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joined 2024 May 28 03:35:53 UTC


User ID: 3075



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2024 May 28 03:35:53 UTC


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User ID: 3075

Dude is just bigger than everyone.

People openly call for murder charges against abortionists here with no censure. Talking shit about native working class uk citizens though? That is beyond the pale for some reason?

What? I fail to see the correlation.

Well how far down the ladder do you go on something like that. The consequence may be an expensive unwanted burden, a cherished child, an abortion, a miscarriage, nothing at all, and on and on. An abortion may be one consquence of sex.

The consequences are you get an abortion if you get an accidental pregnancy. We have the technology.

You ask for your sushi to be cooked?

Redlining with extra steps. Generally a court will see through schemes like this. Unless they don't want to.

This is all just a uk sketch comedy bit from many years ago.


Where do you think yours comes from?

He asked what follows, that is what follows. The dude self identifies as a violent radical.

You want violent confrontation to bend others to your will, hoping for collapse for some excitiment, and are dissatisfied when things are going ok.

Why even have a country if you don't believe in anything except exatly what you want? You are kind of that guy though, you're a boogaloo boy.

  • -12

It prevents otherwise very qualified people from running all the time. If they don't have the pull they must kowtow or have their "crimes" exposed.

Why would you need case law? He was a trator and an enemy combatant. Some americans joined nazi Germany's army and we didn't need trials to kill them in combat.