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joined 2024 May 28 03:35:53 UTC


User ID: 3075



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2024 May 28 03:35:53 UTC


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User ID: 3075

I've always had this problem with overbearing scores in film or blatantly manipulative music that dosen't stand up artistically.

"I'm extremely harsh with myself, but I have a friend that I'm helping pass university, and I simply cannot help her by applying pressure, it only makes her weak, doubtful of herself, and prone to giving up."

Are you trying to sleep with this friend?

Jesus dude. Tldr became real for me today.

  • -34

That is kind of crazy sounding. We obviously need more details! How did you aquire such problems and how did you fix them!?!

A lot of your well told story about rasing your son, from an outside perspective, seems like the same thing that happens to anyone who manages to cope with hard life circumstances, such as personal disability or family menbers that require constant care.

It must be worth it and it must be good and I must love it and it must be for a reason... because it is so hard. It reminds me of a Benjamin Franklin quote about borrowing books and asking favors to get people to like you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Franklin_effect Your special needs child is a verson of a favor asking Franklin.

It just happend, bad luck as you say, and your child's life and your own would be better had it not.

I also don't see a drop in fertility as a crisis as we are going into serious automation of most things in the next 100 years. A benifit if anything. Many overpopulated counties already have high unemployment even spain is over 10%. Imagine what that will be when the value of human labor drops even lower!

I don't think most parents enjoy that. You may be a statistically odd person for enjoying a public tantrum.

I'm aware of at least one thing on the his list that is 100% wrong. One reason the invasion of France was so successful was thst they DID do a great job inventing small high quality radios.

They were used extensivly by the military and by the civilians. I believe that right before the war there were more Volksempfänger radios in Germany than total radios in the rest of europe. France had almost none. There wasnt even a radio at French military headquarters! They needed to relay messages via motorcycle messengers because the first thing germans did was shoot out the phone lines with air power...

I don't think we should be assigned disabled children to improve our character. I think parents of disabled kids are probaly nice for the same reason fat people or disabled people often are. They have to be or no one will help them.

I'm pro kids, but not for improving your own character. I know plenty of selfish terrible parents. It doesn't see to cure any character defects that I've ever witnessed, I've certainly seen adding kids to the picture make it worse.

You apply for a degree in the usa as well.

A more common place for abuse has always been church youth groups. Every town I have lived in has had a scandal with one, and those are just the abusers that get caught.

What? I dont even understand this comment. Are you saying Walz is a pedo because he appears to be an actual good person?

How does this comment have 9 upvotes?

Humm.....perhaps the high born didn't choose their husbands but a lot of women in the greek world certainly chose who they slept with. Divorce was also an accepted remedy for a bad marriage in athens. There is little known about romance and marriages in the lower classes of the time.

He straight up proved you wrong and this is your response? How about a little grace and humility?

So you feel less safe but more assured of an after life? Shouldn't that make you feel more safe since worst case scenario you get to spend eternity in heaven?

You were ready to go to war a decade ago. Now you're happy just to chat about it online. I would think that to any reasonable person, it seems like you feel more safe now.

I don't feel particularly unsafe. Do you?

There isnt mass lawlessness unless you only watch fox news. Even "shitholes" like sf are safe and clean if you stay off one bad street.

I feel like you think aus is better because you live there. Have you done a lot of travel?

There is just no clear way to have a real war without battle lines. Otherwise it is just somthing more the the "troubles" in NI, or chaos.

You position is that if we hit the debt ceiling, defund the police (which isn't actually a thing) or pack the court the usa will be in civil war? The population isn't even divided up geographically in a way that woild even make it possible, very very worst case it would be like the "troubles" in NI. Most people are way too lazy for that kind of thing.

After Australia's reaction to covid, i would not put it behind British state control. You guys were chasing down teens and harrasing women stopping on park benches, and restricting freedom of movement and curfews and 'papers pleasing' all over the place. It was insane watching it from the states. How quickly we forget.

The usa is not "close to civil war" That is mostly a larp for the very far right and left to fantasize about in very online spaces. It has about as much chance as "The Purge" or "Running man" at becoming reality. The country is pretty well mixed in geographically despite the voting maps that show the final results.

I also ask, were you born in Australia or was it a choice to move there?

Britain was on the hard downturn way before american media "wokeness" was a thing.

Singapore is one city. Not a sprawling world power. They can't be properly compared.

Have you seen Britian lately? It is clear that the usa is a lot better off than the UK or canada or india or aus.

Dude is just bigger than everyone.