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User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

He's imagining the sexual revolution will ruin society. But it takes a while for the consequences to set in. Like eating your next year's seed corn will ruin your farm in a few months.

I also decry murdering a jogger. No scare quotes needed on these words.

one of the protests he was involved with allegedly involved a mob forcing their way inside a hotel where a career fair including Boeing and L3Harris was being held (those companies make weapons which Israel uses, which apparently makes them persona non grata), and making the event impossible to continue through the use of "bullhorns, cymbals, pots, and pans" and chanting. He also appears to have been a ringleader in Cornell's SJP encampment.

Student visas have (hypothetically) strict rules. If a student wants to drive drunk or advocate for terrorists then they can do so in their home country. The natural default state is a particular foreigner not being allowed into the US. They have no right to be here, merely a rarely granted conditional privilege.

I understand that enforcement has been lax for quite a while. I remember in college the members of the Muslim Student Union advocating for designated terrorist organizations. A lot were foreign students. As best I know they were not deported for violating the terms of their visas. This was a failure in law enforcement.

Now in the littlest way the rules are being enforced. I say good. We give some few foreign students conditional visas, let's then enforce the rules.

I hope very much that a foreign guest student who disrupts an American career fair with defense companies gets deported. The sooner the better. They have no right to be here and can prosper opposing American defense capability in their home country.

Talk security theater. A blanket defeats that sort of razor fencing. But I suppose they have motion sensors, cameras and a neighborhood armed security team.

Yeah to add on: this actually happened in South Africa. They indeed did not experience unprecedented GPD growth. Their formerly functioning power generation and train networks are degrading. Regular power outages and lack of transportation are the new norms.

as if commuting an hour by bus is some god-awful fate rather than a normal commute in countries with public transport

I had a former coworker who worked in our Korean office. Such a cutie with a great personality. But she worked very long days and explained it takes over an hour to get from the office to her home. Poor woman had no free time. Still single in her mid thirties.

Not to be a eugenicist, but something valuable was squandered. I think somehow her great contributions to project management could be realized along with having enough time to live a life outside of work. More housing closer to work. Faster public transportation, at least if housing must be far away and many workers don't drive a personal car to work. Some combination of these things are desperately needed in Korea.

The common complaint by new urbanists types is that Americans live in single family homes and drive cars to work. But I go to other countries and my coworkers do neither of those things and are so much worse off than me.

A non-religious Mexican is equally vulnerable to gangs and cartels. They don't quiz you on Bible knowledge and statements of faith before cutting your head off. They don't target Christians. I'm calling BS.

A bleeding heart would switch the framing in the indigenous Mexicans. They are the oppressed minority. They are also almost all Christian. Google says 78% Catholic and 10% protestant. Almost exactly the same as the general population of Mexico.

I'm not Tucker Carlson, but I'd be open to accepting Christian refugees from Syria. We are overburdened with clearly false claims of asylum along the lines of "there are gangs in my South American country, so I trecked through a variety of countries until I reached the US, I will now live here forever". Getting some actual refugees fleeing ethnic and religious genocide would be a refreshing change.

I don't know if you're ignorant or simply lying to advance an agenda.

Holocaust denial is their hobby horse. They are very selectively well informed and pushing one particular agenda.

There's a quip along the lines of "no one will fight to defend this economic zone". As in a breakdown of national identity and a post-national order may have a larger downside in that people won't feel much obligation to sacrifice for it.

These refugees are in fact economic migrants who shop around for the host nation with best benefits. They are not full of British, French or German national identity and pride. For sure they won't voluntarily fight. I suppose they'd flee to avoid conscription. That's not obviously a bad thing.

Indeed, a penal brigade wouldn't be trusted with anything more than rifles. Russia currently uses forced conscription with the unwilling being forced into battlefields with rifles. Including captured Ukranians. In this conflict right now that is a valid strategy.

If the topic of discussion is conscripts being sent to fight in Eastern Europe, I don't see a great difference between forced conscripts who are ethnic locals and forced conscripts who are refugees. I don't expect anglo conscripts to have great motivation and enthusiasm for fighting in Ukraine.

Because CITIZENS will be forced to fight, and illegal migrants will not.

Yes, understood. But also, not making penal brigades of immigrants is a policy choice rather than a fact of nature. They could choose to round up listless unemployed "refugees" and send them to foreign battlefields. I understand they won't be doing this, but that's only because they choose not to.

I thought EcoHealth Alliance routed around the ban by paying the Chinese to do it.

residential water use is pretty small compared to everything else anyway

Yes. Single digit percent small. They crack down hard on people like me for no good reason. A trivial amount of water is saved.

I replaced my crappy low flow shower heads with big good ones. It is worth it.

They're personally blaming Trump for every airplane accident. So sure, they'll blame him for bird flu or some bat virus also.

I heard a news report saying that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is back at modifying bat viruses and infecting transgenic mice with human cell receptors. So the viruses infect their lung tissues just the way it would a human. We've truly learned nothing.

The Chinese government claims that COVID-19 is from the US and probably spread though American frozen seafood. So why would they be concerned about the entirely safe and blameless Wuhan Institute of Virology?

Trump was impeached the first time for temporarily delaying aid to Ukraine. Or at least threatening to in a phone call. Congress shall determine what aid is sent to Ukraine.

Not every last penny is specifically earmarked and Trump has some latitude here. But his agency is quite limited.

Why send them to Singapore? Move them directly to the US.

The founder of TSCM was educated in the US, worked in the US for decades and is a US citizen. He moved to Taiwan to start TSMC and recruited Chinese and Taiwanese Americans to join him in Taiwan. I don't see why they couldn't move back. Like the way we treat Cubans.

Russia started this with a failed attempt at a decapitation strike on the Ukrainian government. Starting from that point, I see why Zelensky doesn't want "peace in our time".

I'm on no crusade. I don't want scientific research defended. I don't know who you are arguing against with the "scientists vote Democrat" dialog, but it is not me.

I distrust much of published research due to naked bias and replication crisis. I believe American research universities and their intellectual product are much degraded and could be vastly better. This is valuable and important so it is in need of drastic intervention. I would much prefer the scalpel to the bone saw.

I would reverse the blame you are placing here. Like me you don't want scientific research defunded? Then make extra sure it isn't perverted into a staging ground for fringe progressive ideology. If so it is both untrustworthy and on the chopping block when anti-progressives have suitable will and political power.

In a ransomware attack you don't get locked out of your computers for a day. You lose access to all your data forever.

Unless as someone pointed out you have such rigorous use of offsite backups that you just revert back to the latest copy.

The CEO can track every penny. That doesn't help a ransomware situation. Pay up or have fun with all your data being permanently unaccessible.

Yeah, getting sent to an Australian immigrant detention island very far from the mainland would not be fun. Rather unlike how America deals with illegals.

Large numbers of Chinese immigrants.