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joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC
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1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC


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BA from Oberlin, then a conservation biology MS from University of Minnesota. Entire professional experience has been as a twitter manager for non-profits: "digital communications for other bird organizations (American Ornithological Society, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, Great Lakes Piping Plover Recovery Effort) and international events (NAOC 2016, Earth Optimism 2018) has aided in her science communications skills and outreach ability to non-technical audiences."
She eventually worked her way up to "director of communications" at the American Bird Conservancy. Here's their 990 disclosure for anyone who wants to see the grant slush fund in action.

It's like a portrait study.

Democrats responded that the rule provides $75 million in grants to train nurse aids, and also pointed out that Democrats repeatedly have tried to boost federal spending to help with this kind of training and hiring

This has become a universal pattern now. Democrats impose some destructive rule, "patch it" with a grant-writing process manipulated by their political allies, and mock anyone who has a problem with this.
The "inflation reduction act" that was just the "green new deal" with a post-it note over the title did this by the hundreds-of-billions. A new rule bans the sale of gas stoves over an arbitrary BTU (after vicious smearing of anyone who suggested this might be happening), but you can't complain because the Green Building Alliance has been given 200 billion to hand out to state and non-profit grant programs to create local grant programs to buy professional grant-writers free induction stoves.

In this case that 75 million is tiny compared to the actual scale of the problem, and will vanish into "training programs" for "increasing transgender awareness and expression in nursing home patients," mandated by "human rights councils."

It's the ultimate expression of manipulating procedural outcomes with complete political control over the economy and population.

Another supporting detail: the highest voted post on /r/australia right now is

The referendum campaign has cemented racism into the body politic, and the ‘baseless’ rejection of ‘Yes’ will create a bleak future for Australia and those who stood with First Nations people

although oddly it's the only post on the sub where people who voted No aren't being downvoted to oblivion. I can't understand the voting patterns on there.
What's the reputation of "The Saturday Paper?" Is it one of those online propaganda rags, or does it have an actual history? Their coverage page on this has been wild.

Wait, are you talking about this guy? https://old.reddit.com/user/darwin2500/

Isn't he obviously just an obnoxious troll who posts in whatever community he can get a rise out of? If he came here and posted like that he'd be banned right away for good reason.

I saw this right before reading @Stefferi claiming that "the right (apart from the explicit Nazis, of course) and at least parts of the center-left immediately smells blood in the water and starts trawling the social medias for any far-left comments that either are pro-Hamas or can be presented that way"

Not really sure what else to say. Just seems like whatever happens someone will be playing the "deflect, minimize, Republicans Pounce" game to get people to ignore it.

BAP's reply:

The main objection against the aesthetic admiration of POC violence whether Pali or BLM joggers or Somalis is that they are only allowed to exist in a limited playpen situation, dependent as wards of the state or other powers and a humanitarian ethics. It is therefore sterile.
Gangsta violence can be made to look transgressive only so long as the power of the USA state in this case stops nature from taking its course—50-100 military cadets could probably pacify all of LA or Chicago in a couple of weeks. Now extend this to the world—virtual playpen.

Edit: I should put a disclaimer that I have never read BAP and only vaguely understand what any of this debate is about, but those posts randomly drifted into my twitter feed and were clearly a response to the critique above. If anyone thinks it's worth the time to read BAPista philosophy so this all makes sense, could you give me an elevator pitch? I got filtered pretty hard on him right off the bat.

Wikipedia's "Waukesha Christmas parade accident caused by an SUV" article still has no motive listed even after they finally changed the name to "christmas parade attack." Because none of the acceptable sources mentioned the attacker's motives.
The media filter absolutely helps the BLM-ACAB-pronouns powerusers and mods bias the articles, even though a lot of the right wing sites on the list are trash.

I know LIDAR is pretty good at finding recently disturbed soil: cut and cover trenches, landmine holes, fresh backyard graves, etc.
You'd need a pretty good laser to make it work 6' underground though.

When I was a kid I watched some militants saw the head off a captured NGO worker with a blunt knife. I'm pretty inured to bronze-age savages doing terrible things while spasmodically yelling ALLAH AKBAR.

What still gets me a little is the university HR lady, who'd fire you for making the white supremacist thumbs-up gesture or mentioning the lynching word "picnic", suddenly become a maoist third-worlder screaming about how Stolen Land Will Be Cleansed With The Blood Of The Settlers, From Palestine To California!

"What did you think Indo-Aryan meant, my brother?" --Adolf Hitler (probably)

Not really? I watched redditors on /r/dronedOrc gloat about a surrendering man being torn apart by shrapnel bombs because he was still alive after the 4th one and they loved watching him writhe in pain.

