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joined 2025 January 13 05:09:39 UTC


User ID: 3475



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User ID: 3475

I confess to a feeling a bit of schadenfreude that Trump is decidedly not the hero that white nationalists so desperately want him to be. Between Trump's invocation of MLK during the speech, the black reverend praying for America, and the diverse military choir ushering the President out, this was a reminder that the alt-right stuff we read online has little to no bearing on what the next four years will be like.

I love America.

This is the just latest episode of Trump engaging in borderline scummy "business", like the the weird Bible he sold during the campaign. Individually, these things could be dismissed as funny gimmicks, but cumulatively they grow tiring.

I want our politicians to be serious people, and very few of them on all sides seem to be these days.

I think this exactly right. A lot of the coarse anti-Semitism you see on Twitter since Musk's acquisition doesn't have an IRL equivalent. It's not an issue that splits MAGA because core MAGA voters - white working class, poorer whites, a significant amount of Hispanics this time around - are either pro-Israel or don't think about Israel at all.

Witkoff's blunt reaction took them by surprise. He explained to them in salty English that Shabbat was of no interest to him.

So for much Jewish ethnocentrism. Interestingly, were he not Jewish, he would probably be accused of anti-Semitism.

A lot of American Jews, including the elites, are secular. I wonder if this will cause a rift between Jews in the Trump administration and their more religious Israeli counterparts.

Ah, thanks. I thought the post feature was for linking to outside essays.