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joined 2022 September 04 19:16:56 UTC


User ID: 96



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:16:56 UTC


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User ID: 96

Imagine if we took West's business dealings, put them all in a company he owned 100% of, and then asked how much is the company worth? Obviously it has a value, while those contracts are dependent on West's personal brand, they have expected future cash flows that can theoretically be sold. If West had wanted to, he could have realized a portion of those earnings in advance by selling the right to those future cash flows, at a discount obviously, likely with a contract forbidding him from saying precisely this sort of shit about Jews. He never literally had two billion dollars, but he had tangible assets that would have almost certainly yielded more than two billion dollars over their lifetimes in a hypothetical world where he had not blown them up, which someone might theoretically have paid around 2 billion dollars for.

I have never owned a trash can and not needed to hose it down at least once every few years. No bag is sturdy enough to never get small holes in it when you throw in a whole turkey carcass or a random piece of metal from a DIY job. Hoseability is a pretty key feature, though I have never bought an electronic one, I just use a foot pedal.

That seems pretty far-fetched to me, in that a thousand years is nowhere near long enough for human level selection effects to occur. I could perhaps buy that our gut biomes adapted to ancestral diets, but I tend to suspect old fashioned diets being better for us is more just a matter of ancestral wisdom/modern processed food being utter shit. Like, obviously a balanced meal of lean protein, grains, and mixed vegetables is gonna be better than fast food or whatever sodium loaded nonsense one picks up in the freezer aisle.