being able to pitch your product as one of the only unblockable ad spaces on the internet, its gonna print money
but I won't have much to say here
with no offense meant, thats kinda what i expected from interacting with a comment that is just "hah look at this tweet i found".
I gave a super short, low context comment because the tweet was talking about an event i'm familiar with, and i thought that was the vibe i was responding to. If you want to talk about the tweet or the events it refers to perhaps you could start by sharing more of your opinion than "this is my favorite tweet about a thing"
also sorry for assuming you were offended, im at work and lets say that my main mode of communication today has been more adversarial than i would like, and it may be coloring my usually mellow aura.
It's still not clear to me what exactly you want to discuss here.
my man you literally just posted a tweet, and i commented some of my thoughts on it. i didn't expect you to take offense if i'm being honest. I don't know what your political alignment is and i don't know the tweeter's. All i know is that the tweeter is dunking on a person who i agree with to some degree.
The line i said about the shoe being on the other foot is more about the outpouring of people ready to take shots at destiny, not about you or any one guy, and the reason its funny is because his joke about not caring about a guy getting shot is prettymuch the most "sticks and stones" type shit to be mad about in a situation where actual political violence just occurred. A guy just tried to kill the president but being disrespectful to the collateral damage is the thing people take umbrage with?
I don't recall Destiny and his fans being free speech absolutists
cant speak for his fanbase writ large, and i dont believe he is an absolutist, but his revealed preferences put him at a "more free speech than the left is currently comfortable with" point on the map. I would say this incident also puts him at "more free speech than the right is currently comfortable with". He got cancelled WAY harder back when he said white people should be able to say the N word if they arent calling a black guy the word, so its not like this is the first time he decided people should be able to speak freely.
Understandably too, it's one thing when you're trying to figure something out and with every action you take there is a discernable pattern emerging, its another thing entirely when things that should work just don't. Imagine trying to teach a kid math but once in a while, instead of marking their work as correct you have to mark it 404 page not found and not explain any further.
real answer: im talking about the broader discussion around the streamer in question and how he is being "cancelled" by rightoids for saying mean things.
fun answer: that streamer pissed a bunch of people off by poking fun at a guy that just so happened to be dead
"its all so tiresome" was a meme back then too. Not knocking the republicans who are getting their licks in right now, turnabout is fair play. That said im not sure that we have trampled a norm any more than we have proven that given the opportunity some people will, and always would, pillory their political opponents. The new thing is that the opportunities are more plentiful if you look hard enough and there are more people visible to either parties twitter inquisitioners. Its not like home depot lady is the first person the right has found that even the left cant defend.
we know he wasnt trained by the millitary, fair enough though that there are more ways to get good at shooting.
im talking about the tweet you posted, not you
yeah his current audience trajectory points to him scrounging at home depot any day now, only 14k viewers while he does incredibly boring shit.
this whole conversation about destiny and free speech is so illuminating to me. The idea that there are no bad tactics just bad targets seems to be much more widespread and bipartisan than i had initially assumed.
if i set a barely out of highschool, no training guy up to plink cans off of a fence i dont think i would put all my chickens in the "yeah hes gonna hit one" basket. if dude was some ex marine maybe i could see the angle, but i dont think any type of spooky spies would make a plan that 100% rides on the efficacy of an untrained man to peg a target at medium range with a very short time window and essentially all the pressure you can imagine without being under fire.
I wouldn't know, but its always fair to ask Cui Bono. In the case of LBJ getting to decide what to do in Vietnam, warhawks got prettymuch exactly what they wanted, and the resulting political unrest provided a solid tentpole for Nixon.
Obviously the assassination of kennedy has enough question marks that an entire cottage industry spawned around explaining it, but it doesnt seem like it was orchestrated by people with leftist goals.
i feel like you are just steelmanning this position rather than actually making those claims, so i'll spare you my layman's understanding of how training data is not used in a currently copyright protected fashion.
What i have a big problem with though is people who become possessive over a "style". You can't own a style, not in visual auditory or any other sense of art. Also injecting "worthless" into the discussion goes beyond what i was saying, i was saying that finding out the singularity of your identity is less all-encompassing than one originally imagined can harm the ego.
No the company is not “deep faking” you, you just aren’t actually unique
This really gets to the root of the visceral reaction some people have towards most of generative AI. People view their artwork, their voice, their face, as some of the most personally identifying "what makes me be me" features. The idea that there are literally other people that look and sound just like you, or even worse that a computer can emulate it believably, flies in the face of how some people see themselves.
Kindof understandable, many were told from an early age that they were a one of a kind special little guy, and finding out that it was all a polite fantasy would probably be quite jarring.
Do you expect Blues to achieve consensus that their side was in the wrong
no, but party wide consensus seems to be an ephemeral state for both sides of the aisle these days. Im a red tribeish democrat voter and i certainly think its legit self defense even ignoring where the guys rifle was specifically pointing, and i imagine im not alone in this opinion.
this already kinda exists : https://community.openai.com/t/vampire-game-where-you-convince-llm-to-let-you-in/604295
you talk into your mic to try and convince various AI characters to let you into their home. The AI doesnt judge you for your tone, but this is a pretty great proof of concept of how this tech could be implemented in a bigger game imo.
male characters that were gender swapped
when the tough badass cop lady was furiously riding her boyfriend i cracked up. Maybe the most direct evidence of penis envy ive ever seen in media.
Idunno if we can count it because she charges at the one guy then gets jumped by the full stack. the way it plays out makes the guys kinda look like a gang of cowardly violence junkies that are beating up a distressed (but kinda manly) woman.
Her monogamist followers are preselected with being unsatisfied
i don't think this is a given, i'm repulsed by the idea of poly relationships and i follow anybody crazy enough to be entertaining on twitter (and the girl who showers once a month yet has time to bang 3 different guys a week is a goddamn spectacle). I could definitely imagine there being some selection bias in the data seeing as she reports polling in Fetlife and some un named "friend’s personality testing website" being about a quarter of the data.
The bigger issue is that it's self reported polling data collected in a somewhat conspicuous way. Anybody with any agenda about how many partners a person should have can add their 2 cents , and polyamorous people aren't going to say "yeah poly prettymuch sucks" on a poll they know people are going to gawk at on twitter.
Moreso once you get north of florida/georgia, most of the coast experiences freezing temperatures for at least a few weeks during the winter. I imagine this kills some of the most feral and deranged junkies, which makes the remaining east coast homeless population seem less eccentric than it otherwise would be.
edit: i wrote this comment then immediately wondered if my ramblings had any correlation with reality, and looking at the maps here it seems like the west coast actually has lower lows than the same latitude on the east coast. https://gisgeography.com/us-temperature-map/
sure, but being less embarrassing than a bunch of actual scaredy cat crybabies doesn't win you many points.
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shit i got 4/5 and i was convinced that the copyright question is where i screwed up. guess ill never know now because im not signing up for their email list to get the answers
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