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User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

In the Cyberpunk anime they show how shitty and exploitative the future is by a teenager trying to dry his clothes, but the dryer subscription service runs out so the dryer in his mom's apartment refuses to work. I'd better never have an always-online dryer or fridge looking for reasons to lock up because I haven't paid a service fee or installed updates.

Your bank could freeze your assets for being politically unacceptable.

As the wrong sort of protesters learned in Canada.

Black women already vote solidly Democrat

Black men overwhelmingly vote Democrat, but now around a quarter of them prefer Trump. This is trying to pander to them.

Imperial Japanese imagined that Americans were weak and would not choose to fight. They didn't think they were signing up for WW2.

"The war will be over by Christmas" type sentiments are common historically. People imagining quick and easy victory in which the other side doesn't choose to fight back.

"my opponent tricked the populace into voting for him, therefore I can disregard the will of the people manifest through the ballot"

And there were prominent calls for faithless electors in 2016. So this isn't even a hypothetical, it's practically the first thing some Democrats called for when faced with a Trump presidency.

I took anthropology classes in college. They loved using "more variation within racial groups than between them". They didn't cite sources for that claim. I'm rather hoping there is some sturdier basis than that 1972 paper. I would still suspect it is false, but they should at least cook up some rigorous-seeming papers to support it.

Putin clearly wanted in, was cooperative post 9/11, asked to be considered for membership

Am I misremembering or was that a single sarcastic quip by Putin and not sincerely asking for NATO membership?

The socially optimal amount of American tax dollars given to other countries is non-zero :V

Yes, and if we are to have any impact on the massively increasing slope of federal debt, then everything must give a bit. The correct amount is not zero, but in a period of wild profligacy, everything must give a bit to return to sanity.

A difference in what?

Federal debt has exploded in recent years. That's not free.

Somewhere around 1-2% of that was foreign aid

That's quite a lot. Like meme levels of spending. Stop spraying my tax dollars on other countries.

That was peak cable news comedy.

Williams showed a screen-grab of the tweet during the broadcast that read: “Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The US population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over. I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing for most people. Yet he wasted it all on ads and STILL LOST.”

Speaking in disbelief, Williams said: “When I read it tonight on social media it kind of all became clear.”

Even more embarrasingly, in the middle of reading out, the tweet remarked: “Don’t tell us if you’re ahead of us on the math.”

NYT Editorial Board Member Mara Gay then agreed: “It’s an incredible way of putting it. It’s true. It’s disturbing. It does suggest what we’re talking about here which is there’s too much money in politics.”

Tangentially, would you say that for a man to train in BJJ, or boxing, or firearms is empowering?

Yes. Also working out and becoming fit. A man's brain works better with these things.

even though they have no sexual attraction to women at all

What is old is new again. Not quite political lesbianism. But close enough.

Poor actual lesbians who want actual sexual relationships with other women rather than performative anti-man statements.

This is not just US Prohibition. Drug gang violence is a major problem. A review of murder statistics implies our high murder rates are drug gang activity. We are indeed not a nation of Japanese people and Japanese Americans are not typically imprisoned or killed over illegal drugs.

The overdose death rate increased by 2,400% between 1980 and 2020.

That is not the time window over which hard drug decriminalization occurred for a small portion of the national population. In fact that time window is so much wider that I accept this as evidence that unrelated social trends are swamping the data.

"Deaths of despair" from opiates blow up in regions across the country. Mostly in areas that certainly didn't legalize recreational fentanyl. I'm blaming something other than Oregon state law.

Dry counties have legal alcohol possession and use, they merely lack alcohol retailers.

employers can fire workers if they want

I wish. But this will have 100% opposition from union advocates.

They dealt with the Luddites eventually. By having soldiers and mercenaries shoot them and then hanging the survivors.

I'd also support some manner in which HR drones and other fake email job types got replaced with LLMs or something.

Automate the ports and fire most school administrators. If I could somehow vote for that I would.

therefore longshoremen and railroad workers are much more disposable giving them less bargaining power

And so they shouldn't be allowed to form a labor cartel gifting themselves multi-hundred-thousand dollar incomes if they are actually low skilled replaceable labor. That's just them screwing all of society for their enormous benefit.

Also he's probably actually a mobster.

A key witness in his trial was murdered and he was acquitted.

Edit: Listening to the radio right now. The host says they found that guy's body in the trunk of a car in New Jersey outside of a diner. Starting to sound like Tony Soprano may be a fictionalized version of Harold Daggett.

Might as well be a slave.

But not really.

Pay by role Some Amazon warehouse worker roles and their hourly pay include:

Warehouse associate: $21.22 per hour

Packer: $17.92 per hour

Store shopper: $17.80 per hour

Order picker: $18.65 per hour

Handler: $16.88 per hour

Fulfillment associate: $20.28 per hour

Package handler: $17.46 per hour

So not quite slaves. I won't bother looking up gig worker pay, but similarly find the comparison to slaves (which the US famously had for real) to be silly.

Housing unaffordability remains near all time highs.

unemployment has begun to rise (now 6.6%) but for 15-24 year olds its nearly 20%

Canada's total fertility rate data for 2023 came out last week and shows a big drop to 1.26

I'd say the cause and effect is clear here. If young people can't get homes or jobs, then they won't be in a position to start a family.

The responsible middle class couple has a high floor of material attainment before starting a family. Price these people out of it and they'll not start families.

That drives up the price of all goods. They are really sticking it to you and me. And also making our ports far behind the automated ports the rest of the world has.

“but what about China?”

This one is valid. If this might kill us all then we especially don't want China getting it first. I judge their likelihood of not screwing this up lower than ours. So we need it first and most even if it is playing Russian roulette.