He was grovelling for his life. Surrendering is a different process and doesn’t look like that
he didn’t start begging for mercy til AFTER he realized his number was up. expect mercy hahaha
Your jazz hands won't save you now.
Leave him to a slow death.
I got hard.
Could literally watch this for hours
I don’t care how brutal it is, I absolutely love watching Russians getting killed.

Spitting on a dead body is nowhere near as grotesque as watching that from what you used to think were civilized humans that speak the same language as you.

The thing that's gotten me the most is the cheering crowds in the UK who have zero fear of being arrested on "hate speech" charges (unlike anyone who criticizes them), and the academics justifying it saying "Postcolonial, anticolonial, and decolonial are not just words you heard in your EDI workshop," with reminders that they're going to do it to Americans next
It's endless: Dartmouth, Berkeley, Columbia, CUNY, journal editors, professors, HR bureaucrats, the entire blue ecosystem all cheering rape and torture and kidnapping and screaming that my children are next with no fear of any consequences. Armed american terrorist groups who get hagiographies from NPR accusing anyone opposed to massacring children of being pearl clutching racists.
Random union twitter accounts posting "Palestine is rising, long live the resistance🌹" as if it was the most natural thing in the world for them to be doing, while the DSA organizes to support the attacks.

Spend an hour reading the "decolonization" tag. They are telling you what they are, and like Noah Smith I am getting "sort of negatively polarized against these people."

It feels less like masks dropping than like it happened so suddenly that everyone forgot to put their masks on in the first place. The Bataclan attack and European truck massacres developed slowly enough that people could adopt effective strategies: /r/news managed to delete all mention of the attacks for an entire day, and by the time it was acknowledged to have happened the party line was "this awful event had nothing to do with any cause we support."
Now we're just getting the raw unfiltered reactions, just like the combat footage, and we see what the real intentions are.

I thought TPOT guys were supposed to be a light-hearted and happy crew of post-rational surrealists or something. Are they really all depressed layabouts who hang out on twitter too much?

One of the top google results for the author: "What happened to math prodigy Qiaochu Yuan, has he lost his mind?"

Sounds like he got into the Berkeley rationalist scene in grad school and it destroyed him. And now he lives in Bellevue watching pokemon videos all day?

I've always wanted to ask if your name is a futurama reference, because your black pills are so dense each pound of them weighs over ten thousand pounds.

It absolutely does not make an excellent point. Check history: if it's not darwin2500 it's his identical twin. The account alternates between manipulative negging and dogmatic consensus enforcement.

Isn't Sufficient Velocity the science fiction version of Resetera? Didn't they schism from the spaceballs forum over not being radical enough?

Yeiyan Yippie looks alright tbh. Noticed they harvested good reviews from a $900 budget model before switching to this more expensive one. The "premade Yeyian windows account" sounds sketchy as fuck though.
Also check if there's a single 16GB ram stick, or 2x8. If it's a single you can get another one for dual channel, and 16 to 32 is a decent upgrade if you do a lot of ram intensive stuff.

AP covers it with the stock phrase "claiming without evidence" that we saw so much of in 2020.
Is there a word for that kind of use of cliché? I think Orwell wrote about it being omnipresent in '30s propaganda.

Nothing nearly that sophisticated I'm afraid. Here is one of Propublica's senior writers accusing crime prediction algorithms of being racially biased for predicting more crime in black neighborhoods.


And so PredPol continues to make crime predictions that are incredibly unevenly distributed by race. Take these two neighborhoods in Plainfield, N.J. – where 11 crimes were predicted in the White neighborhood and 1,940 in the Black & Brown neighborhood.

Especially if you live anywhere with a microcenter, your best bet is to pick up a CPU+RAM+Mobo on sale and slap it in your old case with a generously sized power supply, then find a GPU on sale. Buildapcsales on reddit still has some decent deals despite the bot activity. There are still some good sales on 12th gen intel CPUs and boards that everyone is trying to get rid of.

Get a 2TB NVME and you won't need any other storage except a backup HDD.

8 gigs of ram in a $1000 dollar PC with a $100 case makes me wonder about that site, tbh.

My entire post--maybe even my entire blog--reduced to three words. If you want to know how you are governed, this is it: you are governed by Manipulating Procedural Outcomes. It's perfect. It belongs on someone's tomb.

That's about as succinct as you could get I think. The woman who invented the phrase had a longer blogpost about it.

This is amazing. Just the sheer blatant chutzpah of dismissing what has been celebrated by national media and all leftwing politicians as "just some crazy person," and accusing conservatives of imagining the last five years the second it becomes a liability for you.
Canadian "queer" groups were demanding that children not be allowed to opt out of drag shows, for fuck's sake!

Is this what they mean by gaslighting?