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Chief Suomiposter

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joined 2022 September 04 20:29:13 UTC


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User ID: 137


Chief Suomiposter

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 20:29:13 UTC







User ID: 137

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How many cases have there been where an Islamic jihadist commits a terrorist attack and pretends to be something other than an Islamist while doing so? Being open that you are, in fact, doing jihad has always been one of the points of the jihadists.

No, I'm a millennial and ideal target audience for SMAC and played the hell out of it when it dropped, but when attempting to replay it, I just can't get over how ass the graphics and controls are by modern standards.

I believe AC had randomized maps?

...who did Tubman murder again? I'm not that familiar with her story, but a quick skim of Wikipedia entry would indicate that if she ever directly killed anyone, it would have been within wartime context.

Presumably this meant "the sort of useful feedback that a smart human could not already give you".

Yeah, I mean, the AI hype train people are aware that from the perspective of an interested but still fundamentally "outside" normie, the last years have basically consisted of continuous breathless announcements that AGI is six months away or literally here and our entire lifes are going to change, with the actual level of change in one's actual daily life being... well, existent, of course, especially if one's working an adjacent field, but still quite less than promised?

My understanding is that Tubman's fame only shot up during/after the US Civil War, so that may not be the best finishing date.

The middlebrow was cultivated and developed by the 00s hipsters, which would indeed probably be what Freddie deBoer's tastes probably run towards, considering not only his social status and age group but also his various stated preferences on his blog. Then the hipster culture either collapsed on itself or was mercilessly attacked from various sides and slunk back to forced poptimism or dumb contrarianism or whatever the evolutions were, and we now have what we have now.

There has been Leader choice drama since the first Civ forum (Civ Fanatics) was made in like 2002 or so.

The first major Civ forum was Apolyton, established in 1998, which used to be considerably bigger than CivFanatics until it started dying sometime after mid-00s (around that time I also stopped participating, incidentally). Fond memories of that forum, including first encounters with a very smart teenager who later established a moderately succesful blog.

All of the leaders in Civ games are Presidents, Kings, Chiefs, etc: actual historical rulers

Gandhi (Indian leader as far back as Civ 1) wasn't, and as said elsewhere, Civ 2 included a lot of optional leaders that didn't actually lead their countries or actually even exist.

Thomas Jefferson as the American leader, expect it is this Thomas Jefferson.

My understanding is that RFH used to actually be on the dissident right but - as I've seen a large number of women on far-right movements do - eventually grew tired of the rank misogyny and general inceldom on that side and flipped towards some sort of a terf/right-wing split position, in practice taking the same woman-hating/incel attitude and just flipping the valence so as to start advocating man-hating and femceldom. In so doing she, apart from naturally attracting a large amount of hatred from former far-right comrades, she has also approached the position of some posters who are coming towards the same split from the terf side, chiefly Ana Slatz of Reduxx.

Slatz has posted what seems to be the Wisconsin poster's actual manifesto, which just seems like typical school shooter misanthrope blather and doesn't indicate a connection to RFH or any politics beyond admiration for some Nazi shooters, seemingly more for being shooters than being Nazis. Obviously this is not going to convince anyone who was only too happy to see RFH take one on the chin, whether this is due to hating her for bashing men or for bashing trans people or whatever.

Celsius is rather useful in a country that spends a considerable fraction of the year in temps that are on the Celsius minus scale. Important clothing decisions might depend simply on whether the temp on the weather app shows up in red or blue.

The only true artform left, then: memes and poasting.

The economic vibes have been weird in Europe for 15 years now.

The Silicon Valley seems to be swinging rightwards in general (a combination of ideological percolation of various ideologies familiar to the forum and tech queasiness with AI regulation and like), so no wonder the most visible tech barons are following the course.

Also, hasn't Adams always been a centrist for a New York Dem?

I've read documents from/describing the Communist Party of Finland in the 1960s, when a lot of academics entered it (for the first time in basically, well, ever), and the general feeling was that while they welcomed the influx they were also quite suspicious of the new recruits and constantly worried that this would eventually draw the party away from the working-class base (the fears were correct, as it turns out to be). The specific strategy of orthodox Marxism has always been based specifically organizing the working class as working class.

Do you think that the British cult-of-NHS stuff sometimes mocked by contrarians is about government trying to "pay in appreciation" to make up for things that can't be paid for in real money due to constant cost control?

Yeah, I've seen it said that American lefties dream about Euro-style health care system because they think that such a system will dole out treatments at will and for asking, basically, when that is generally not the case at all.

Perhaps one could parlay it into an unique quirk - "I'm the sort of a free thinker that is so detached from norms that I even wear a suit to a tech job!"

Was the Dutch Revolt against the Habsburgs an example of “civic nationalism”, or was it “ethnic consciousness”?

An example of Protestant religiousness, surely, in large part?

If someone is described as being "anprim", then yes, I'm going to expect finding anarchism and primitivism in his latest statements on social media, which do not demonstrate that, indeed in many ways the opposite.

A lot of smart people of this variety read Kaczynski as a sort of a brain candy, "look at how avant-garde I am by giving the time of the day to a terrorist" kind of way. I know I've done so, certainly.

If you're actually Ted-pilled, the last thing you'd do would be the sort of tech-posting his Twitter acct is full of, like this post.

Same with me, Twitter search shows a few disparate BLM posts but no major interest from lefty accounts otherwise.

Mangione's Twitter (wonder if they'll scrub it) makes him seem like a centrist techlib quoting Harari and Haidt, maybe centre-right since he also reposts some right-wing stuff about immigration and so on. Basically the furthest thing from either anprim or populist one can imagine. An ACX poster, maybe even a Motte poster. Quoting Ted Kaczynski would then be more in the "look at this interesting and radical way of thinking" sense than an expression of any true agreement.