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joined 2022 September 13 16:20:42 UTC


User ID: 1178



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User ID: 1178

I can only speak for myself though - maybe there's people who enjoy revenge so much that it makes up for the events for which they take revenge.

What is best in life?

Interesting thing about physical culture. Arnold said that there are no shortcuts. You can only get an impressive body by working for it. But arnold was full of it. You can buy steroids and speedrun to the finish line pretty much. I doubt that Jeff Bezos knows much about lifting yet he looks more jacked than you or me.

Kulak is themottes greatest son. How dare you ban him

I've been tall all my life as well. Still waiting for the heaps of women I was promised

That article by the Muslim porn star that got posted a while back

Could you find a link of that perchance

What's the books title

Do you mind posting the poem in Finnish

If you'd played quake like I did instead of doing schoolwork you'd immediately guess it means free for all

As someone whose played basketball his whole life. Coaching in sport is also mostly a scam.

Kobe "bean" bryant

I missed out on bitcoin. I'm thinking that the new weight loss drugs are going to hit it big. Even though in a few years when they discover that a major side effect is cancer and death they will go out of popularity.

Anyway, what are the parent companies whose stock I should invest it go get in on the major weight loss drugs success.

Molyneux still has his podcast. But I haven't seen anyone mention him for years. He used to be quite viral back in the day

I read on this forum some time back that there is a saying in Russia that goes "a man shouldn't be prettier than an ape"

I'm been using the saying, but turns out that it isn't super widespread. I would like to quote it in the original russian. Could some other of our resident Russians tell me how to say it in Russian.

Yes. I'm now leaning towards pedofascism.

Funny that. During the pandemic you had to show Id to get into grocery stores. And there were certain stores you were banned from altogether.

What's the evidence that women are hurt by his nonchalantness?

They're fine enough to sleep with him at least.

Less anxiety in the world is better

Somehow I don't think we're sending our best.

There's a saying in Asia for guys who go there to get laid, lah, or loser at home.

These women who are obsessed with Korean teens are I imagine women who won't be missed much back home.

What are the sequences? A book series?

The difference between men and women is that for women, seducing a man is is standing in the vicinity of said man. Smiling and being pleasant, and then waiting for the man to actually initiate. Being there is 90% of the battle won.

It's different for men. If you think that the only reason I'm not dating Gina Carano is that I haven't ran into her, then I don't know what to say.

I haven't watched the bachelor ir bachelorette, but my girlfriend watches love island. And the behaviour of the men and women there is so bizarre.

For no reason, they all profess that they're there to find "the one" and only thing they care about is love. And yet they're all the most handsome men you can find with bodycounts into the hundreds. All suddenly acting like complete simps. And I don't understand what motivates the behavior.

Usually once you break up with the one you paired up with originally you're pretty much out the game. Nobody wants to pair up with you anymore and new people aren't accepted into the OG group.

The optimal strategy seems to be to pretend to love the one you're with, and yet the women all act like huge bitches always finding fault with their man and constantly being annoying and creating drama.

  • If we believe that the things you say are true, then must we also believe that three generations of doctors and scientists are either stupid or evil? That's a high bar to clear.

I'd like to reply to this part, after 3 years of covid public health measures by all the top doctors and scientists , it's not hard to believe that the so called experts are stupid and evil

I have a counterpoint to offer. In every society women are treated much better than men and have more privileges. Yet women are overwhelmingly liberal progressive types who want to change society.

Subreddit called shitredditsays.

It was the main watering hole of the woke back in the day

For someone who hasn't made fries at home. Explain like I'm five, please.

Well we have to call them something. I would like to call them something they would self identify with. But the problem is they think of themelves as good people and not part of a group.