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User ID: 501



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User ID: 501

North vs South Korea. Armenia vs AZ. North vs South Cyprus. Israel vs Syria and Lebanon. India vs Pakistan. Etc, etc.

The United Kingdom vs Argentina, France vs Algeria, Vietnam vs France and then America..

If you rule out something like that, what kind of international opinion-giving would be allowed, if any?

Whatever is already allowed after you rule out foreign politicians campaigning for political parties during an election. Referenda should be treated basically like elections as far as norms around foreign interference are concerned, you're trying to sway voters at that point not just addressing the government.

You'll have to go further back to find out who started it. Obama campaigned against Brexit in person.

Sausages and bacon.

Our torments also may in length of time
Become our Elements, these piercing Fires As soft as now severe, our temper chang'd
Into their temper; which must needs remove
The sensible of pain.

Milton's Paradise Lost, Book 2.

This isn't direct evidence but the IRA were definitely aware of the propaganda potential of reprisals from government forces. From the Handbook for Volunteers of the Irish Republican Army - Notes on Guerrilla Warfare 1956 version:

The strategy of guerrilla warfare is to build up resistance centres throughout the occupied area and confine the enemy to the larger towns by restricting his movements and communications. In time the resistance centres are knitted together into one liberated area. After that the job is to drive him out of his supposedly safe base: and thus out of the country.
The essence of all strategy is to bring, by the use of surprise and mobility-or a combination of both-the greatest possible strength to bear at a chosen time and place. It must be ensured that the enemy does not-or is not able to-assemble Mi* strength at that point. This holds true also of guerrilla warfare. But it involves clever manoeuvre and here the skill of the commander, the organisation of his forces and his mobility, play an important role.
The guerrilla attempts to do three things:

(1) Drain the enemy's manpower and resources.
(2) Lead the resistance of the people to enemy occupation.
(3) Break down the enemy's administration.

He achieves the first by the very fact of his existence and his constant harassment of the enemy. He remembers that his own task is not to hold ground but to ensure that in time the enemy will not hold any either.
He achieves the second by remembering that the people will bear the brunt of the enemy's reprisal tactics and by inspiring them with aims of the movement. In this way they will be made tenacious and strong for in the long run it is the people who can stop the enemy: by their backing of the national movement.
And he achieves three when the enemy imposes martial law and thus recognises he can no longer rule that area in the old way. In effect he is recognising that the people no longer want him.

*Typo in the original PDF document.

The composition is fairly different, though.

For anyone interested Ireland's first experience with mass migration was with Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians and Nigerians (in order of size).

They all have Irish or British passports so the old school method of booking a holiday and never coming back probably still works.

Some of them just hop across the wall on the US-Mexico border, and there are scattered news stories of Irish people smuggling rings 1, 2.

Some of them have been in America for generations and have become very rich through life insurance scams.

This is a classic scam for Irish traveller gypsies to pull. You do a shoddy repair job then guilt or intimidate the owner into paying up before moving on to the next town.

It's well known in Ireland, I've seen news articles about this same thing happening in France and Australia and Youtube has some recent American tv news clips linking them with violent crimes and some direct recordings of travellers arguing with police etc so it looks like they've started causing trouble in the US now.

I listen to innerFrench and it has helped me a lot! It's not boring from a language learning perspective (I checked it out again today and enjoyed it), but the actual subject matter isn't that interesting beyond that. I was thinking something along the lines of a history or French politics podcast, something which would even be interesting in English.

Anyone have recommendations on podcasts in French? Trying to get some more listening hours in to learn the language.

Refugees are supposed to go to the first safe country

Is this actually a law or part of a treaty?

If stopping people arriving on boats is at the edge of the Overton window then removing people whose parents came on boats is well outside it. If you can rule out the first solution by saying it wouldn’t have solved the problem anyway then you don’t even need to refute the second, most people won’t dare discuss the implications you’ve drawn out in public so the public battle is already won for the pro-immigration side.

This is anecdotal but having worked in a couple of kitchens I've been surprised at how well veggie burgers sell. I've never tried them myself but apparently they taste pretty good.

Well the problem would be unelected bureaucrats running everything in the first place, if this is already the case then the main difference between it happening openly or behind the scenes is how likely you are to get a revolt.

If the person is qualified then I would presume they can apply for those jobs just like any other.

See to me all those cases, dress codes and nationalists, are self consciously wearing it, in direct opposition to the normal clothes they typically wear or understand as normal clothing.

I don’t know much about Scotland but I think you’re underestimating how normal nationalist and other identity based clothing can be. When someone puts on a Celtic or Rangers top in a city where you can get beaten up for walking down the wrong street in the wrong colours he’s making a statement, but football jerseys are still everyday clothing and he might put that top on once or twice a week without thinking much about it (given that it’s also normal for him not to walk down the wrong streets).

You can buy it in Ireland too.

If we're counting the distance from Newfoundland Iceland was still closer to Ireland by about 1100km. There were single battles in Ireland where more Vikings died than the total population of Greenland (6,000), it does seem like it was just easier to send more people to settle Ireland than Canada.

It raises an interesting question about how the Algonquian Indians in Canada were more able to resist viking settlement than the natives of Ireland, Russia, etc.

My first guess would be that Ireland is much closer, the Vikings raiding Ireland already had bases in Scotland and you can see parts of Scotland with the naked eye on a sunny day on the Antrim coast.

The distance would make any big setback or defeat fatal, it’s not like the Vikings in Canada could go seek refuge from Saxon kings or with the Norse in the Hebrides if they lost a battle.

and occupant safety features (seat belts, air bags, crumple zones, etc.)?

Besides thicker clothing and a better helmet wouldn't motorbikes be the same as bikes under this standard?


Unrelated but what is this spelling about? I've seen it a lot but never got the memo.

I think here it's more anti-Western elite than actual pro-Russia, certainly compared to Twitter.

I suppose why do people stan for a country that is clearly an enemy of the west/europe/america

Presumably they don't like the way the West/Europe/America is going and would like to see the current ruling institutions and elites embarrased.

and invading sovereign countries with little justification?

What counts as a justification for war is up for debate. Some people reject the moral view of diplomacy that cares about things like sovereignty and justifications and think that a view based on threats and interests is more realistic. In this view things like a trend of NATO expansion become a trigger for war even if Ukraine didn't actually join NATO or do anything to harm Russia directly, and the only way this war could have been avoided and future wars also is if Western diplomats stop looking at things in idealistic moral terms and start thinking about how to preserve the balance of power.

There is a risk of implying too much about Russia with this model, if Western leaders are all idealists their enemies must be the opposite and therefore Putin is a rational calculator right? I can see someone convincing themselves into the pro-Russia camp this way, but looking at diplomacy in terms of threats and interests means you have to be open to the possibility of people misjudging their interests and the 'Putin made a huge blunder' case has also been made here.

I don't think I've heard of visible satellites before Starlink

There are hundred of visible satellites apparently, though before seeing Starlink I had only ever seen one at a time.

I'm not sure if you could find 4 competing major cities in most countries but there are countries where the capital isn't the biggest city, for example Australia (Canberra), Brazil (Brasilia) Turkey (Ankara).

I don't know much about Spain and Germany but they're pretty decentralised so I'd expect Berlin and Madrid not to be the centre of everything.